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Tiger Army - Retrofuture (September 13, 2019) Album

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Jul 23, 2019.

  1. amorningofsleep

    No Fun. Not Ever.


    via Rise Records

  2. 333 GANG


    Very excited for this. Love this band.
  3. Argus

    Of sugar and ice I am made

    I'm curious to see what number track Eyes is. It feels like it might make a good second track, assuming they have an intro as they typically do.
  4. 333 GANG



    1. Prelude: Tercio de Muerte
    2. Beyond the Veil
    3. Last Ride
    4. Valentina
    5. The Past Will Always Be
    6. Devil that You Don’t Know
    7. Death Card
    8. Sundown
    9. Eyes of the Night
    10. Mi Amor La Luna
    11. Black Neon
    12. Night Flower
    13. Shadowlight
  5. 333 GANG


  6. 333 GANG


    Like both of these songs, but so far this record doesn’t sound anything like I expected it to.
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  7. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    The newest song is awesome.
    333 GANG likes this.
  8. I shouldn't have worried so much about this.
    Argus and AlwaysEvolving21 like this.
  9. 333 GANG


    How does it compare to V?
  10. Only on track 5 at the moment. Similar vibes.
    AlwaysEvolving21 and 333 GANG like this.
  11. 333 GANG


    Awesome. Love that record, very much looking forward to this one.
  12. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Excited for this new album.
    333 GANG likes this.
  13. Heron182


    Did it leak?
  14. Heron182


    Oh ok. You got an advance copy ? I’m excited for new tiger army
  15. Yep.

    It’s good! More thoughts next week.
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  16. Heron182


    Awesome can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. V was pretty fun and diff. I hope this one is just as good or better
  17. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Thee guys haven't put out a bad album. III took me a long time to get into, but that was mostly because of the production, especially with the bass. But other than that, I've really dug their albums. They do a good job keeping things interesting with their releases so I'm excited about this new one.

    Cool live band too. I definitely recommend seeing them.
    333 GANG likes this.
  18. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Didn't get into V but I'm enjoying the new songs
  19. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    New song on KROQ at 10:30pm pst
    333 GANG likes this.
  20. 333 GANG


    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  21. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Unless I missed something, I’m pretty sure they just played Devil That You Dont Know and not another new one. I definitely got tricked with their tweet lol.
    phaynes12 likes this.
  22. 333 GANG


    I fell asleep and didn’t tune in, but from the few comments I’ve read on their socials, that seems to be the case. I also thought it was gonna be a new song lol
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  23. Longer thoughts on the new album in this week's newsletter! Check it out if you're curious.
    AlwaysEvolving21 and 333 GANG like this.
  24. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    That has me excited. Nick is the man and it’s awesome he got a signature guitar from Gretsch!
    333 GANG likes this.