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Third Eye Blind - Our Bande Apart (September 24th, 2021) Album • Page 6

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by vidiviciveni, Jul 30, 2021.

  1. thegreatbenbino

    Be excellent to each other! Supporter

    Damn, I was still enjoying them but if you say they're washed I guess I'll stop listening...
  2. mintplusplus


    They are almost 20 years late to the trend of alt-rockers pivoting to adult NPR indie pop rock (shout out to my bros in Nada Surf) and they have done it with mixed success quality-wise but I almost give Jenkins a little extra credit for attempting that transition when the indie pop rock genre is mostly non-commercial. It makes me want to believe he actually cares somewhat about making music he thinks is good and has artistic merit, as 3EB are not going to get a huge second commercial career from releasing albums like Our Bande Apart and this stripped down, odd acoustic album.
    Damien likes this.
  3. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Nada Surf is a top 5 all timer band for me. What a band! Great dudes too. Super underrated given their tenure.
    Damien likes this.
  4. razorburn


    JimmyIymmiJ and irthesteve like this.
  5. prattsy


    Never a big To The Sea guy but I really, really liked Bande Apart and this album seems to be channeling that vibe. Could be a good one.
  6. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

  7. KyleAtGalaxy

    Regular Supporter

    That is so good.
  8. unbornwhiskey


    my favorite 3eb song ;_;
  9. prattsy


    I'm not listening to anything until full album is out, but does Red Star have a different vibe as the OG? Someone on the previous page mentioned that HIGB had a different vibe so I'm just curious if there are different variations on the classics for each song
  10. unbornwhiskey


    this is also a very different arrangement

    i like that neither of the released songs have been strictly "acoustic"
  11. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    original Red Star is sooooooooooo damn good, this version is a really cool take on it
  12. mintplusplus


    Second single has me more excited for this. I was worried every track might be a deconstruction like they did with HIGTB which would get tiring. Straight forward acoustic versions of their deeper cuts with more re-imagined takes of their overplayed mainstream singles sounds very cool.
  13. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i still need to check this out
  14. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

  15. It'saDoneDeal


    Ugh. Pretty rough compared to the original that had so much more passion and the soaring backing vocals. So far this project just feels drowsy and lifeless.
    Damien likes this.
  16. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    Like the last few TEB albums for me unfortunately.
    It'saDoneDeal likes this.
  17. razorburn


  18. KyleAtGalaxy

    Regular Supporter

    Blinded and Palm Reader sound so good. So good. I’m only two songs deep and I love it.
  19. prattsy


    First 20 seconds of Blinded I felt like he was like a half second behind the melody but by the end (right now) I was like "hell yes"
  20. After hearing a re-imagined “How’s It Gonna Be”, I’m pretty bummed that “Semi Charmed Life” didn’t get the same treatment and it’s “just” an acoustic version. Same with “Never Let You Go.”
  21. unbornwhiskey


    acoustic "faster" is utterly awesome
  22. It'saDoneDeal


    I do dig the take of Palm Reader. What Jenkins did with the chorus was so sweet and pure.
  23. Fox83


    I think I know where you’re coming from with this, but I think those songs still sound different than being straight acoustic versions. There’s some variation going on in both of those songs.
  24. unbornwhiskey


    i don't think "never let you go" or "graduate" really needed to be acoustic. those are my only notes
  25. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    This is a really great acoustic record, very impressed
    prattsy likes this.