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The Menzingers Band • Page 19

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by CoffeeEyes17, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Seeing these boys tomorrow
    RobJGolde likes this.
  2. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

  3. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

    I was thinking/hoping the same thing
    waking season likes this.
  4. Aj LaGambina

    Hey man, we all can't be like you Supporter

    Is there an actual recorded version of Beako’s “Casey?” I’ve always wanted to hear it and my searching has turned up nothing.
  5. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

    Their latest IG post seems to imply that they'll be playing before Frank Turner, and Lucero will take the shorter set.
    waking season likes this.
  6. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I really hope they’re direct support tonight. Can’t wait for the show.
  7. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

    Side-note, I'm seeing that Frank Turner's been closing his sets with the Songbook-version of "Polaroid Picture"...not sure how I feel about it. The original version is waaaay better. Otherwise, his setlist has been pretty good
  8. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    All the Frightened Rabbit between sets is a really cool touch but it’s got me all emotional
    RobJGolde likes this.
  9. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

    Menzos played before Frank last night, which was awesome. Greg’a amp was having issues most of the set though. They sounded great regardless. “Toy Soldier” is fun live.
    JaytotheGee likes this.
  10. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Maybe they should just bump them to direct support for the rest of the tour :beer:
    pauljgreco likes this.
  11. johnnyferris

    Sic Parvis Magna Prestigious

    I absolutely love the Songbook “Polaroid Picture” so I am okay with this.
    RobJGolde likes this.
  12. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

    I didn't get to hear this as a closer (I was hoping it would grow on me hearing it live), my gf and I left after "Photosynthesis" b/c she wasn't feeling well. The new songs all sound much better in a live setting than on record though. He played:
    Little Changes
    Brave Face
    Be More Kind
    and Blackout

    Aside from his typical set staples, it was really cool to hear “Father’s Day” “Tattoos” and “St. Christopher’s Coming Home” as well.
    johnnyferris likes this.
  13. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wow even with the extended set and bump up to direct they didn't play In Remission very wild
    RobJGolde likes this.
  14. RobJGolde

    Wrecked 'em? Damn near killed 'em!

    Yeah that was kinda weird
  15. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I was honestly kind of happy about it. It’s a good song but it’s never been one of my favorites.
  16. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    I mean, In Remission is objectively one of the best set closers ever.
    SamLevi11 and JaytotheGee like this.
  17. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    Yeah but they added Mexican Guitars so amazingly still an upgrade.
    waking season and RobJGolde like this.
  18. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    2 weeks until I finally get to see these guys.
  19. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah it's perfect
  20. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    they played In Remisson at Gov Ball oddly enough
  21. LessThanTrevor

    Trusted Prestigious

    Just saw them in Orlando tonight. They announced that they're playing FEST this year. Don't know if this is new to the set - but they also played Toy Soldier.
    RobJGolde likes this.
  22. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    They are coming back to the UK in August just before my birthday but tickets are £30 and I don't like the supports (last time we had PUP and Cayetana, this time Ladwagon and the Flatliners are support). Bummed.
  23. MexicanGuitars

    Chorus’ Expert on OTIP Track #8 Supporter

    But the Flats are dope!

    Also never have listened to Lagwagon really but I should
    JaytotheGee likes this.
  24. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    Lagwagon, Menz, and Flats is an absolute awesome lineup. I would be at that show in a heartbeat.
    RedDotRecording likes this.
  25. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Eh I don't like Ladwagon and I haven't ever really listened to The Flatliners, and for that price I won't be able to convince my friends.