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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread [ARCHIVED] Tour • Page 1519

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Yeah this doesn’t really work. It’s either “fuck them” or it’s not.
  2. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    I wear earplugs to all shows, & it's the only place I've ever been where I'm physically in pain during/after a show because it's too loud

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Reusable earplugs are one of the best investments I've ever made. Mine come in a little metal case that are on my keys and I just wash them after the show when I get home, they're so great.
    riotspray and theasteriskera like this.
  4. m32137


  5. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

    riotspray likes this.
  6. heymeg


    fuck adtr but artists still tour with them and play self help fest a decade after the allegations first surfaced and what they allegedly did was way worse than anything neck deep allegedly did, especially since neck deep at least kicked lloyd out and he was cleared by the cops after he was out of the band. a lot of people see that as some sort of accountability and an investigation into the allegations. adtr won't even admit something might have happened and I doubt most of the people in this thread would skip something with adtr on the bill and I did it for years until I realized the only person impacted by my self imposed boycott was me
  7. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I mean, I will always skip ADTR and Neck Deep shows because of what I've heard about the member(s) so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. heymeg


    glad to hear someone has integrity. idk how I feel about neck deep tbh but adtr i go, talk about the rape allegations to people I run into there and leave before they play.
  9. I mean it's not really a pissing contest. They're both abusive and bad and don't deserve a platform.
    riotspray and swboyd like this.
  10. You're still monetarily supporting ADTR and their enablers...
    Brent, ItsAndrew and alkalinexandy like this.
  11. heymeg


    I'm not emotionally equipped to walk away from the scene and going to shows, which is what that would mean when even bands like the wonder years played shows with adtr when there were already allegations. I accepted a long time ago allegations are never going to stick to adtr. I'm working on accepting that about another band that I know is guilty of grooming. they have no allegations because they're good at it. it sucks but that's just reality unfortunately.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Brent and theasteriskera like this.
  13. ...what...

    There are plenty of bands you can support that aren't abusive pieces of shit. The Wonder Years are a great example because that tour was a whole EIGHT YEARS AGO. The ADTR allegations were more or less successfully hushed up until sometime last year. No one could blame TWY for touring with them as they likely did not know and have removed people like John James Ryan from their touring crew for similar offenses.

    It also really bothers me that there's an underlying tone of comparing the abusive actions of different artists, implying that some artists should get a pass because their actions aren't quite as horrifying as others. Abuse and abuse apology have zero place in the music industry/the "scene" and if you're coming into this thread expecting sympathy you can fuck right off. Go join the r/poppunkers subreddit. You'll feel right at home.
    coleslawed and ItsAndrew like this.
  14. fbrrocks


    Boo fuck scalpers getting a btr is is like impossible gone in seconds yesterday during bands presale, then today was supposed to be livenation presale which ended up not happening and only resale ticket available with cheapest at $500
  15. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Imgur Image
    riotspray and Brent like this.
  16. fbrrocks


    For me it’s out of the way and takes longer for me to get home to ct I only go there if I have no other choice I only been there 2 times tho
  17. heymeg


    the self help fest they played was not 8 years ago but okay. I don't think adtr should get a pass. I've never seen them play and everytime I've paid to see them, it's been at a festival. I don't know how I feel about neck deep because they did kick out the person accused and didn't bring him back after he was cleared and I'll admit I did my fair share of sexting/cybering/sending pics to older band dudes when I was underaged and it probably affects my perspective on bands that are in trouble for similar behavior in general because I didn't see myself as a victim in that situation. I'm not looking for sympathy, only saying it isn't easy for everyone to just boycott popular bands touring with smaller bands they want to see, especially if they don't live in an A market city.
    theasteriskera likes this.
  18. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    There’s something incredibly on the nose about a retirement income organization sponsoring a Rolling Stones tour
  19. CTFFEMT93


    Fucking ridiculous too that John James Ryan still has a career behind the scenes working for Four Year Strong and now he fronts a Ska band out of Long Island as well.
    ItsAndrew, ArmsLikeTeeth and heymeg like this.
  20. heymeg


    meanwhile, the tumblr post about the harry corrigan allegations is deleted now so I can't even point my friends going to see regulate and no pressure to it. it's like it never happened
  21. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

  22. swboyd

    are we still lucky to be here? Prestigious

  23. riotspray

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Got a suggestion for a brand? Really hoping to find some good ones that will preserve sound quality while also protecting my ears.
    TJ Wells likes this.
  24. riotspray

    Prestigious Prestigious

  25. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Do people even still listen to this dude? These are way smaller venues than his last tour but maybe that's intentional.
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