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The Wonder Years/Free Throw/Spanish Love Songs/Pool Kids Tour • Page 2

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Nov 18, 2019.

  1. fourstarters

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    That's my biggest gripe. The sightlines are weird and it's just a giant warehouse - it's been a while since I've been there, but I remember it being just being hot and stuffy. Pomona's kind of a trek to get to - would much rather this be at Observatory, but that's probably because it's 5 minutes from me.
    Brent likes this.
  2. HalfHearted


    Tickets have been purchased, so excited for this.
  3. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    Doing Buffalo and Philly for this. So excited.
    From PA but making the drive to Buffalo because Town Ballroom is one of my favorite venues I've ever been to.
    btr, marissalg and emojedi like this.
  4. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Similar lineup vibes to that TWY/letlive/Tiny Moving Part/Microwave tour a few years back
  5. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Xpertguy5 likes this.
  6. Xpertguy5


    2/21 Boston sold out
  7. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  8. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    Giving it a shot (hey-oh)...

    I do family/couple photography as a second job and have always wanted to shoot more bands.
  9. Xpertguy5


    New Spanish love songs album is great
  10. Staypositive83

    Trusted Supporter

    So what is the best way to get into Free Throw bc I listened to their most recent album and it didn’t stick at all. So pumped for SLS. Hoping it’s 8 acoustic and 12 electric. My thought is many of the past singles are acoustic so I hope we can some Sister Cities deep cuts during the electric pet. Still haven’t seen Ghost of Right Now or Orange Grove.
  11. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Two Beers In & Randy, I Am The Liquor
    Staypositive83 likes this.
  12. I think “Two Beers In” is the only good Free Throw song, but it’s a really good song.

    As far as the TWY set, I’ve seen them enough times that it’s only the really deep cuts I haven’t heard. Would love the NCTH title track in the acoustic portion and “Me Vs the Highway” in the electric.
    Staypositive83 likes this.
  13. BelieF


    Good job, champ or Let's get invisible. The corners dilemma off new album pretty quickly digests and becomes a bop.
    Staypositive83 likes this.
  14. Jonny Sniper


    Tail Whip, Struggle
    Randy, I Am The Liquor
    Tongue Tied
    Rinse. Repeat.
    Pallet Town

    Are my top 5 FT songs
    Staypositive83 likes this.
  15. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    They opened with NCTH on one of the tours during that cycle and it was so cool
    Staypositive83 likes this.
  16. Staypositive83

    Trusted Supporter

    I think they played NCTH on the acoustic tour but I think they will stick to the EP songs. Hoping they pass on Living Room Song. I’d be down with Highway or Won’t Be Pathetic Forever for electric.

    thanks for the Free Throw suggestions
    Jonny Sniper and pauljgreco like this.
  17. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Their two good songs lol
  18. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    Andy and I
    Jonny Sniper likes this.
  19. Jonny Sniper


    AWasteOfATime and pauljgreco like this.
  20. J12

    Trusted Supporter

    RE: Me vs. The Highway. They don't play that because the chorus is hell on Dan's voice. I requested it at a VIP session and it got picked. They played it, and he sounded great, but he said that's specifically why it's never in their sets. Said he loves the song, though.

    Also, I expect more than an 8/12 or so split. Dan has been adamant that these will be the longest sets they've ever played, song wise. Their headliners are pretty much always 19-20.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    Their acoustic sets aren't hard on Dan's voice though, really. I remember on the 2016 acoustic tour Detroit was the first stop and right before Cigs & Saints, he said, "Man, we're done and I'm not tired at all!" So that might factor into why they can go longer on this tour.
  22. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    I’ve been on the fence about getting a ticket to this tour since it was announced. I’ve enjoyed TWY since “The Upsides” dropped, but I’ve found myself listening to them less and less with each new album. I wasn’t sure if seeing TWY for the 7th or 8th time would be worth the ticket $.

    This weekend I downloaded all of the Spanish Love Songs discography on Spotify, and I’ve been listening to just that ever since. I grabbed a ticket to the LA date first thing this morning. This has now turned into a can’t miss tour for me.
    DickyCullz and theasteriskera like this.
  23. CTFFEMT93


    The new Spanish love songs album might be my album of the year already
    alkalinexandy and theasteriskera like this.
  24. cameoutswingin


    This starts tonight! If anyone going today or tomorrow can post set times that be great, I'm going to NY date on Saturday. Also looking to know how long the intermission is between the wonder years accoustic and electric sets. If anyone posts set list please use spoilers
    Jonny Sniper and pauljgreco like this.
  25. Really excited to see the setlist for this. They've mentioned pulling out some deeper cuts.