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The Lonely Island • Page 15

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by tdlyon, May 20, 2017.

  1. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    omg I can’t wait til the end of the month
  2. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Wish Mona Lisa was on it though
    spiffa0 likes this.
  3. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    That and Go Kindergarten are literally the only songs I can think of that I wish they'd play that they're not, other than maybe a few more Popstar songs. Fucking amazing setlist though
    GrantCloud likes this.
  4. TEGCRocco

    Assume It's A Bit

    Pretty much the only additions I'd want are Popstar songs (Mona Lisa and Equal Rights being the big two).
    Davjs likes this.
  5. Davjs


    Who Said We're Wack!?
  6. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Mona Lisa, you're worse than the pyramids
    Can someone explain why the whole wide world
    Is obsessed with a Garbage Pail Kid (Looks like a Garbage Pail Kid!)
    chewbacca110, Zilla, mad and 2 others like this.
  7. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    Normal guy in the house
    GrantCloud likes this.
  8. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    kbeef2 and GrantCloud like this.
  9. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    I went. It was one of the absolute best shows I've ever been to, just as good as the small one from last year was. the bits they did were just as funny, and seeing the new additions to the set were great. They had all of the albums on vinyl including the Popstar soundtrack which has 6(?!) different cover variants.
    I realized that theres probably no people in my life who have made me laugh more and influenced my sense of humor than these guys, so getting to go to a show of theirs like a mile away from where I grew up in Huntington Beach was special.
  10. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Were you like this during the show?

  11. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    we all were
  12. Maybevictor

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    Do you happen to know how much the vinyl was?? Might pick up a popstar one but not sure how much I’d listen to it.
  13. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    TLI albums were 25 and popstar was 35.
  14. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    I think the variants for the cover were Donkey Roll, Style Boyz pic, Standing In Front Of Things, Thriller Also, Connquest ( which I got)
    Davjs likes this.
  15. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Would you say it felt more like a comedy show or a concert? I’m going with my sister who isn’t that familiar with their music so I’m wondering if it will better for her to go in blind not knowing the punchlines or to listen to the albums first
    Owlex likes this.
  16. Maybevictor

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    Damn I can’t pass up the Connquest cover
  17. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Are there pics of the variants?
  18. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    What other merch did they have?
  19. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Found two of the covers. Being released on Mondo explains the $35 price tag

  20. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

  21. AWasteOfATime

    @awasteofatime Supporter

    In terms of the show, I think if someone has the sense of humor to be into this, they could go in blind and be very entertained. They play the videos from the songs and do riffs and bits in between. Its very joyful and fun. lots of costumes.

    Its like a weird al show but rap oriented.
    riotspray, GrantCloud, tdlyon and 3 others like this.
  22. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Goddammit. This tour seems like a dream.
  23. Maybevictor

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    My friend got this variant and he said each one has a unique gatefold design.

    C453C25B-DB6D-4CF0-B418-E9053933EF1C.jpeg 19EA8EA1-CDAD-4ED9-BF13-82F40BEC3A93.jpeg
    JRGComedy and mad like this.
  24. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

  25. Owlex

    free snewt Prestigious

    Now I’m in a cowboy hat
    Davjs likes this.