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The Offspring Announce New Album

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 7, 2024.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    The Offspring will release Supercharged on October 11th. Today they’ve shared the lead single “Make it All Right.”

    The new single, “Make It All Right” comes hot out of the gate in legendary Offspring fashion-but lyrically talks about how it feels to have your “partner in crime” by your side. 
    In talking about the track and the upcoming release of SUPERCHARGED frontman Dexter Holland said: “We wanted this record to have pure energy - from the start to the finish! That’s why we called it SUPERCHARGED. From the height of our aspirations to the depths of our struggles, we talk about it all on this record…in a way that celebrates the life that we share and where we are now. Our single “Make It All Right” is a great example of this because it talks about the people in our lives who make us feel strong when we are feeling low – our partners in crime who make us feel all right. The album was recorded in three different locations this time around: Maui, Vancouver, and our home studio in Huntington Beach, and together with our producer Bob Rock everything came out awesome. I feel like this is the best we have ever sounded! We’ve been rocking out and headbanging to it for months! And we can’t wait for you guys to hear it!” 
    The Offspring have sold over 45 million albums worldwide, have released over ten studio albums and have toured relentlessly around the globe. They are widely considered to be the iconic innovators of the southern California punk rock sound. The Offspring's current line up consists of lead vocalist Dexter Holland, lead guitarist Noodles, bassist Todd Morse, drummer Brandon Pertzborn and percussionist Jonah Nimoy.

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  2. SuNDaYSTaR

    Regular Prestigious

  3. Former Planets


    This song is pretty much “All the small things” 25 years later
  4. Bayside 182

    Wolverine Supporter

    good call.......since they've been around for over 30 years and I like them I'll give them a pass
  5. Former Planets


    I didn’t say I won’t still be listening to whatever they do haha
    Bayside 182 likes this.
  6. sblackburn


    This is NOTHING like ATST lol wut?
  7. Rustash


    Oh yikes. I know Pete couldn't vaccinate for health reasons but....yikes.
  8. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Vocals are suuuuuuper nasally
  9. Former Planets


    The wordless chorus, the bridge build up, the super saccharine melody, it’s way closer to small things than anything offspring has done