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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Amazon Prime, Sept. 2, 2022) TV Show • Page 19

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Garrett, Aug 3, 2021.

  1. Believe he takes up residence in Angmar in the Third Age, although I guess he could have been from up there originally too. Not sure
    coleslawed and phaynes12 like this.
  2. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

  3. Love this show so so much and hate that I have to wait another week for a new episode.

    Every time one finishes all I want to do is watch more. Going to do some errands and read more Fellowship today.

    All three episodes have been incredible in scope and story. What a delight.
  4. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

  5. phaynes12 Prestigious

    could see it but i’m still leaning angmar. they’re already sowing the seeds of him turning heel.
    DaydreamNation likes this.
  6. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    dont remember orcs being hurt by sunlight in lotr
    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  7. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I remember thinking it bothered them and they avoided it unless driven by fear / pain, but I didn't think it burned their skin like vampires, but that's just me. It's definitely an idea from the books. I'm pretty sure it's the main functional reason for the whole Dawnless Day at The Battle of Pellenor Fields, although I'm sure he liked the psychological impact on the defenders of Minas Tirith as well.

    I think I imagine things in a way that a lot of filmmakers would think is underwhelming and not visually interesting. For example, in my mind elven swords don't look like lightsabers when orcs are around, it's more of a subtle glow, but the books do say they light up.

    I loved that the Warg was so crazy and obviously not under their control that they all scurried away and hid before unleashing it.
    The Lucky Moose likes this.
  8. I believe traditional orcs have always been hurt by sunlight like others mentioned, but I’m pretty sure the Uruk-Hai (Saruman’s big orcs) weren’t bothered by sunlight so that might be part of your confusion. One of their evolutionary advantages if you will in addition to being stronger than regular orcs
    paperlung, Glaurung and coleslawed like this.
  9. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    That’s mentioned in the either fellowship or two towers, that the orcs are moving abnormally fast and that they are traveling during the day, which is unusual for them.
  10. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    In Two Towers Treebeard mentions Saruman creating orcs that are unafraid of sunlight
    paperlung and coleslawed like this.
  11. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Orcs had to be crossbred with humans to be able to be in light. Orcs are twisted elves, so elves being the embodiment of light meant orcs couldn’t stand it.
  12. Another good ep. They really nailed the Elrond and Durin characters. I love everything with them, and Disa is such a delight as well.

    This is one of those shows where I don't ever look at my phone while watching. At any moment, if I look away, I could be missing a shot that cost a million dollars or an elaborate set that may never be used again lol.
    smowashere and coleslawed like this.
  13. drewinseries


    Thought this episode was pretty poor. The "Elves taking our jobs" line was pretty cringe to me.
  14. phaynes12 Prestigious

    sometimes i can't tell if they're being so extremely obvious with some of the hints to identities of a few people as a misdirect or just being extremely obvious
    Greg likes this.
  15. Halitosis Jones Sep 16, 2022
    (Last edited: Sep 16, 2022)
    Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    Not a JRRT guy so i have to learn the lore as I go along.

    I read a theory that Adar is The first Orc that Morgoth created from a kidnapped Elf, which is why he still only looks like a disfigured Elf. Essentially a proto-orc is that legit?
  16. phaynes12 Prestigious

    i feel it's more likely he's simply an elf gone bad
    coleslawed likes this.
  17. Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah but aren't all Orcs just Elves gone bad in the most technical sense?
  18. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    As a as casual as you can get LOTR fan, I really am enjoying this show, like a lot. I am a late comer to fantasy and have not worked my way back to these books yet (I have seen the movies), so my knowledge and memory of the lore is hazy. Just from a show perspective, I think it's really well done. Acting/dialogue/effects/pacing are all great to me.

    My wife on the other hand is watching it as a huge fan with the expectations that come with that, and unlike what is pushed as the prevailing 'internet opinion', she's also loving it (and smiling and geeking out at connections and mentions that are swooshing over my head).
    coleslawed, Jason Tate and SpyKi like this.
  19. Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah this show reminded me that with all my immense useless knowledge of Star Trek, ASOIAF, and Marvel lore I still have a huge blindspot for Tolkien lore lol
    Jason Tate likes this.
  20. phaynes12 Prestigious

    well, sure, but he seems to be more elven/powerful than even, say, ugluk or whatever. seems closer to still being a Mean Elf than a full on Orc.
    Greg likes this.
  21. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I haven't watched the episode yet, but he's new for the show, so we may not even know what he is at this point.
  22. drewinseries


    An elf that’s corrupted but not an orc wouldn’t make sense since orcs are corrupted elves. This show doesn’t stick to lore at all so he could be anyone
    Halitosis Jones likes this.
  23. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I liked episode 4 more than episode 3
  24. Halitosis Jones Sep 16, 2022
    (Last edited: Sep 16, 2022)
    Halitosis Jones

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yeah what i'm reading is essentially saying that an "evil elf" isn't technically an elf. Elves are inherently good and an elf can only be made evil when corrupted with dark magic, in which case then they become an orc even if they don't yet really look like what we associate orcs with looking like. The theory i'm reading is stating that The first Orcs were almost indistinguishable from elves, only their progeny started to look like what we associate as orcs as generations went on