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The Leftovers (HBO) TV Show • Page 64

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. manoverboard365


    I want to believe Nora's story, but there's too many holes in it. Like, if the other side is able to build a machine to send them here, why is Nora the only one who came back?
    omgrawr likes this.
  2. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    I chalk up her tale with the rest that we hear about throughout the series - the one from the guy who hugs, the one from the guy who speaks to those that departed, the theory from the scientist that come to investigate Nora, etc.

    Think one of the best overarching messages from the show is believe whatever makes you feel best.
    omgrawr likes this.
  3. omgrawr

    That loneliness is not a function of solitude.

    I'm not sure if Kevin actually believes her, but I'm pretty sure he's at least willing to not question her any further so that they can have another shot together.

    Hmm that's a good point. Unless the physicist who made it did so just for her kind of and nobody else knows about the possibility.

    That was kind of the same takeaway I had with the movie & book Life of Pi. Ultimately nobody is sure so latch on to whatever is more useful to you and gives your life more meaning.

    All of this being said, I really want her story to be true. I definitely broke down in tears when she was describing seeing her family from afar and deciding they were better off without her and that in their world they were the lucky ones. Fucking heartbreaking. We've seen Nora lie when it behooves her to do so or to avoid dealing with negative emotions though. All things considered, I choose to believe her given that it's the best description of what might have happened that the show gives us. Otherwise we just have no answer for what happened after she got in that pod. Accepting her story as true gives my The Leftovers experience more meaning.
    Serenity Now likes this.
  4. Importer/Exporter

    he’ll live forever in the sound of broken glass

    Yeah, the point of the show is about people trying to heal in the face of awe-inspiring chaotic, random, impersonal cruelty. Kevin seems to have decided that healing for him means being with/making things right with Nora. For her, healing definitely isn’t as simple and I’m less sure that she’s actually moved on in a meaningful way. But for Kevin, he’s deciding to believe her and roll with it.
  5. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

  6. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Thank the quarantine gods:my lady and I are starting this show this week.
    Matt, EddieDS, Cameron and 7 others like this.
  7. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Normally I’d be hype as shit for some reactions

    but goddamn what a bleak show to watch right now haha

    but seriously please feel free to post reactions to every episode
  8. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah this is one of the last shows I would rewatch right now. Some episodes are getting my anxiety up just thinking about it.
    Cameron, chewbacca110 and David87 like this.
  9. I was in the middle of S2 in my rewatch and fell off. Itching to finish. As sad as it is, the show was a very cathartic experience for me overall.
    dadbolt likes this.
  10. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    I’ll take this as a challenge.
    alina likes this.
  11. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    chewbacca110, Joe, alina and 3 others like this.
  12. phaynes12 Prestigious

    how many times did andrew just beat the shit outta chris as kids

    real “shitty older brother” vibes
    alina likes this.
  13. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    lmao this is me with my wife trying to get her to watch Lost
    SpyKi likes this.
  14. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    hell yeah

    Maybevictor and dadbolt like this.
  15. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    never seen Lost. maybe I'll get into it now that I have the time.
    chewbacca110, SpyKi, Matt and 2 others like this.
  16. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

  17. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    I can't imagine a better way to spend your free time
  18. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    oh man.... you really should
    Importer/Exporter, OotyPa and SpyKi like this.
  19. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    3 episodes in.

    Ending the third episode with “Take Me To Church” was perfection. I hate the priest, but that seems to be the point so far. Him telling his sister abouther husband after she refused to help him was just cold blooded. Got what was coming to him though.
  20. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    He has an ep in the second season that will make you think it’s the greatest show ever made. No hyperbole
  21. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Maybevictor and Sean Murphy like this.
  22. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah Matt really pissed me off at first. But I still ended up feeling bad for him that episode. So many ups and downs in that episode lol
  23. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    That’s the episode with the line you love right?
  24. The Matt episodes frustrate me, but I do feel for him.
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  25. Dinosaurs Dish

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I need to watch this all again.