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The Wonder Years/Free Throw/Spanish Love Songs/Pool Kids Tour • Page 6

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. musiclover30039


    Is anyone planning on attending a future date of this tour and interested in the green hoodie TWY is selling in XL? I went to the Atlanta date and I was handed an XL instead of a L and didn’t realize until after the show. I tried it on yesterday and it’s way too big on me. If anyone could pick me up a L and trade me for the XL I’d be forever grateful and would pay for all shipping costs.
  2. michael_gatto


    Heading to Houston for this tonight. My first non-Philly TWY show, so excited. This lineup is so good, shows gonna be fun.
  3. michael_gatto


    Spanish Love Songs dropped off the show tonight due to the flu
  4. Maybevictor Mar 1, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 1, 2020)

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    Has anybody been to a date that starts at 8pm yet? Based on those set times posted a few pages ago, TWY won’t be done till after midnight tonight. It is gonna be a rough Monday tomorrow.
  5. Staypositive83

    Trusted Supporter

    Just noticed they are doing Brooklyn Emo Night upstairs after TWY show on the Philly date. Was hoping they would do one in the lobby for free like they did after I saw Movie Life/TEN. Still gonna go maybe there will be some guest DJ spots from some of the bands.
  6. I have an extra ticket to the Phoenix show tomorrow if anyone is interested in buying it.
  7. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    pomona tonight and LA on saturday!
  8. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    Tell Spanish Love Songs to play Buffalo, Buffalo and Joanna on Saturday while you're in Pomona tonight, please and thank you.
    DickyCullz and Tyler Williams like this.
  9. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    ok whole new album in full got it
  10. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    I mean, I'd be 100% happy with that too. I just feel that since I haven't seen them before there are so many songs I wish I could hear them play.
  11. CuttingMyFingersOff


    Alright people, lets sell these shows out so we can see the other dates on this SLS/FT/DS tour. Let's gooooooooo.
  12. Jerihoar


    TWY table did.
    Guys Named Todd likes this.
  13. blinxspot


    If anyone is on the fence about this tour, go. Spanish Love Songs stoke the show with the openers but last night was the greatest show I’ve seen from the Wonder Years and not just because it was the longest set they’ve ever done. If you’re a fan of the Wonder Years, you will regret it if you miss this tour.
  14. Anybody have two extra tickets for asbury park?
  15. theasteriskera

    Trusted Supporter

    There's a bunch on stubhub, I feel pretty confident they'll drop below face as it gets closer
  16. Staypositive83

    Trusted Supporter

    Philadelphia is discouraging large gatherings. Wondering if Fillmore will postpone shows.
  17. Jonny Sniper


    I bought tix to the philly show specifically for this, would be devastated if it was cancelled
  18. fluffyjdawg


    Honestly I’m kind of hoping my date gets rescheduled
    darkstorms139 likes this.
  19. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    I’m going to Chicago this weekend no matter what I will cry if they cancel. Just move the show to a 500 cap and do two shows so it’s under 1000 cap :-)
  20. fluffyjdawg


    My wife works with people with disabilities, a lot of who have weak immune systems. So we don’t think it’s ethical to go tbh.
  21. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, I'm thinking we'll hear more within a dsy or two about the last part of this tour. We were supposed to go to the Buffalo date (living in Central PA) and also Philly a couple days after and I'm not sure even if the shows are on that we would go to either.
  22. emojedi


    Any idea if Buffalo is getting cancelled ?
  23. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Not sure. If I hear anything I'll be sure to update here though if nobody does before me.
  24. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Not a single event here in Buffalo has been cancelled. No concerts, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, etc. No confirmed cases in Western New York so I assume it is happening unless the tour decides it not to.
  25. MegT585


    rochester just got its first confirmed case today and cancelled our parade etc. so beware: it’s coming haha
    pauljgreco and btr like this.