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The Last Scene (A Documentary)

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 17, 2019.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Kyle Kilday has launched a Kickstarter to create a documentary about the early 2000’s emo and punk scene:

    The Last Scene will be the FIRST comprehensive chronicle of what many believe is the LAST underground, DIY music scene. One forged in VFW halls and community recreation centers across the United States in the Late 1990’s/Early 2000’s.

    This is the story of the punk and emo kids who gave us the last “new” thing in rock music, during an era of change for the music industry and youth culture at large.

  2. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    For as much press as the "garage rock" and "return to REAL rock" bands got in the early-mid 00's (Strokes, White Stripes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol, etc.) there's no denying that "Emo" (catch all term for basically what was the Warped Tour scene) then was far bigger. Never really got taken seriously so cool to see someone's doing a documentary on it. I just hope they don't over-romanticize bands that didn't matter much and portray the whole story through the commercial heights of the genre.
    RileyWitiw likes this.
  3. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    This definitely won't be the FIRST documentary on this (Bastards of Young covered this era/these bands like 15 years ago?) but I'd be interested in checking it out
  4. gbuffers


    Would be really interested to see this a lot of it shaped my musical tastes. No negativity, just genuine curiosity - how do you deal with the Brandnew shaped elephant in the room? They were a big part of things but presumably you just have to omit all mention?
  5. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    I mean, inevitably there would be integral bands omitted from the film, so I don't think it'd feel incomplete without them specifically mentioned.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  6. theredline

    Trusted Supporter

    Or if you do mention them, you mention everything.
    mad and SuNDaYSTaR like this.
  7. DerekIsAGooner

    So assuming that this weekend...

    In a perfect world they mention those pivotal bands from the scene and also include all of the problematic/wrong things their members did. I'd hope that's what the documentary does. Sadly, I don't know if it'll happen. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.
    theredline likes this.
  8. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    It's trying to be "the definitive film" about the era but only 30-45 minutes in length (if they hit the $25k goal). I have low expectations for it to be as cool as it could be, but I am looking forward to these interviews.
  9. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    This would be like doing the history of pop music and omitting Michael Jackson. It just can't make sense.

    Side note: It's shocking how many Brand New fans completely deny that Jesse did anything wrong. If you can separate art from artist, go for it, but people literally just deny that he did anything that multiple young women claimed.
  10. KyleK

    Let's get these people moving faster!

    For sure, that would be entirely reasonable too, and would serve to highlight the degree of fandom and how it was taken advantage of.

    I guess I didn't think in a mini doc it would be useful to spend most of the time listing names, and although I recognize Brand New is a cornerstone of that period, it isn't that they're specifically unique (e.g. first to get a major label deal or something) and the story can't be told without them.
    Jacob Tender likes this.
  11. I'm looking forward to this feature. Kyle already has a bunch of great names locked down. The more folks pledge, the more in-depth he can go. I think this doc should be made.