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The Florida Project (Sean Baker, October 6,2017) Movie

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by iCarly Rae Jepsen, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. iCarly Rae Jepsen Aug 14, 2017
    (Last edited: Aug 14, 2017)
    iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    cast: Willem Dafoe, Brooklynn Prince, Valeria Cotto, and Bria Vinaite
  2. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Wait was that Random Sandy from The Chris Gethard Show by the pool??
    suicidesaints likes this.
  3. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    One of my most anticipated for the fall. Loved Tangerine and really liked the performances in Starlet, but this sounds like it's a huge leap forward from the director.
  4. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wooooow this is incredible
  5. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    very excited for this
  6. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    looking forward to this
  7. eight30


    Being from here I am dying to see this and I know it is playing this weekend at our local art theater but I hope it stays for at least one more because I'm not sure if I'll find time.
  8. Morrissey


    A lot of tourists probably aren't even that familiar with that part of the Orlando area. It is so grungy compared to the resorts and parks people stay at.
    supernovagirl and CarpetElf like this.
  9. eight30


    Exactly. If I remember correctly a report a couple years ago said Kissimmee was one of the worst cities to live in FL because of the housing situation and crime ridden motels. Then you go a little further down the same road and you have the most picturesque towns with Celebration. Florida is a weird place.
    supernovagirl likes this.
  10. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    The last 15 or so minutes, wow.
  11. supernovagirl

    Poetic and noble land mermaid

    I really want to see this. Looks great.
  12. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    yeah this is great
  13. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    is this hitting VOD soon? really wanna see it
  14. brandon_260

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wouldn’t count on it tbh.
  15. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    doubt it, just got into theaters, I feel like it's gonna be in theaters for a while
  16. Aregala

    Blistering Guitar Lead

    this is really excellent

    sean baker is such an empathetic filmmaker it never feels like he's portraying his characters in a "look how messed up their lives are" exploitative manner.

    entire cast is very strong, of course gotta give shouts to a great latter day performance from Dafoe
  17. 5Stories


    I just saw this and I think it was one of my favourite films of the year. I found it extremely powerful.

    Really loved the ending as well
    It took me a moment - I was like "Huh, weird they've changed the camera and I'm not sure what to make of them going to how will they even get in?".... but then as the credits rolled I was sitting there thinking about the whole movie and I realised that is was very clearly just a fantasy sequence and it hit me hard haha

    I have recently restarted writing film reviews for my blog so please read more detailed thoughts here: Review: The Florida Project
  18. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  19. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    I really need to go see this.
  20. TedSchmosby


    I’m going in
  21. Morrissey


    Just a few months ago James Gray, who has had a longer and more acclaimed career than Baker, said that he struggles financially due to focusing on low-budget work. It is no wonder why they are looking to make Jurassic Park 7 or Thor 4 whenever the studios call; they can pay them less than a major action director but it is still too much to pass up for these people trying to support their family.
  22. Kellan

    @kellanthomas Prestigious

    Ending made me cry. I liked it a lot.
    jkauf likes this.
  23. Dog with a Blog


    I've thought about the ending a lot, and i get exactly what they are trying to convey and that there's the high likelihood that it wasn't actually happening, but I honestly think I might hate it. I really enjoyed this overall though, despite a little bit of drag towards the end. The main girl is obviously incredible.
  24. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    IMO, zero chance that wasn’t just a “fairytale ending” and actually happened.
    Bloodsucker II likes this.
  25. Dog with a Blog


    Regardless of whether of not it did or did not happen, my issue lies in the way it was handled. The cheesy music, the garbage felt like a student film. Even if both those things were intentional, I did not like it at all. I felt it was ending on a high note because for the first time we get to see Moonee as a child and I wanted to bask in that a little longer.
    trevorshmevor, ALT/MSC/FAN and jkauf like this.