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The Spooky Scary Halloween Thread • Page 43

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by iCarly Rae Jepsen, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. kassie09


    Okay, I officially need to put up my Halloween decorations today and figure out a group costume!!
  2. I have three costumes. Sully for when I'm in Disney, Little Nicky for our friends' Adam Sandler group costume, and then my fiancee and I are doing flapper girl and art deco guy to hand out candy on Halloween
    trevorshmevor and ChaseTx like this.
  3. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    We had already bought 5 pumpkins before October 1st.

    None of them are even carvers so I'm afraid of what the end total will be.
  4. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I bought a big green pumpkin last year thinking it would make a cool jack o lantern but I quickly learned you can't carve just any pumpkin
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  5. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  6. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    ChaseTx, jkauf, Daniel and 1 other person like this.
  7. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    chewbacca110 likes this.
  8. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Chicago Costume rules!
  9. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    oakhurst and ghostedaway like this.
  10. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious


    Somebody tell me what this is.
  11. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    It's one of those choose your own adventure things like Bandersnatch where New Day goes to Undertakers house and tries to steal his urn.

    It's pretty terrible and ridiculous.
    David87 likes this.
  12. AelNire

    @RiotGrlErin Prestigious

    ChrisCantWrite, gonz (Alex) and Kiana like this.
  13. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

  14. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Bought a bag of assorted snack size Halloween shaped Reese’s (pumpkin, bat, and ghost)
  15. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    My cousin asked if now is too early to think of costumes. I responded with "lol, no"

    especially her since she tends to make her own costumes. My best costumes have been thought of early enough that I can take my time acquiring the right pieces.
    Daniel likes this.
  16. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm making a spoopy scarecrow and have been since about July. Never too early!
    The Emologist and Daniel like this.
  17. The Emologist


    It’s officially spooky sZn in my book.. started some light decor outside today.
  18. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    Looks awesome!
    The Emologist likes this.
  19. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    This is the guy I'm working on. It's huge, almost 7.5 ft tall. Some minor details still need to be done. Adding goopy string between the face and pumpkin in his hand so it looks like pumpkin guts from ripping the front off. Maybe some more plants coming out of his ribs, etc. Gotta attach the head so it's looking at you and not away. But it's coming out good!

    EDIT: Fans of HHN in Orlando will appreciate my little Easter egg. @Matt

    JoshIsMediocre, Barresi, Joe and 7 others like this.
  20. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    there he is!
  21. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

  22. The Emologist


    ...corn syrup... the same stuff they used for pig's blood in Carrie..

    Haha yea just corn syrup and went heavy on red food coloring drops. Then I blew the syrup out through a straw to get the desired distribution.
  23. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    I've never used that before. How's it hold up outside?
  24. The Emologist


    Eh...not so great. I've had success using it on cloth before, even when exposed to the elements, but it's not sticking to the plastic. Back to the drawing board.
  25. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    It's tedious, but I've used hot glue/paint before. I just liked how liquidly and shiny yours was.
    The Emologist likes this.