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The Story So Far - I Want To Disappear (June 21, 2024) • Page 33

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Chcurry182, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. j0nnymarrzbar


    How has no one asked which song you sang harmonies on in Proper Dose!? That's an amazing little tidbit, albeit in less than ideal circumstances. Are you able to disclose which song and which part you did harmonies on?
  2. Samuel Pura

    Regular Verified

    It’s actually a wild story. There was a moment when he asked to try a harmony. And he would refuse harmonies in the past. It was a thing where people would say to me “they need to work with a producer who can make him do harmonies” which was hilarious because it was impossible to make him do anything he didn’t want to. So anyways he tries a harmony. And it’s technically not a harmony. It’s a unison vocal melody with 2 syllables hitting the harmony. So I show him “this is the actual harmony you need to sing” and it was a “no that’s not how I wrote it I’m not going to sing it that way”

    so when he left, we all had a funny few hours where we did our best Parker impression and sang the harmony instead. Strangely what worked ODDLY well was if I pitched the song down 2 steps and sang the harmony in my best “Parker” voice… then pitch it up 2 steps. IT WOULD SOUND STRANGELY LIKE HIM.

    So that specific harmony I was mentioning. The next time he came to the studio I was like hey before you go I need you to redo that one harmony you did last time. And he said “oh shit what was it? I don’t even remember what I sang” …so I played him back MY harmony I sang and he didn’t even notice it wasn’t him and went “Ok” and then sang it and it was perfect. I did that trick a lot of times and a few times he would refuse or wouldn’t do it right or whatever so mine stayed instead.

    I’d have to comb through the audio files to point out where but the point is, when everyone was gone and I was doing mix prep and edits alone… anything that sucked got fixed. And that meant I either re-sang it or re-played it etc.
  3. j0nnymarrzbar


    I'm a harmony guy, so appreciate the response!
    sawhney[rusted]2 likes this.
  4. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    Yeah the harmonies on PD are probably my favorite aspect of the album (especially Light Year). Gives the record a more timeless and lush feel. the lack of them on IWTD really hinders it imo
    j0nnymarrzbar likes this.
  5. j0nnymarrzbar


    The harmonies at end of Proper Dose when Parker and Will are doing the "Whooooahhhhh, Whooooahhhhh, whoooooahhhhh" is GOAT tier tbh. Same with the ending of Keep This Up.
  6. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This album is really growing on me. Might be my third favourite of theirs now.
    SteveLikesMusic likes this.
  7. DyingGaslight


    That first 5 song stretch is beautiful. All this time is a big fav so far.
  8. mattylikesfilms


    Watch You Go and You’re Still in My Way are my top favorites.
    MRose24 likes this.
  9. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Having spent a little more time with this, it features some songs that I think are among their best, but it's also pretty boring / safe and doesn't really push the genres boundaries or differ as much stylistically as I was expecting it too - after such a long hiatus (and proper dose) I thought they'd come back with something a little a little more exciting / different. It also really fizzles out at the end with the last 2 tracks and it's a short album as is, and then it just drops all momentum for a couple of forgettable slow tunes. White shores picks up but I still don't like it's placement and feel it ruins a lot of the albums momentum.

    I love the ending of Nothing to Say but I'm a sucker for that half time feel. That's probably my stand out 'new' track at the moment.
    ArmsLikeTeeth likes this.
  10. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I agree, but I think I expected less out of them after losing the guitarist and producer, and I really like White Shores
  11. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    It may grow on me and I get why others would like it. I'd probably like it more a little earlier in the album.
  12. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I think the flow is good, but I could have used slightly less samey song somewhere between Letterman and White Shores
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  13. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  14. Ricky's Law

    This is a damn fine cup of coffee.

  15. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Shoulder injury, I believe.
  16. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

  17. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    j0nnymarrzbar likes this.
  18. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    Let’s go with all three

    my man is hurtin
  19. j0nnymarrzbar


    Yeah I remember reading something about nerve damage on his back?
  20. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Hip and shoulder injuries/surgeries per his Instagram
  21. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    not going back to read if this has been leaked yet but uhhhhh winter headliner with PUP and Koyo
    SteveLikesMusic and JaytotheGee like this.
  22. ChampsMusic

    North America? Tired of missing these dudes in the east coast area
  23. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    I think it’s like full US but it’s only like 3 weeks? so the majorer the market the better
  24. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    la dates at palladium 12/12-13
  25. Allhailburnzy

    Trusted Supporter

    Hoping for a Boston date especially because of Pup