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The Horror Thread [Archived] Movie • Page 622

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

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  1. 333 GANG


    Can’t speak to anything past the second one, but II is just more of the same as the original (except in colour), but not as good. Wasn’t the worst thing I’ve seen, and I suppose I’m glad I watched it, but I wouldn’t make it a high priority or anything.
  2. zachmacD


    I finally checked out Late Phases last night. I enjoyed the story but man, the werewolves were laughably bad. The transformation scenes were pretty good but the werewolf costumes were on a Troll 2 level of comical
    333 GANG likes this.
  3. secretsociety92

    Music, Gaming, Movies and Guys = Life

    I love the second film, sure it isn't as good as the original but considering everything going against from the massive amount of time elapsed between the two and not having Hitchcock at the helm anyone expecting it to be as good clearly had expectations that couldn't ever be met.
  4. currytheword


    Watched Halloween (2018) last night by myself in my completely dark creaky apartment and legit creeped myself out and had to go to bed immediately after. I still think Mike is real and in every dark corner of my life.
    Matt and 333 GANG like this.
  5. Debating between Dawn of the Dead (again, because it's a perfect Halloween movie) or double featuring Halloween 3 and 4
    zachmacD, currytheword and 333 GANG like this.
  6. BackyardHero11


    I saw Halloween 2018 for the first time in an IMAX theatre... alone.... talk about a horrific and isolating experience, it was PERFECT hahah
    Aaron Mook, currytheword and zachmacD like this.
  7. zachmacD


    Original dawn of the dead or the remake?
    currytheword likes this.
  8. currytheword


    I like both tbh.
    zachmacD, 333 GANG and chewbacca110 like this.
  9. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    I remember seeing the Dawn remake in 8th grade for a birthday party and we were the only ones in the theater. That was a fun theater experience

    I think our friend's mom got us in and then just saw something else lol
    currytheword and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  10. joe.boy.fresh.


    lmfao same. In 8th grade my best friends mom bought us two tickets to see the remake, all of our other friends bought tickets to secret window and tried to sneak in. We were the only two allowed in of our group.

  11. This was a thing that I certainly watched that kept me up until about 3am.
    joe.boy.fresh. likes this.
  12. I like both, but original for sure
    zachmacD likes this.
  13. secretsociety92

    Music, Gaming, Movies and Guys = Life

    Managed to get another rewatch in the form of The Sixth Sense before my long-anticipated cinema experience for this Halloween.

    The Sixth Sense was one of the first horror films I saw and though it isn't just a horror film it still managed to scare the hell out of me when I was younger and even today manages to still give me the chills. It is also one of the few horror films I find to be emotionally engaging, that car scene still brings me to tears, all the while being thoroughly engrossing with that twist still being impressive in its construction.

    For my cinema experience, I went to see Ghostbusters for its 35th Anniversary which is the first time I have seen the film from beginning to end as for whatever reason I have only seen parts of it before. That is all the more surprising considering the cast involved who have been in several of my all-time favourite films and this was enjoyable to watch. A superb cast, great action, plenty of laughs and solid pacing made for a really entertaining time.

    Will post every horror film I watched this month and their rating tomorrow because this has been a fantastic month overall.
    Cory likes this.
  14. Cory

    Doing fine. Prestigious

    I’m going to enjoy my Halloween by seeing the lighthouse in a couple hours. Then I’ll watch my annual Trick R Treat when I get home. It’ll technically be November 1st at that point, but hey, it’s Halloween somewhere right?
  15. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Scream is still GOAT but wow Billy sucks more than I remember and I'm only at the beginning. Also his hair is.... Crunchier looking than I remember
    chewbacca110 and estebanwaseaten like this.
  16. yung_ting

    Trusted Supporter

    The Nightingale is essential, a massive step up from Babadook in every way
  17. 333 GANG


    Managed to get through 23 films I hadn’t ever seen in October. I feel pretty good about that number.

    Here’s what’s coming up for me:

    The Nightingale
    Child’s Play (2019)
    Pet Sematary (2019)
    Happy Death Day 2U
    Suspiria (2018)
    Hell Fest
    Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
    Annabelle Creation
    Ready or Not
    zachmacD likes this.

  18. ahh fuck
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  19. TJ Wells

    Trusted Prestigious

    Just watched Texas Chainsaw for the first time. Even for 2019, that's one of the most fucked up movies I've ever seen.
  20. yung_ting Oct 31, 2019
    (Last edited: Oct 31, 2019)

    Trusted Supporter

    It’s probably best seen alone, absolutely horrifying. Couldn’t imagine watching with others but it’s very important that people see this
    333 GANG likes this.
  21. 333 GANG


    Never seen the original myself, but it just got added to Netflix here, so I’ll be digging in soon. Can’t wait.
    zachmacD likes this.
  22. currytheword


    He’s got the most serial killer hair ever. My sister had the biggest crush on Skeet Ulrich too which I always balked at.
  23. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I used to love him as a kid from this movie but the awkward thing I am realizing is that he's only attractive when he goes full serial killer. Maybe cause then my brain codes his crunchy hair as just disheveled from killing and not over use of product

    chewbacca110 and currytheword like this.
  24. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Just saw Countdown. It was fun. Couldn’t help but think of Final Destination though lol.
    333 GANG likes this.
  25. currytheword


    I always found it very funny that Skeet has his goatee (he usually always had one) in the main poster for this iconic film, yet never once has it in the film itself.

    BackyardHero11 and 333 GANG like this.
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