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The Horror Thread [Archived] Movie • Page 625

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. estebanwaseaten


    What was your opinion of In The Tall Grass?
  2. Aaron Mook Nov 2, 2019
    (Last edited: Nov 2, 2019)
    Mentally preparing myself for The Lighthouse in a few hours lol

    edit: preparing to spill my beans in a few hours, I mean
  3. Deanna

    Trusted Supporter

    Update: Totally forgot to put Creepshow on the list. Don't know how that one slipped by me since I had just watched the finale this week.
  4. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Meh, some cool elements/parts, but nothing special.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  5. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    The Nightingale was way too rough for me lol
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  6. Jake W

    oh my god, I'm back on my bullshit Prestigious

    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  7. estebanwaseaten


    How do you mean? Without giving away too much i guess haha. I wanna watch it and my gf is also interested but I don’t want her walking into something she’s not ready for.
  8. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    there are some (spoilers/tw) rape scenes (emphasis on the plural) that are really intense and some brutal racial violence

    it’s definitely important for the movie to say what it wants to say but not something I would recommend if you aren’t ready for it, it’s pretty much a period piece version of Irreversible
  9. yung_ting

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, absolute trigger warning here but it is in no way gratuitous and is entirely essential to the story. I think it’s important that they made certain scenes really difficult to watch to properly depict the horrors of colonialism

    I personally don’t think it’s nearly as graphic as Irreversible but it’s incredibly bleak

    It’s also really, really good
    angel paste likes this.
  10. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I had to Google the plot to hereditary after watching it especially for the ending. Yep that's what I figured happened but still had to confirm. Interesting
  11. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    yeah it's definitely more tasteful than Irreversible but that was the best comparison I could think of in terms of how horrible I felt lol
  12. yung_ting

    Trusted Supporter

    oh yeah, had the same thought tbh
  13. estebanwaseaten


    This is perfect. Thanks y’all! I have seen Irreversible so I think I can inform accurately enough and then we’ll see what happens. Regardless I will be watching it at some point.
    yung_ting likes this.
  14. secretsociety92

    Music, Gaming, Movies and Guys = Life

    Annoyed that I have neglected to watch Raising Cain up until now because that was a weird and engrossing film that must have been an influence on the likes of Split but is way more enjoyable due to how much fun Lithgow is having playing five different characters and De Palma doing whatever he wants without a care for anything.
    estebanwaseaten likes this.
  15. Cory

    Doing fine. Prestigious

    Where are people watching The Nightingale?
  16. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    It’s on Hulu now
  17. Cory

    Doing fine. Prestigious

  18. OotyPa Nov 2, 2019
    (Last edited: Nov 2, 2019)

    fall away Supporter

    Texas Chainsaw Massacre was terrifying and amazing. Holy shit. That dinner scene tho.
  19. zachmacD Nov 2, 2019
    (Last edited: Nov 2, 2019)


    I watched The Exorcist for the first time in probably 15 years last night. God damn that movie is still the GOAT. I had my first nightmare in years after watching that then I woke up in the middle of the night and my cat was running around the apartment. I almost shit a brick lmao
  20. I almost spilled my beans at The Lighthouse because the couple behind us managed to bring a whole big of chips and just crinkled the bag and crunched SO LOUD the first half of the movie.

    Still an absolutely bonkers film, though.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  21. BirdPerson

    fuck tammy! Prestigious

    were they baked beans
    chewbacca110 and Jake Gyllenhaal like this.
  22. estebanwaseaten


    Currently in the theater waiting for The Lighthouse with three other people and none of us know what to expect at all.
    BackyardHero11 likes this.
  23. BirdPerson

    fuck tammy! Prestigious

    I have so much on my slate coming up. The Lighthouse, the Nightingale, the Lodge, Parasite
    333 GANG, michael_gatto and zachmacD like this.
  24. estebanwaseaten


    WOW that was something else entirely omg
    BackyardHero11, 333 GANG and mad like this.
  25. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Child's Play was fun for what it was
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