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The Maine Release New Christmas EP

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Dec 15, 2017.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    earthlight likes this.
  2. spencpants

    Can I pet your dog? Prestigious

    I like this a lot.
    earthlight and Mr. Serotonin like this.
  3. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    and it's wonderful.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  4. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    This is so good
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  5. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    Nice. 12.25 is top notch
    Mr. Serotonin and earthlight like this.
  6. heymynameisjoe

    when the days have no numbers Prestigious

    their first holiday ep is still one of my all time favorites.
    Mr. Serotonin and zachmacD like this.
  7. zachmacD


    Same here. I give it at least a spin every year
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  8. Indigo

    Trusted Supporter

    The Maine can do no wrong. Damn.

    Edit: Assuming this is the reasoning for their being at Rian Dawson's studio a month or two ago?
    Mr. Serotonin and earthlight like this.
  9. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Yeah most likely! I thought that earlier too.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  10. GetUpAndrew

    Constant horror and bone-deep dissatisfaction.

    Can't wait to check this out.
    Mr. Serotonin likes this.
  11. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    This band kills it.
    earthlight and Mr. Serotonin like this.
  12. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    These songs are great