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The Wonder Years - The Hum Goes On Forever (Sept 23rd 2022) Album • Page 6

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Carrow, Apr 22, 2022.

  1. Rawrz


    Songs fantastic as expected. Very excited to hear what else this album has in store for us.
  2. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah this is great. Feels like this album could be a good mix of everything they have done so far based on these two singles.

    Something about this feels really pretty and well constructed.

    beachdude and karcrashianpanache like this.
  3. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    I enjoyed it. Can’t wait for the new album. Hopefully a release date is soon…
  4. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    I absolutely adore Summer Clothes. Maybe it’s the timing where it’s edging closer to summer weather, but this is exactly the song I needed.
    wisdomfordebris likes this.
  5. karcrashianpanache

    hysterical and useless

    Summer Clothes feels in a similar vein to It Must Get Lonely, which I thought was the one of the best songs off Sister Cities & a great direction for them
  6. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    This is feeling like a little bit of an antidote to Sister Cities, which I know I am in need of. Sister Cities is bar none their best album to me, but it's also particularly an emotional experience for me that is unpleasant to relive by listening to it. Its' cathartic at times, but others it's just incredibly sad. I am loving the feelings so far of these 2 songs.
  7. SuddenUrgeJoey

    queer as fuck. Supporter

    Absolutely echoing this statement!
    beachdude, BigMouth and smowashere like this.
  8. 333 GANG


    Really like this song. I don’t know where Soupy’s referring to exactly, but the lyrics about the beach, the ferris wheel, and the parkway make me think of Atlantic City, where I just was for the first time last week, so this one’s hitting extra for me right now haha
  9. xapplexpiex

    sup? Supporter

    I thought the same
    karcrashianpanache likes this.
  10. nice death cab ref
    Carrow and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  11. rbsfeatures


    i like but not love the song, and similar feels for the first one. not quite hitting like it used to for me so far, but still looking forward to the album. release the details already!

    edit: the bit about the astronaut reminds me of really early TWY (Wouldn't it be cool if we were astronauts?)
  12. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I wasn't a huge fan of the song but I did notice that I liked the production. Not surprising it's Yip, I like his stuff pretty consistently across the board.
  13. Meghin

    Uhhhhhhhhhh... Supporter

    Playing The Photo Album right after listening to the song makes it even nicer.
  14. danielm123


    After a couple of listens, I think I like this one better than Oldest Daughter (although that has really grown on me as well). Definitely a different direction than I expected them to take and an unusual second single (at least for their standards), but it is a very beautiful song
  15. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Not really into this, I'm sure it'll work in context with the album but seems like an odd choice for a single

    Hope there isn't a long rollout when they announce the album since we'll already have at least 3 songs by then
  16. Still think it's out in September unfortunately
    Leftandleaving likes this.
  17. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    They still haven't updated their Twitter bio and banner, they both still reference Oldest Daughter. They also haven't tweeted about Summer Clothes being "out now" or anything like that.

    :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:
  18. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Officially I don't think they're saying anything until noon. Dan had a countdown on his Instagram story for noon today. I think if there's an album announcement with the single it happens at noon today probably?
    danielm123 likes this.
  19. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    That's what I assumed as well at this point. Guess we'll find out in 35 minutes.
  20. They did post in Instagram with no mention of the album details.

  21. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    welp, guess we're waiting another month potentially. awesome.
  22. karcrashianpanache

    hysterical and useless

    Seems extreme even for Hopeless to do another single before album announcement... But to be fair idk if either of these are true singles? I would think if they're going to drop the album announcement, there would be a more massive single along with it. This one didn't even get Radio 104.5 premiere in Philly so idk
  23. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    lol hopeless
    Joe4th likes this.
  24. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Hopeless is on my shitlist with how they've been rolling out their albums lately
  25. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Hopeless should be on everyone's shit list for a long list of reasons
    BigMouth and JoshIsMediocre like this.