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The Scream Franchise • Page 103

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by therookielot, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. SuddenUrgeJoey

    queer as fuck. Supporter

    SpyGlass, hand the rights over to Aaron and we'll get his script made
  2. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    They could easily get Jenna back if Melissa comes back. Just postpone filming to 2025, which looks like will be the case anyways since they have to find a new director now.
    ghostedaway and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  3. Been working on it, feel like this thread will hate it lmao
    ghostedaway likes this.
  4. The Emologist


    0% chance buddy.
    Aaron Mook and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  5. SuddenUrgeJoey

    queer as fuck. Supporter

    Not a chance!
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  6. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    I must read it
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  7. The Emologist


    I’m gonna send it directly to Kevin Williamson.
  8. Flying back home from vacation today, I have to finish reading @incognitojones ' script and then I will try to finish a treatment to post in here lol
  9. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    Mine isn’t a Scream script but maybe I’ll do one next.

    or a Scary Movie script.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  10. The Emologist


    I’m not in for a script but I’d be down to draft a treatment.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  11. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

  12. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Off the top rope
    The Emologist, chewbacca110 and shea like this.
  13. The Emologist Jan 16, 2024
    (Last edited: Jan 16, 2024)
    The Emologist


    Just started Scream 2. Fucking top tier sequel right here. Plus, Olyphant being dreamy af.
  14. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    chewbacca110 and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  15. shea

    RIP Supporter

    Man I hope they can make shit right with the cast and get this thing done.
    jkauf, digitalsea and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  16. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Orla, Zilla, digitalsea and 4 others like this.
  17. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  18. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    justin., jkauf, shea and 3 others like this.
  19. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Seeing the OG on the big screen tonight
    Zilla, a nice person, shea and 6 others like this.
  20. a nice person

    Trusted Prestigious

    I’m seeing rumors that Robert Rodriguez is slated to be hired to direct Scream 7
  21. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Please god no
    youll be fine likes this.
  22. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    John Hyams is also rumored if they’re trying to attach Williamson. The two worked on Sick together, so it would make sense.
  23. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Personally think he’s awful or at least now he is. And I just feel like he has more crap to his credits than good. I know I’m probably in the minority, but he’s just not someone I want attached to a Scream movie.
    Zilla and youll be fine like this.
  24. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    Please forgive me for my transgression everyone, but this is gonna be my hot take lol
    Zilla likes this.