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The Horror Thread [Archived] Movie • Page 586

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. BackyardHero11


    Fathom Events is doing an anniversary screening of Alien in October so check to see if that's near you.
  2. BackyardHero11


    i'll definitely be doing one horror movie a day. October 1st is the 4K The Shining screening. so a great kick off. though the days I stay with my brother i'll have to adjust to "family horror", but I'm not mad about that either. not gonna lie, Hotel Transylvania is my jam hahah
  3. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I’ll do Under Wraps and Ernest Scared Stupid this week probably. Those always start off my season.
  4. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

  5. 333 GANG


    I’m going to try to watch as many horror movies as I can throughout October, but I can’t commit to the one a day schedule. I know there will be a handful of days I won’t have time to watch much of anything, such as Thanksgiving weekend with my family here in a couple weeks.
  6. estebanwaseaten


    Yeah I checked and it's a no go haha. Bummer!
  7. estebanwaseaten


    Also finally got to see The Funhouse this weekend so I can check that one off of my Hooptober list for this year. The Starz trial turned out to benefit me more than I thought it would.
  8. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Have to see that Alien Fathom event without a doubt.
    BackyardHero11 and zachmacD like this.
  9. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    estebanwaseaten and zachmacD like this.
  10. drewinseries


    Watched Hell House LLC with my mom last night. Not bad, it was a fun time. Nothing amazing though. The bed sheet scene was great.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  11. estebanwaseaten


    Do yourself a favor and just stop there.
    Kuri44 and Aaron Mook like this.
  12. drewinseries


    Yeah, I saw there were two other sequels. But why? I didn't really end the first one thinking I needed more lore/story.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  13. estebanwaseaten


    Yeah, exactly. They are both very forced. The second one isn't the worst thing ever but still bad and the third is just on another level.
    Kuri44 and drewinseries like this.
  14. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    the second one isn’t that bad. it’s fun to watch if you have nothing else to do but there is a dip in quality

    saw Malevolent last night and thought it was fun too. It’s not amazing, and it falls flat in a lot of areas but I still enjoyed it. Florence may or may not have been a factor there
    Kuri44 likes this.
  15. michael_gatto


    Went to Best Buy because the store near by me finally restocked the Texas Chainsaw steelbook and I ended up picking up Insidious: Last Key and a Wrong Turn 1-5 collection both pretty cheap. Haven't seen either, hoping for the best.
  16. currytheword


    I had no idea there were FIVE Wrong Turn movies wow.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  17. GBlades


    So I bought the Uzumaki Deluxe Edition by Junji Ito and am ready to be fucked up all over again.
    zigbigwig likes this.
  18. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Someone should bring a map for once
  19. zigbigwig

    I Miss Jake W Prestigious

    does the movie happen on just one road with 5 turns (so far), and each film they get 1 more turn right than the previous but then fail the next one

    the opening scenes for each movie would be hilarious if that were the case
    currytheword and 333 GANG like this.
  20. michael_gatto


    I didn't know 5 of them existed either. I think the only thing I know about that franchise is that Joe Lynch directed one of them and I think Eliza Dushku is in one too?
    zachmacD likes this.
  21. I only remember the first two, and I only remember the second one because Henry Rollins is in it lol
    Contender, zachmacD and michael_gatto like this.
  22. ghostedaway

    bryan Prestigious

    The gore is pretty good in them from what I remember. Everything else is bad lol
  23. zachmacD


    she was in the first one
  24. zachmacD


    Has anyone here seen Planet Terror? I just came across the dvd a couple weeks ago while cleaning our living room. I haven't seen it in years but it's a blast from what I remember
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  25. Planet Terror rules
    michael_gatto likes this.
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