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Tiny Things That Annoy You • Page 26

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by angrycandy, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I got All That, I’m cool with it
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  2. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious


    I'll take it lol
  3. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Your Type on the second one, also cool with it. She’s the best.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  4. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    I got "Let's be friends" from that second quiz.
    Jake W likes this.
  5. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

  6. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Supporter

    Shakriel likes this.
  7. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

  8. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    When berry seeds get stuck on your molars
  9. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Renee, ChaseTx, trevorshmevor and 5 others like this.
  10. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I got that too and it’s honestly spot on haha
  11. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole

    thought this was the name of the CRJ song you are. Figured it was b-side till my brain kicked in
  12. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    The worst, drives me crazy.
    Jake W and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  13. Renee

    dry clean only Prestigious

    The ac struggle: 68° is too cold and 69° is too warm
  14. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    my wall AC doesn't go below 72 and i'm forever sad about that
  15. Really? I think 69° is pretty nice
  16. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    trevorshmevor likes this.
  17. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I normally leave mine on 73
    supernovagirl likes this.
  18. Renee

    dry clean only Prestigious


    Last year, one of my jobs moved me from the first floor (with its own HVAC ac system AND the thermostat in my room) to the second floor and the shitty window unit doesnt get the room below 78 if I'm lucky, but usually it's more like 82. I am so fucking glad that job is on hold for the summer
  19. Renee

    dry clean only Prestigious

    And to think I was going to say "too hot"
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  20. Shakriel

    Cause I'm running low on these hours of mine Prestigious

    damn, gross.

    I miss central AC, but I don't need it aside from a month or so during the summer. usually it cools down enough by bedtime I can have my windows open and sleep comfortably. just not part of this week, so i get cranky. i need it cool or i dont sleep well.
    Renee likes this.
  21. Renee

    dry clean only Prestigious

    Sleeping in any heat or humidity is the worst, just not happening lol

    The 33.333333% chance you'll get whatever in the USB port on the first try, even though there are only 2 options!
  22. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - people who email you to do something, that they could easily do, and the fucking email asking me to do it takes longer than the task itself.

    the other day I got realllllll close to asking someone “how long did that email take? Because you wann know how long the task took?” But bit my tongue.
    Garrett, Renee, jkauf and 1 other person like this.
  23. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  24. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    when you wanna hide someone on Facebook but they never post anything of their own, all their posts are shares from someone else's page so you never really have the opportunity to
    trevorshmevor, waking season and Ken like this.
  25. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    so I take garlic in addition to my other vitamins and when you burp, it tastes like you just ate something with a lot of garlic and sometimes it's rather pleasant, but sometimes (like at 9 in the morning) it's gross af
    trevorshmevor, waking season and Ken like this.