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The National - Sleep Well Beast (September 8, 2017) Album • Page 51

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Matt, May 10, 2017.

  1. Signifire

    Headphones blaring three stacks Prestigious

    "If I die this instant, taken from the distance, they would probably list it down among the other things 'round town"

    Love how he delivers such a heavy line like that in such a nonchalant way. I think Humiliation and Pink Rabbits are my favorites.
  2. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    I Should Live in Salt, fam
    radiodead and SteveLikesMusic like this.
  3. Kyle is hk

    Not Kyle Shanahan Prestigious

    Afraid of Everything was the song that got me into the National after i saw them play it on Letterman. Then I downloaded High Violet and Boxer. A few High Violet songs clicked with me write away, but I though Boxer was a bunch of boring mumbling. Now Boxer is easily my favorite album of all time.
  4. Kyle is hk

    Not Kyle Shanahan Prestigious

    Don't Swallow the Cap, Hard to Find, and Pink Rabbit are the cream of the TWFM crop.
    EmmanuelSCastle and zmtr like this.
  5. Deathco_019


    My favorites from TWFM over time have been Don't Swallow The Cap, Graceless, Slipped, I Need My Girl, and Hard To Find. Those songs fuck me up real good
  6. some wild opinions about Trouble Will Find Me in here
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  7. radiodead


    I Should Live in Salt is one of my all timers by this bands

    However Boxer is still the GOAT The National record. No other opinion will suffice. The best Boxer songs lay waste to the rest of their disco.
    Surfwax and Kyle is hk like this.
  8. Nick

    @fangclubb Prestigious

    Carin at the Liquor Store kills me.
  9. LWS likes this.
  10. The best High Violet songs maybe. But even then, nah.
    Kyle is hk likes this.
  11. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    End run on Alligator begs to differ but beyond that nothing comes close
  12. lolfpcmlol


    It doesn't matter how many times I listen to this band, I just can't get into them. They are so incredibly depressing in every aspect of their sound, that it honestly makes me uncomfortable to listen to them. I don't find it beautiful, or haunting, i just find it draining and unpleasant. I just don't get how popular they are. They should be a niche band for extremely depressed individuals.
  13. They should be. Instead they are the greatest rock band in the world.
  14. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    A niche band for extremely depressed individuals? That is a... weird statement.
    Joe4th likes this.
  15. lolfpcmlol Sep 14, 2017
    (Last edited: Sep 14, 2017)


    They are just unpleasantly depressing that I can't imagine anyone who's not in a constant state of self loathing listening to them and enjoying them. Therefore I'd expect their fan base to be a lot smaller than it actually is.

    I find that their music is best suited for long nights in the car (while the car is running in a closed garage).

    EDIT: Sorry about the above. I'm not going to delete it but point taken Mr. Moderator.
  16. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    Ehhhhhh see I don't like that last sentence at all. Are you implying that fans of The National are/should be mentally ill? I get that you're probably being hyperbolic, but it still doesn't sit right with me. There are many, many bands talked about on this site with dark and morose lyrics that many people enjoy a great deal. I also think you're overstating just how dark The National really is, because songs like Anyone's Ghost, The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness, I Need My Girl, and Mistaken For Strangers (just to name a few) all fit pretty well within the realm of popular indie rock.
    Signifire, zmtr, OotyPa and 1 other person like this.
  17. lolfpcmlol


    In a joking way, I am implying that I feel you have to be a little bit off to find enjoyment in their bleakness. Every aspect of their sound, is just so dark and depressing. It honestly makes me uncomfortable to listen to. From his deep monotone voice, to their overall song structure, every time I try to listen to them, I honestly have to turn it off after 4 or 5 songs. I don't enjoy feeling sad, and I can't listen to this band without starting to feel a little bleak. I have a pretty good life and 20 minutes of their music makes me question everything. They are known as a depressing band, so I am imagine i'm not alone in getting that feeling from their music. So my question is, why do so many people enjoy that? I've heard explanations that their music is beautiful and haunting etc. but I don't get any of that.
  18. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    I think they have a real lot of music that isn't very depressing. Abel, Mr. November, Fake Empire, All the Wine, England, Graceless...not always lyrically, but musically that's some uplifting shit
    angrycandy likes this.
  19. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    You're thinking way too much about how depressing it is. Cant imagine how you feel listening to Radiohead or Sun Kil Moon or something. Seriously not ALL of their songs are like that (check out Alligator for a more upbeat album by them)-- and the ones that are sad, they tap into an emotional space that's difficult to articulate. Matt's voice is deep but not monotone-- its just his voice, and a damn good one at that. The music isn't that dark to me. I'd sooner call it sweeping and moody, but not really dark. Idk man... to me it just sounds like youre writing them off based on their reputation as being depressing.
    Signifire, ImAMetaphor and lolfpcmlol like this.
  20. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fuck off with this shit. It's not funny at all.
  21. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Why would you report a post calling out your own terrible post? C'mon man.
  22. lolfpcmlol


    There's a report button FYI that you can use instead of the harsh language (OUCH!), and the moderators already let me know. Sorry you were offended, I will keep the jokes about serious subjects out of my complaints.
  23. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I think the band is probably just not for you. I don't know how to explain what draws me to them because my experience with their music is going to be unique from any other person's. I think we all like the bands we like for different reasons, so i don't know how to convince someone why any given band has merit. I think their music can actually be very uplifting at times, even paired with the dark and "depressing" lyrics. I enjoy the juxtaposition. I also do think there is a beauty to what they do. Beyond that, I don't know. They just connect with me. It's hard to be more specific than that.
    lolfpcmlol likes this.
  24. "sorry you were offended" is a shitty way to apologize
  25. lolfpcmlol


    I chose my words carefully :)