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The Parenting Thread • Page 172

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Fucking Dustin, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    If I had a dollar for every time someone posted in the Ring app "did anyone else hear gunshots?" and it turns out to not be gun shots I'd have a lot of dollars.
  2. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I'd say let him sleepover and give the parents a heads up. Also, a 9-year-old still wetting the bed isn't that abnormal. I'm sure the parents wouldn't be surprised if one of the kids wet the bed.

    Also, I think they sell night-time pull-up for kids up to like, 90 pounds. So maybe get him one of those to wear that night just in case.
  3. JordanTheGirl420420


    He wears the Goodnites pull-ups to bed nightly, and that's what he wants to avoid his friends seeing. The struggle of the unpredictable nature of a sleepover lol. But right now the plan is to talk with him when he gets home and we'll do whatever he's more comfortable with.
    Albe and ncarrab like this.
  4. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    “Fireworks or gunshots???” Almost daily
    Albe, Aaron Mook and ncarrab like this.
  5. JordanTheGirl420420


    My favorite on my town's facebook group is "Do you know why there's police at this house?"
  6. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I live in the most suburban neighborhood possible - tons of young families with a lot of kids in a generally safe area.

    Years ago, a girl I went to high school with bought a house in our neighborhood. Single with no kids (her HS sweetheart died of a drug overdose in 2011). While living in our neighborhood, she started dating a literal criminal crack head and they were selling drugs out of their home. It was scary as fuck because we'd have drug addicts getting high at their house constantly and then they'd start roaming through the neighborhood high out of their minds. My neighbors once told me they saw a bunch of people crawling around on their driveway scratching the cement. Other times, people were passing out in our common area in the neighborhood.

    We were all calling the cops daily. Her boyfriend was constantly in and out of jail, I emailed the judge and the police chief asking why this guy kept getting released despite having 30+ trafficking, drug and criminal charges and that he was causing havoc in our neighborhood. (police chief responded scorching the judge for not giving him more serious sentences).

    It all ended in 2020 when cops finally raided the house and the boyfriend locked himself in the bathroom for hours. Our neighborhood was completely shutdown with SWAT team and snipers all over the place, knocking on people's homes telling everyone to stay inside and get in their basement. It was like a movie. Shortly after that happened, she finally sold the house.

    TL;DR - crime is everywhere.
  7. Albe


    mine is "someone's dog pooped on my lawn, can you identify the culprit?"
  8. JordanTheGirl420420


    Update: We had a good chat and I’m just gonna pick him up late tomorrow night. Told him I’ll be up so when everyone is starting to crash to just text me.
  9. Taketimeandfind


    In San Antonio though, it’s gunshots.

    The Nextdoor post that I hate 5 times a day is “be careful, a person was riding a bike through the neighborhood so they must be casing the area” as if riding a bike is the most heinous crime in the world
    theagentcoma and Colby Searcy like this.
  10. noisyneighbour


    you’re a great parent. glad he’s going to be able to still go and enjoy.
  11. JordanTheGirl420420


    Im gonna cry, thank you :’)
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  12. JordanTheGirl420420


    Paint swatch family guy meme
  13. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    that doesn't make me feel better!!!!!!!!!

    for real though we might move to like Live Oak or something
  14. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

  15. Ivan has had influenza a all week which stinks
    JordanTheGirl420420 and Albe like this.
  16. Albe


    the morning wake up time is trending earlier and earlier this week.
    JordanTheGirl420420 likes this.
  17. JordanTheGirl420420


    How old? I promise it does get better! For me the worst age was like 3-4, when they’d be able to get themself out of bed, make their way into my room at like 4:30am with the energy of a coked up business executive.
    Colby Searcy and Albe like this.
  18. phaynes12 Prestigious

    it isn’t great. hope the lil guy gets better soon
    Drew Beringer likes this.
  19. Albe


    lol coked up business executive. she’s nine months and a week or so
    JordanTheGirl420420 likes this.
  20. JordanTheGirl420420


    Aww. Well I’m sure you’ve heard the “enjoy it because one day you’ll miss it” but before you know it you’ll be prying them out of bed to get ready for school and the phrase “I’m getting up one minute” will trigger the heck out of you haha
    Colby Searcy and Albe like this.
  21. Albe


    yeah... i was thinking this morning about that thrift store wisdom saying "one day you wake up and they're adults". it's not so bad. she's a real cutie.
  22. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    little dude slept through the night for the first time! midnight to just after 8.
  23. MGAdams


    What a feeling! Congrats
  24. JordanTheGirl420420


  25. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    little guy went poop on the potty for the first time yesterday! unreal.