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The Maine - XOXO: From Love and Anxiety In Real Time (July 9, 2021) Album • Page 65

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Anthony_, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. meggers May 18, 2023
    (Last edited: May 18, 2023)


    For anyone who preordered Pioneer, you should have an email with instructions on how to complete your purchase.

    edit: I didn’t realize they were also pressing the Good Love EP as part of this.
  2. withchappedlips


    i’m going to need to know- is the pillar exclusive not one of the 4 listed for the deposit peeps?

    ok the answer is yes. pillar peeps will have an exclusive colorway!
  3. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    So basically if I didn’t get Pillar I’m out of luck, extremely disappointing…
  4. meggers


    They just have an exclusive variant. All the others are available to those who did the $5 presave. Any copies left will go on public on sale, it’s all mentioned on their instastories.
  5. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    That’s what I’m saying, it’s not going to get to that point. I’m not going to pay for the privilege of buying something, that’s a crappy way to do things…

    They seem to be dropping the ball in ALOT of areas recently.
  6. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    So the Pillar exclusive is not available until 5/25? Wish we could at least see it so I'd know if I'd rather wait but I'm just gonna get this thing ordered haha

    Really probably shouldn't spend the money today but this is such a special album to me.
    earthlight likes this.
  7. seanxwilliams

    If you don't, don't

    The messaging from them around this Pioneer vinyl has always been unclear, and still is.

    Also them promoting that but not addressing how everyone feels them supporting ATL is super disappointing.
    earthlight likes this.
  8. manemox


    the image of the album on pillar had different artwork. i’ll be upset if that one is different haha.
    mattfreaksmeout likes this.
  9. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    So like I said when they announced it, nothing made it to the general public for the release of Pioneer. What a complete waste of time…
  10. Jdfleming89

    Long Live the Empire Supporter

    its up right now
    bobsheiskawy and Matt504 like this.
  11. bobsheiskawy and Matt504 like this.
  12. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    The link I clicked on showed nothing, thanks guys!!!
  13. meggers


    My vinyl came yesterday. Impressed with the fast shipping time.

    Attached Files:

    Matt504 and bobsheiskawy like this.
  14. seanxwilliams

    If you don't, don't

    Buying both Pioneer and the Good Love EP was $106 to the UK. No regrets
  15. Yeah, my buddy texted me on 5/19 that he was so stoked to finally order a copy and then again yesterday afternoon to see if I could go snag a record from his porch since he’s out of town. I thought for sure it was something else he’d ordered. That’s like the fastest order processing and shipment time I’ve ever seen haha
    meggers and Matt504 like this.
  16. manemox


    mine came damaged :( emailed 8123 store yesterday
  17. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    earthlight and Sutton Sabinash like this.
  18. TriangularDuck

    Trusted Supporter

  19. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    Are they redoing both of their first and second albums?
  20. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    What did the IG live end up being?
  21. meggers


    It was a recording of them playing some songs from CSWS.
  22. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

  23. meggers


    Someone was holding a phone up to a screen and it was them playing the first few tracks from CSWS and then it was cut off. It was definitely weird.
    Phantoms and Sutton Sabinash like this.
  24. smowashere

    Trusted Supporter

    I wonder if they would just drop the new record on 8-1-23.
    Phantoms, JBoch and tyler2tall like this.
  25. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    Haven’t heard much about the new record at all in the last few weeks