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The Horror Thread [Archived] Movie • Page 330

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. carrytheweird

    Understandable from that point of view. At the same time though, he didn’t have anything hidden that he’d plan to use to pick handcuffs. Cops were at the front door too. He knew the fastest way out/the only way he’d have enough time to apparate out of sight was to cut the hand.
  2. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Hannibal was my first R-rated theater experience without the need for an older guardian.
    carrytheweird likes this.
  3. carrytheweird

    Cordell, get me a sandwich bish.

    Cameron, kyle and airik625 like this.
  4. Cory

    Doing fine. Prestigious

    I’ve tried to rationalize the move, that Clarice would have fought with him while he tried to pick it, that maybe nothing was in reach, but I dunno. He just seemed to make the move to it so quick. They establish that the police are on their way, but not exactly how close. Lector’s eye on the clock made it seem to me he knew exactly how much time he had to escape safely. But you could be right, maybe they were right there and too much time dicking around finding a tool to pick it may have closed his window. I’m just being too hard on it, but it did bug me when the movie ended.
    carrytheweird likes this.
  5. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    suicidesaints, carrytheweird and Cory like this.
  6. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

  7. carrytheweird

    It’s certainly not the only flaw to find in the movie. I liked it plenty, but nowhere near as much as the original.
  8. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    The Ritual was dope. Simple but very effective.

    Really awesome monster design too.
    Cameron, bradsonemanband and Vivatoto like this.
  9. BirdPerson

    fuck tammy! Prestigious

    that doesn't happen in the book. ends completely differently. no wizardry in terms of escape. lots of people hate the book ending too though, ha

    his escape drives me crazy. manages to disappear without a trace right after cutting off his hand. come on now. then he's on a plane asap after that...ugh.
    carrytheweird, Cory and angrycandy like this.
  10. Kuri44


    I saw The Strangers: Prey At night tonight and thought it got off to a pretty bad start , but one it gets going, it didn’t stop, and actually got better as the movie went on. It was a fast adrenaline rush for me. Fun time. Lol I also thought that the brother kinda looked like Brian Sella
    bradsonemanband and ChaseTx like this.
  11. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    Yes! By the third act I was way into it. It's super tense with some big cathartic moments
    bradsonemanband and Kuri44 like this.
  12. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Not sure if this belongs here but this is David Robert Mitchell's follow-up to It Follows (one of my favorite horror movies of the last 5 years). As the AV Club puts it, "If It Follows was the auteur’s Boogie Nights, a bold and confident work of art announcing the arrival of a major new talent, the trailer for his next film, Under The Silver Lake, suggests he may have jumped straight to his Inherent Vice, an odd and irreverent flexing of Mitchell’s more experimental cinematic muscles."

    Looks interesting
  13. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    looks cool
  14. Malatesta

    i may get better but we won't ever get well Prestigious

    the comedic elements don't really work for me but as a neo noir project it looks very fun
  15. Looks wild, I'm into it
  16. DarkHotline

    Proud To Bathe With A Rag On A Stick Prestigious

    I’ll watch it since A24 is putting it out, one of the best indie studios RN
  17. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Man, I was expecting a lot more from Blackcoat’s Daughter.
    Aaron Mook and Jake W like this.
  18. carrytheweird

    Reviews for A Quiet Place keep coming in and are very positive. Weird to be looking forward to a Horror release in spring.
  19. Cory

    Doing fine. Prestigious

    Breaks my heart when I hear that haha. That movie checked every box for me. My favorite film I’ve seen in a while.
  20. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    I dug it
  21. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Love a lot of how it was shot, the tones, moods, especially with the score, just didn’t do much for me story wise. Also, when I figured out what was going on, Emma Roberts being that girl/same character 9 years later just took me out of it too.
  22. Cory

    Doing fine. Prestigious

    I can respect that. The way it ended with her searching out the devil and trying to reconnect left a strong finish for her arc. Her feeling of isolation when her parents died, the way the church disregarded her, the comfort she found with the devil. Without that story line/ending, it wouldn’t have had all those implications and it would have just felt like another possession film, imo.
    jkauf likes this.
  23. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I'm excited about The Quiet Place
    Night Channels likes this.
  24. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    Looking forward to it too. Tremors is one of my favorite movies (where the monsters detect noise and vibrations) though that has a more comedic element.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  25. chewbacca110

    He wrenches on it. He thinks it's his.

    Saw Annihilation last night. Seeing the trailers for A Quiet Place and Hereditary on the big screen just about tripled my already high excitement for both.
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