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The Maine - XOXO: From Love and Anxiety In Real Time (July 9, 2021) Album • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Anthony_, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    man I can’t believe how far this band has come since the MySpace days, I remember setting The Way We Talk as my profile song back in ‘07 when the EP was about to come out
  2. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    Can’t believe how good that was. Damn.
  3. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    One of their best and most underrated tracks IMO
  4. Pepetito

    Trusted Supporter

    Got into them with that song as well.
  5. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    decided to listen to this after seeing the middling responses. song is okay, not as good as anything on lll, but I don't dislike it like I did the singles from the last one
  6. JamesMichael Mar 21, 2021
    (Last edited: Mar 21, 2021)

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    I listened to the stream during a workout and I loved it!

    Also really digging the new song clips.

    Man, I love this band.
    iiiii623498 likes this.
  7. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    yeah all the snippets from that pre-stream mini documentary sounded incredible, this record is going to be a major vibe
    Matt Metzler and JamesMichael like this.
  8. Contender

    Goodness is Nowhere Supporter

    haven’t listened to the song in over a day, but let me tell you what this is an ear worm. the chorus continues to be stuck in my head.
    meggers and JamesMichael like this.
  9. Matt Who

    Trusted Prestigious

    Do any of you all ever listen to the instrumental versions of these albums? Listening to the instrumental of “One Sunset” really shows how wild that song is, the synths in particular. I love it.

  10. seanxwilliams

    If you don't, don't

    Just a heads up the UK/EU store is now up via Impericon:

    The Maine
  11. mattylikesfilms


    Ice Cave is easily one of my favorite Maine songs of all time.
    earthlight likes this.
  12. mattylikesfilms


    Sticky feels half baked or a b-side IMO.
    Brent likes this.
  13. jackyjackyjack


    Great stream but with so many albums I think the band should do a few deeper cuts. I've seen them live loads of times but it's pretty much the same with only ever a few surprises
  14. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    wow they recreated this pic haha
  15. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Pat is seriously taking some of that Paul Rudd anti-aging juice
    meggers likes this.
  16. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    Loving the recreation of their classic photo. Wild to see how far these guys have come.
    beachdude, smowashere and Anthony_ like this.
  17. meggers


    I think it was mentioned on Pillar, they were going for a greatest hits vibe for this past stream. I totally agree though, I’d love to hear some deeper cuts. I feel like they did a decent job of it on The Mirror Tour.
  18. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Know what I somehow forgot about? Kennedy Curse. That's a great song.
    ArmsLikeTeeth likes this.
  19. Pepetito

    Trusted Supporter

    yes it is.
    Onlyadirector likes this.
  20. JeebsJay


    Just missed an absolute doozy of a Pillar Live stream...

    Garrett and John played about ten demos, one in particular called "Light The Match" that sounds like it could be a single that didn't even make the record... these demos were insane for early workings of songs.
  21. meggers


    I missed it too and I’m hoping it’s still on the livestream page since it usually will save the most recent one. My Twitter timeline made it seem like it was a good one.
    JamesMichael likes this.
  22. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    Knowing The Maine fan base. If it IS that good the band will find a way to release it one way or another.
    meggers likes this.
  23. JeebsJay


    After watching the stream again..100000% convinced the song they showed is def on the album... I'm high but the guys were being ....weird about it lol
  24. meggers


  25. TriangularDuck

    Trusted Supporter

    beachdude, JamesMichael and Contender like this.