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The Metal Thread Genre • Page 362

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Jon


    My take on the matter
    Richter915 likes this.
  2. Nate_Johnson Apr 20, 2019
    (Last edited: Apr 20, 2019)

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I think metalcore is such a huge umbrella term it depends. If we are talking OM&M, etc. then absolutely but if we are talking Converge, etc., no way.
  3. inspectorkemp

    a literal succubitch

    Yeah, metalcore has kind of been around long enough that it's developed numerous different styles over the years, I would argue just as much as something like death metal has. Deathcore is reaching that point too (Shadow Of Intent sounds nothing like Spite who sound nothing like old Suicide Silence who sound nothing like Beneath The Massacre who sound nothing like Ingested, and so on).
    Nate_Johnson and Richter915 like this.
  4. Horrorca


    what’s the good deathcore tho?
    inspectorkemp likes this.
  5. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Venom Prison
    riotspray likes this.
  6. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    They are so much more than that. Let’s not insult them.
    riotspray and theagentcoma like this.
  7. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Then I'd say the same thing about calling Converge metalcore. Venom Prison mix Death Metal and hardcore which is what deathcore is supposed to be. If all deathcore sounded this good I'd LOVE deathcore.
    riotspray and KidLightning like this.
  8. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

  9. inspectorkemp Apr 20, 2019
    (Last edited: Apr 20, 2019)

    a literal succubitch

    I'm so glad you asked! Kind of depends on what you're into - I'll throw out a number of different rec types.

    If you like your deathcore super beatdown-y, hardcore-influenced and TUFF, then go for Traitors (some of the knuckle-draggingest, slowest, most primal shit I've ever heard - start with their album The Hate Campaign), Spite, The Acacia Strain (they have the bonus of having great lyrics), and Falsifier.

    If you like your deathcore with technical and symphonic elements, try Shadow Of Intent. No band out there that's like them right now, and they have great riffs, great solos, great lyrics, and catchy melodies all at once. I'd also mention Aversions Crown under this mantle too, actually. Make Them Suffer has sad symphonic elements too (start with Neverbloom).

    If you like suuuuper technical shit, then try Rings Of Saturn, Beneath the Massacre, The Faceless, Depths of Hatred, and Fallujah.

    If you like stuff that toes the line of exiting the realm of deathcore into something all its own, then try the newest Black Tongue record, Despised Icon, The Contortionist, Humanity's Last Breath, Lorna Shore, Slice the Cake (very proggy) and Job For A Cowboy's newer works.

    If you're just looking for the "best of" of the stock-standard deathcore bands, then go for Thy Art Is Murder (AKA deathcore but they really like Behemoth), Fit For An Autopsy (AKA deathcore but they really like Gojira), Angelmaker, Through the Eyes Of the Dead, Carnifex (AKA deathcore that's thinking really hard about black metal), Slaughter to Prevail (Russian deathcore with an INCREDIBLE vocalist), The Last Ten Seconds of Life, and more. I could really go on. A Night In Texas, So This Is Suffering, Signs of the Swarm, Until We Die, Gravemind, Hollow Prophet, Enterprise Earth...

    This is probably extremely overwhelming but I hope at least one of these mentions was helpful, lmao.
    Richter915 and Nate_Johnson like this.
  10. atlas


    indeed it does. this is my fav so far I think. that riff is just spinebusting

    Richter915 likes this.
  11. Horrorca


    wow thx!!

    I like some songs of some of those bands but will explore yr list!! Carnifex sounds fun
    inspectorkemp and Richter915 like this.
  12. Horrorca


    Richter915 and Jake W like this.
  13. Richter915

    Trusted Prestigious

    Pin this post.
    inspectorkemp and Nate_Johnson like this.
  14. Richter915

    Trusted Prestigious

    I would also recommend carnifex.

    Job for a cowboy's doom EP was my intro to deathcore. I gradually ventured into other bands like all shall perish, beneath the massacre, and through the eyes of the dead.
    inspectorkemp and Nate_Johnson like this.
  15. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Yo I used to jam Impending Doom back in the day. They had some intense bass drops/breakdowns.

    Also does anyone remember when Job For A Cowboy dropped the deathcore act and released a pretty good tech death album?

  16. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    Remember the last thy art is murder album being decent although I hardly went back to it
    Richter915 likes this.
  17. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

    All Shall Perish
    theagentcoma and Richter915 like this.
  18. Jon


    So I went and indeed got some goodies!

    I copped:
    Sabbat Disembody Olive Green Longsleeve Shirt, a Sabbat tape, a Perverted Ceremony Tape, As well as an LP from Jyotisavedanga, Death Karma, Candelabrum and Knelt Rote each!
  19. riotspray

    Trusted Prestigious

    This has been out for almost a month and I'm just now seeing it?!?!?!

    Cameron likes this.
  20. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Holy fuck I need to watch that
    riotspray likes this.
  21. DarkHotline

    Proud To Bathe With A Rag On A Stick Prestigious

    It’s a shame that lineup didn’t continue on
    theagentcoma likes this.

  22. Feeling nostalgic. For some reason, I've never been able to fully get into another of those djent bands. I'm not even sure that term even existed when they released that album.
    Joe and Richter915 like this.
  23. Richter915

    Trusted Prestigious

    Oh ya I'm digging this, feels like the ATB of old.

    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  24. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    I’ve liked quite a few bands on the label: After the Burial, Veil of Maya, Born of Osiris and Animals as Leaders.
    Richter915 likes this.
  25. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    didn't Darkest Hour release their terrible self-titled album on Sumerian?
    swboyd and Nate_Johnson like this.