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The Wonder Years/Free Throw/Spanish Love Songs/Pool Kids Tour • Page 7

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. marissalg


    Buffalo just cancelled their parades too :/
  2. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I kind of hope the Chicago date is rescheduled. Being in a crowd of 800+ people who may have the virus is scary to think about.
    Brent and pauljgreco like this.
  3. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Yup. We just cancelled our hotel for Buffalo and probably skipping the Philly date too if neither are just cancelled all together
  4. J12

    Trusted Supporter

    New York State is cancelling all events of 500 or more people effective Friday, and reducing capacity of sub 500 venues by 50%.
  5. MegT585


    There goes the Buffalo show. Wonder if it will reschedule or just cancel completely
  6. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Why have TWY not made an official statement?
  7. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Lots of moving parts. Probably waiting for more info from venues/cities/etc.
  8. J12

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, this is incredibly complicated. Live Nation just suspended all tours. They're the leader. I'd expect independent venues and bands to begin following any time now.
  9. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Because the band is only 1 of many people that have a say. They're probably trying to reschedule rather than cancel and that involves promoters, venues, agents, the band.
  10. marissalg


    Well, there’s our answer for buffalo
  11. fbrrocks


    i wonder what going to happen for ct show on the 24th cuz no info yet on it being cancelled
  12. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Apparently a few venues were called and they said the shows are still going on.
  13. fluffyjdawg


    I’m going to lose a little bit of respect for them if they don’t cancel Detroit tbh
  14. Cmoney86


    Chicago is still on for now
  15. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Really can’t see this still happening. I know it’s technically still on but if smaller shows are being cancelled then they have to cancel. It’s not right to keep the show on.
  16. Cmoney86


    My friend going just called concord and he Was told it was still happening but I do agree everything the rest of the month will not happen
  17. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Concord are so dumb for not cancelling. It’s super risky being in a crowd of 800+ people when people can have the virus and not feel any symptoms. Just a breeding ground for the virus to spread.
  18. Pritzker and Lightfoot are holding a press conference at 5:00, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a large gathering ban for Chicago in place by this weekend and it will be canceled regardless.
  19. Cmoney86


    my dad just said the govener plans to shut all major venues and events down until may 1st
  20. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    If that’s true, then the show is automatically cancelled, right?
  21. Cmoney86


    My guess is yes
  22. Staypositive83

    Trusted Supporter

    Just saw Disco Biscuits 3 night run at the same venue inPhilly was cancelled but venue reports the band made the decision which I think is odd
  23. Cmoney86


    For Illinois and Chicago effective immediately

    All sporting events to either be cancelled or played with no fans until may 1st. events with 250 or more people canceled or postponed till may 1st. Events 1000 plus to be cancelled immediately. schools will stay open but will be watched day in and day out. High school sports will prolly be cancelled as well
  24. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    So is Chicago officially cancelled? Venue nor TWY have said anything. Seems like they aren’t banning events under 1,000 people just highly discouraging them.
  25. Cmoney86


    My guess would be yes with the new guidelines in effect for the next 30 days/ may 1st. Concord holds over 250 and 1000 people