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The Story So Far - I Want To Disappear (June 21, 2024) • Page 30

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Chcurry182, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. I'll have to listen to it again, but on first listen, it didn't grab me right off the bat the way that Proper Dose did. To me, it sounds like a step backwards, which I expected from them. I was never a real fan of their stuff before PD, other than a couple songs here and there, so yeah, that's kinda where I'm sitting with it. I haven't had a real urge to listen to it again. Really wish they didn't have the falling out with Sam Pura because I would have loved to hear a proper PD follow up with him.
    macbethfan and JamesMichael like this.
  2. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    The more I listen to this album the more it reminds me of NFG for some reason. I really enjoy it.

    Also, Torf is my favorite part about this album.
  3. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah a number of tracks on here are quite NFG
  4. Nothing to Say is a perfect song
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  5. Also, they were excellent on Wednesday. Really felt the energy despite being in the literal Prudential Center.

    As an aside, I made it about 4 minutes into A Day to Remember's performance before letting out an audible "nope" and calling an uber home
  6. mattylikesfilms


    That opening riff to You’re Still In My Way gives BIG time NFG vibes and I ain’t mad at it.
    ClarkGriswold and FTank like this.
  7. ChampsMusic

    damn, ADTR’s performance after TSSF was a level above. I only know 1 or 2 songs by ADTR, but I loved the show. I knew every TSSF song, but the crowd was not into it and the lackluster stage presence didn’t help.
  8. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    Not surprised that the crowd wouldn’t be into the openers. I could see a lot of TSSF/FYS fans skipping this tour since it’s a bit overpriced and both bands will most likely doing headlining tours in the fall/winter in more intimate venues.
  9. ChampsMusic

    this is very true. I am a big TSSF fan (the only new era pop punk band I keep up with) and I consider skipping this show due to price alone, but my friend that loves ADTR convinced me to go. I wouldn’t have gone otherwise. And I haven’t seen TSSF in 7 years so that’s a heavy bet to weigh. I need Proper Dose in my ears live.
  10. JamesMichael

    Software Engineer Prestigious

    How are they not playing Upside Down or If I Fall on this tour?
    Allhailburnzy and Paulms85 like this.
  11. JamesMichael

    Software Engineer Prestigious

    Understandable. I feel the same way with Sam Pura. I think the production / mixing on this is actually one of my biggest issues as there's some good songs on here but yeah, not in the same quality of Proper Dose that's for sure. I'd say the last three songs are the highlights.
    macbethfan likes this.