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The Scream Franchise • Page 106

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by therookielot, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. trevorshmevor Mar 12, 2024
    (Last edited: Mar 12, 2024)
    I’m honestly not that surprised by Neve getting on board, all things considered. But I’m really curious to see what Courtney does here
  2. Honestly, good for her, she didn't return in 6 because she wasn't offered enough, at least she knows her worth

    But also fuck Spyglass. Melissa (and Jenna) should be brought back
  3. Eh, I never felt that bad for her considering a low offer for Scream VI was probably more than I will make as individual in at least a third of my lifetime, conservatively. Wish she would be more conscientious of the way that same company just fucked over her costar from the fifth film.
    Orla and imthegrimace like this.
  4. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    Neve dropped off 6 cause of pay disputes hinting that women need equal pay. No one boycotted that one.
  5. Like, yeah, I'm happy she's getting paid more, but I'm probably not gonna go see it unless the others come back
  6. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I just can’t imagine successfully establishing the Core Four across two movies, getting one of the hottest younger actors out there and Christopher Landon and screwing all of that up. A world class bag fumble that not even Neve Campbell returning can make up for.
    Orla, TEGCRocco, shea and 7 others like this.
  7. I'm not even saying I won't watch it because of course I'm morbidly curious, but I can definitely say I won't willingly or knowingly give Spyglass any money for the foreseeable future, which means I definitely won't catch it (or any of their productions) in theaters
  8. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Yeah, I’ll watch it whenever it hits streaming. Not gonna catch it in theatres
    SuddenUrgeJoey likes this.
  9. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Spy glass can’t be dumb enough to actually make a 7th film without the core 4. I refuse to believe it. Core 4 has to be in it.
  10. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    They really fucked up calling them the “core four” only to immediately have to pivot, especially when they should’ve died in the last one but they miraculously lived.

    This one is gonna be a mess.

    But as soon as Spyglass sells the rights I can pitch my sequel with 100 Ghostface’s in a cult.
  11. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    I don’t see any possible way they’d get Berrera or Ortega back for this sequel. They could have taken any number of steps that didn’t involve firing a principal cast member. They fucked themselves.

    I’m just gonna consider this movie a mulligan. Williamson directing has absolutely no appeal whatsoever.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  12. The Emologist


    Film’s cursed, but I’m here for Neve and Kevin.
  13. SuddenUrgeJoey

    queer as fuck. Supporter

    I won’t speak for anyone else, but I didn’t boycott 6 because we didn’t know what the specific pay discrepancies were—for all we know, Neve was offered the same amount as Melissa & Jenna and wasn’t thrilled about that. However, we do know that Melissa was fired for speaking out against genocide, and that’s why I am boycotting 7.
    Orla, solxace, Aaron Mook and 3 others like this.
  14. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Contender and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  15. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    Orla, Zilla, incognitojones and 7 others like this.
  16. Damn. That quote about the cast getting together to play board games makes me both really happy and really sad.
  17. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    So they’re definitely going to act like Scream and Scream VI didn’t happen now, right?

    Calling it now, they’ll title this Scream 5.

  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  19. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    Ahh fair, I clearly didn’t remember VI enough to realize she didn’t die.
  20. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Tbf, I think her survival was just a one line thing at the end when Mindy popped back up.
  21. I could see 7 branching off into a separate storyline focusing on Sydney and Gale before returning to the core four in 8 to finish off the planned trilogy, but that's only if they do everything necessary to get Melissa and Jenna back. Until then, fuck Spyglass.
    Orla, Zilla, incognitojones and 2 others like this.
  22. I was honestly okay with--even excited for-- Christopher Landon to take over, but it feels icky that he was only asked because Radio Silence couldn't do the next installment and their own film; poor guy got dealt a pretty bad hand when the shit with Melissa went down, good on him for stepping out. I don't think I'll personally hold it against Neve and Courtney for being involved, I just probably won't see it in theaters.
    SuddenUrgeJoey likes this.
  23. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    Yea I would agree with this. Maybe core four come back for 8. All casts (OG and core four) return for 9 and end it all.
    SuddenUrgeJoey likes this.
  24. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    I really can’t wait for Abigail, though.
    SuddenUrgeJoey likes this.
  25. Morrissey


    Doesn't a "core four" kind of ruin the anticipation of who is in danger and who isn't?
    jkauf likes this.