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The Last of Us Part II (PS4, June 19, 2020) Video Game • Page 31

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by johnnyferris, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Driving2theBusStation Feb 18, 2021
    (Last edited: Mar 2, 2021)


    Tbf I'm also really bad at stealth in that game which certainly increased her body count in my playthrough, but regardless, yea even though I also didn't shed tears for everyone she killed, that dissonance between actions in the story part vs gameplay make the tone in later scenes ring a bit hollow for me. Maybe the whole going on a spree to avenge your dead loved one thing wasn't the right idea to begin with, idk
  2. Zilla Mar 11, 2021
    (Last edited: Mar 11, 2021)

    Prestigious Supporter

    Had a week off of work and spent most of it (finally) playing this. Can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said, but what an experience.

    The empath in me really wish they would have swerved and let Abby and Ellie have a quiet moment to hash things out together. But Ellie was too far gone. Her putting that knife to Lev’s throat - good lord.

    One of the bigger pleasures I enjoyed was explosive arrow-ing the scars that were dead-naming Lev as Abby and him were rushing through.
  3. Driving2theBusStation Mar 12, 2021
    (Last edited: Mar 12, 2021)


    Abby definitely ended up being one of the most sympathetic TLOU characters - the true Ellen Ripley of this series if there is one. Excited but also dreading to see how her and Lev's story plays out in the next one.
  4. Morrissey


    So far, there is a lot to like about the game. The new zombie is not too scary, especially since a bloater just showed up in a flashback sequence and really showed how terrifying it was in the original game.
  5. thethingis

    Meet me in Montauk. Prestigious

    Have there been any other casting announcements? Wondering about Tommy and Tess in particular
  6. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Gnarly Charlie and thethingis like this.
  7. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    I can't fucking wait
    Gnarly Charlie likes this.
  8. Driving2theBusStation


    flask likes this.
  9. Cmoney86 Jun 9, 2022
    (Last edited: Jun 9, 2022)


    part one remake is coming to ps5 on 9.2.22

    also in development for pc


    edit:the preoder pages have since been taken down

    Screenshot 2022-06-09 at 10-59-32 ps5-the-last-of-us-part-1-game-announcement-trailer.png
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  10. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Nice. I saw this leak the other day and it was the first I'd heard for it on PC. The date was right, but the leak said it was going to be on PC same day which this contradicts, which is a bummer. I think I'll do this one on PC as I don't have a PS5 and I'm not going to buy a PS4 game when eventually I'll have a PS5. Maybe by September though I could get my hands on one but who knows. This also doesn't say PS4 so it might just be PS5?
  11. Cmoney86


    ps5 only. ps4 already has a remake
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  12. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Also my hopes for this remake are a few extra scenes, a graphical upgrade, and as much of the dynamic combat from part II as possible integrated into it. It blows my mind that people say the gameplay in II was not much of an improvement from 1, it's night and day. The basement scene with modern tech is going to be so crazy!
  13. Cmoney86


  14. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    hell yea take my money
  15. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    So nothing new in that trailer, but it looks like maybe the DLC is going to be rolled into the game so maybe it'll be spliced in as flashbacks like in 2? Im pumped.
  16. Morrissey Jun 9, 2022
    (Last edited: Jun 9, 2022)


    Will they reconsider stuff like Abby's dad? I think the model and colors changed from 1 to 2.
  17. prattsy


    What's their to reconsider re: Abby's dad? I feel like I'm forgetting things
  18. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Probably that he was retroactively introduced to be in 1 during 2.
  19. Cmoney86


    Tory and Ashley are in the tv show!!!!
  20. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    That's awesome. Sounds like they are doing something cool with the multiplayer too
  21. Cmoney86


    It’s a stand alone title now and bigger then anything they’ve done or close to it
    ghostedaway likes this.
  22. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    Gnarly Charlie and ghostedaway like this.
  23. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    Gnarly Charlie likes this.
  24. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I normally defend Reddit when it gets brought up around here as it's way more diverse and tolerable than people give it credit for, but my god, is the lastofus2 sub just a toxic dumpster fire. Complaints so far are:

    1. Ellie is ugly and old AF now.
    2. Joel has less broad shoulders, more wrinkles and less harsh eyebrows so he looks soft!! RETCON and further proof of media's obsession with deleting strong males from games and movies!
    3. Marlene was a babe and is now old and ugly AF (HAHA - Kneel Cuckman can't have strong women be feminine HAHA)
    4. Graphics are way worse!
    5. It says part 1 so we can ignore part 2 as this is Kneel Cuckman's version and completely separate and all that's left that's canon is the PS4 remaster, all hail Stanley.
    6. Overpriced! Sony is milking it! Factions was cancelled because Sony realized how much bad press Part 2 got so they won't let Kneel Cuckman do anything with the last of us name anymore except a remake of part 1 because people will still buy it. (see above for how untrue that is).
    7. JERRY WAS BLACK!!! THEY'RE GOING TO RETCON THE ENDING SO PART 2 MAKES SENSE!! Also hypocrites for changing the race of the character. White washing!! Where is the outrage?!?!

    It's an unbelievable hive mind of toxicity in that sub.
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  25. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    Part 1 and Part 2 are both amazing. Pumped for the HBO series. Definitely buying the remake for PS5.
    Gnarly Charlie and Helloelloallo like this.