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The Housekeeping, Decorating, and Furnishing Thread • Page 23

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ChaseTx, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

  2. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    Ken likes this.
  3. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    We put something similar in our basement as well. The same guy who did our entire basement is going to install our flooring upstairs. We got the flooring from the same place but this is a tad different.
    Ken likes this.
  4. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I put something very similar in my kitchen. It's a little firm to stand on for long periods of time, but it holds up incredibly well.
  5. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    I’ve been living in the same space for almost three years and I think I finally got it set up just right. probably time to move soon, heh.

    went to Ikea the other day and was just planning on getting the mid-sized Tarva dresser, but the biggest one was in the as-is section for 1/2 off! had to snag that, and glad I did, cause I had more clothes than I thought. also picked up a 1x4 Kallax to use as entertainment storage/tv stand and balance out the 2x2 one I use for vinyl/music storage. and since I saved on the dresser, went ahead and treated myself to their bed base so I could ditch the 20+ year old box spring I’d been using.

    (plz don’t judge my love for Ikea. my room is legit 90% from the Tarva collection)
    Dog with a Blog, bigmike and Joe4th like this.
  6. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    My girlfriend and I go walking through ikea like once ever six weeks or so just for fun.
  7. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I am having MAJOR anxiety about getting our new flooring installed at the end of the month. The guy I hired is the guy who finished my basement so he's really nice and laid back but he said it's going to take him 2-3 days to finish and like, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with all our shit (furniture, appliances, TVs, etc) and furthermore, my kids and dog are home all day during the day - with the exception of my son going to PreK for 3 hours) and I'm not sure what my wife or mother-in-law are supposed to do with them for 8-10 hours for each of those three days. We're pretty much doing the entire downstairs except a small front room that won't be able to hold all the stuff we have to move. Also, my internet modem is all set up in my living room and I'm not going without the internet for 3 days.

    Stuff like this just gives me crippling anxiety.
  8. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Oof. Seems like a lot. Did you consider just moving?
  9. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    LOL What?
  10. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Just making a joke. I'm so lazy, that's an option that I would have considered. Good luck!
    bigmike likes this.
  11. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    My wife and I are actually dying to move. We bought our house five years ago - it was built in 2009 and it's in a great neighborhood, but we've simply outgrown our home (we didn't have kids when we moved in). Not a day goes by where one of us isn't looking at new homes online. Part of the reason we are re-doing all the first floor floors is to make it look nicer so it'll sell better once we do decide to sell (the builders put in shitty fake wood and tile floors), which may be anywhere in the next 1-3 years.

    So technically, the installation of new flooring is with moving in consideration, haha.
    Serenity Now likes this.
  12. cheese_pizza


    I haven't bought the flat of my dream yet. But If I had one, I would paint Hogwarts castle on the wall and have a cozy place on the window sill to drink tea there and observe the street.
  13. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    I mean, he's a professional right? Surely you aren't the first house he's had to do with furniture in the way. Did he tell you everything needs to be completely out? Is moving things to another room an option? Can you get painters tape and tape the modem to the wall? Or run a longer cable and put it on the closest window sill or shelf?
    ncarrab likes this.
  14. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Luckily he is far more lenient than say, Home Depot. We had Home Depot also give us a quote and they came out and basically said 'for installation, we need everything out of here' no ifs, ands, or buts. That included the dishwasher, fridge and stove (if we didn't move them, they would have charged us for each item and charged extra for anything that needed to be unhooked/unplugged i.e. fridge, dishwasher, stove).

    The guy who is doing my floor actually stopped by the other night because he needed to measure our baseboards and I was telling him about my anxiety and was like can we just shift things around and he was very chill about it and was like just do the best you can and then I asked if he would have someone with him in case he needed to move the fridge and he was like 'of course we'll move the fridge for you.' so that eased my mind a little. I could tell he's not worried about it at all.

    As far as another room to put shit into, my downstairs is basically a front area, a main hallway, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. All of that is being refloored. We do have an OK-sized front room that is carpeted that we are not touching (we re-carpeted that room and our entire upstairs when we moved in). Problem is, the front room is the kids playroom and it's packed to the brim with toys and furniture. Basically we need to move our kitchen table (which I'll probably just take the legs off and store in my basement), a huge sectional, a sofa, TV stand, a large TV. I'm more concerned about that furniture because it's too big to take upstairs/basement. I can likely fit it in our front room but we absolutely would not be able to walk through it once I pile everything in there.

    Just realized I need to take the toilet and sink out of my bathroom.

    I think what I'm going to do with cable and internet is just leave my modem and main cable box hooked up and placed on a stool or something that he could easily move and work around.

    The other thing is my wife, kids and dog. They'll either have to spend 8-10 hours in our basement or upstairs and that's a hard task to keep a 17-month and a 4-year-old (and a dog) entertained when they can't be in their main playroom or living room. I told my wife just to take them somewhere for the day but she brought up a good point...we don't want the workers in our house by themselves.

    I fully realize this is a major first world problem, haha but it's stressing me out. It'll all be over with in two weeks.
    colorlesscliche likes this.
  15. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah, keeping them in the basement is definitely going to be the hard part, best of luck man. While I'm excited about my new house, I'm not looking forward to all the painting and stuff I want to do before I move in. Like you said, it'll be over in a few weeks.
  16. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Being a homeowner sucks. The guy installing our floors joked that I should just rent after I told him about all my stress.

    I painted every single room in our house when we moved in (except our stairwell which is impossible because it goes up so high). I did our living room, kitchen and master bedroom in the time between getting the keys and actually moving in and then did all the other rooms throughout the next few years. Call me crazy, but I kind of enjoyed it. There's something peaceful about it to me.

    Music, beers, paint.
    coleslawed and RJ Knorr like this.
  17. colorlesscliche Jan 18, 2019
    (Last edited: Jan 18, 2019)

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah man, the music, beer, and some of the painting I am actually looking forward to. It's just the amount of painting that's a bummer. It's basically the whole house because I want it to look a certain way. There's actually nothing at all wrong with the way it is currently, but if I'm spending all this money on a house, I want to reflect me.
    ncarrab likes this.
  18. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    There’s nothing wrong with leaving the workers in the house while you’re away. I’ve done it every time I’ve had to have work done that takes a long time to finish. Just maybe lock up or take with you any medications or expensive jewelry and stuff like that.
  19. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I personally wouldn't have a problem with it. As I said before, I've used this guy before, he finished my entire basement and was at our house for two and a half weeks last year, so I trust him. My wife just worries more about that kind of stuff than I do.
  20. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    And that’s understandable. She might change her mind after trying to keep two small kids and a dog in one room for two days straight though haha
  21. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    I fucks with Marie Kondo but if you went to school in Germany it’s really hard to throw away or rip pages out of books. It feels evil.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  22. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    Do the books bring joy?
    coleslawed and The Lucky Moose like this.
  23. The Lucky Moose

    I'm Emotional, I Hug the Block Prestigious

    jorbjorb and Serenity Now like this.
  24. colorlesscliche

    Trusted Prestigious

    Closed on my house Monday. There were multiple offers on the house, but one of the things in my contract was they can live there rent free until March 1st (the house their moving to is currently being built and won't be ready until then). At the time I was like yeah, of course I can wait because what's another month? But now that I actually own it, it's killing me to wait another month. I just want to be in there and getting things set up and ready!
    Ken and ncarrab like this.
  25. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Flooring project is complete. Took the installers two days...which feels VERY long when you have two kids and you can't take them into the kitchen or living room or their playroom for 36 hours or so. Even when the installers left after the first day, it was such a mess that we had to keep the kids occupied upstairs in their bedrooms. The second day, we just left the house for the entire day which was nice. Just so glad it's over with. And the flooring is cool too!
    colorlesscliche likes this.