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The Hot Sauce Thread • Page 29

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Anthony_, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. estebanwaseaten


    ah makes sense
  2. I was dying trying to eat blazin wings when the BWW by me first opened up years and years ago. Now I can order a side of blazin sauce for my fries and enjoy it (still break a sweat, though heh). Not sure if they made it less hot since then or if my tolerance went up.
  3. EarthShifts


    Does anyone have any good references for scoville levels? I’ve been trying to see what some of my hot sauces are, but the numbers seem way to high.
  4. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious


    Is this helpful?
    EarthShifts and SEANoftheDEAD like this.
  5. coleslawed

    Eat Pizza

    with sauces it really depends on what other ingredients are involved, a chart like the one above is based purely on the peppers themselves.
  6. SEANoftheDEAD


    I've ordered from Fuego Box a few times. Their online shop has a heat rating next to each sauce. So not quite Scoville levels but its pretty helpful.

    Hot Sauce Shop
    coleslawed and EarthShifts like this.
  7. EarthShifts


    This is actually very cool, but I meant more for the hot sauces themselves.
  8. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    I thought maybe this would help as a frame of reference for the sauce scoville levels. For more specific answers you're probably going to have to visit the makers' websites and/or do some googling.
  9. estebanwaseaten


  10. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    coleslawed likes this.
  11. SEANoftheDEAD


    Yeah seems like it'd be hard to measure the actual scoville of a bottle of hot sauce. I'd agree with @Anthony_ , check out what peppers are used in a sauce, check out the scoville from the chart he posted and kinda base it off that.
    EarthShifts and Anthony_ like this.
  12. JessLeigh

    just keep your head above; swim.

    Yeah peppers seem to vary quite a bit. Sometimes you buy jalapenos at the store and you're disappointed because they have hardly any heat and the next time you go and you take one bite you're like holy shit.
    Mr. Serotonin and SEANoftheDEAD like this.
  13. EarthShifts


    Yea I was trying to look up Sedret Aardvark and it said 50,000 - 250,000 and it seemed like such a wide scale. It made me think that maybe I can handle some more heat though. Then I read something that said it was only 5,000. Haha.

    I just want to get a rough sense of what I’m actually consuming.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  14. SEANoftheDEAD


    Look at what just arrived!
    Joe, coleslawed, Mason and 4 others like this.
  15. Fucking Dustin

    Please click "like" Supporter

    SEANoftheDEAD and Joe4th like this.
  16. estebanwaseaten


    yeah ive been in the same situation. just assume that what you read is somewhat true and go in with brazen confidence
    coleslawed and LightWithoutHeat like this.
  17. estebanwaseaten


    SEANoftheDEAD and Fucking Dustin like this.
  18. EarthShifts


    Haha. Yea, I just didn't want to think I was tougher than I actually am. I'd run around bragging about how 250,000 scoville is nothing for me, and then eat something that actually is that and pass out.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  19. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Damn, it's glorious
    Mr. Serotonin and coleslawed like this.
  20. SEANoftheDEAD


    Sooo I used the Garlic Reaper with my burrito last night. HIGHLY RECOMMEND for anyone looking for great flavor with some heat. Even a little dab gets your taste buds dancing
  21. Mason


    Bought the Garlic Reaper and Secret Aardvark on Amazon today. Woot!
    SEANoftheDEAD likes this.
  22. SEANoftheDEAD


    Nice! Let us know what you think of that Reaper. I think its incredible.
    Fucking Dustin and Mason like this.
  23. Fucking Dustin

    Please click "like" Supporter

    I'm so glad you like it

    I've already almost gone through 2 bottles hahaha
    coleslawed and SEANoftheDEAD like this.
  24. oldjersey

    Pro Podcaster Supporter

    Garlic Reaper eh? How hot we talkin, sounds hot
    SEANoftheDEAD likes this.
  25. SEANoftheDEAD


    haha good shit! What do you put it on?
    Fucking Dustin likes this.