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The Final Post on, The Transition to Chorus • Page 6

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jason Tate, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. phaynes1


    I remember finding the site in early 2007, my senior year of high school, when a band mate told me to stop listening to the strokes and to check out brand new. I had never heard of the band at that point (i know), so I was trolling around for information on TDAG and somehow ended up at AP. Pretty sure I only lurked for news and links at the time until 08 or so.

    As regrettable as they became, the thing that really got me into the community were the fantasy band drafts. And through those, I met Thomas, someone who would become a future roommate, coworker, and person I talk to on a daily basis. As well as Jake, Ryan, Ben, Brandon (x2), Casey, and plenty others I'm sure. Pretty sure my first interaction with Jake was making fun of him for liking Oceana. I was a real brat.

    Eventually, after years of being a troll and general piece of shit, I started to actually shut up for a bit and learn from other people and other perspectives. I can honestly say it's been one of the most rewarding learning experiences I've had and has shaped the way I think about things and the boundaries I have for what is acceptable and what is not with art. People that have been incredibly helpful with that journey include Kayla, Eva, Nick, Sean, Chris, Jason, Drew, and a bunch of others I'm sure I'm forgetting and whose names I don't actually know. I've learned a lot about myself and about the people I choose to have around me in my personal life because of it.

    Overall, I stumbled on the site looking for a new band to listen to. I never thought it would be a site that would inform my musical taste for the better part of nearly ten years. There have been some close calls, some times where I thought I would never come back to the site, some times where I thought I would never be welcome back to the site, and some times where I felt truly giddy to be a part of the site. It's a place that I am not going to be forgetting anytime soon, though I'm glad some of my early posts will be forgotten.

    I'm glad to make the transition. Over the last four or so years, my tastes have grown pretty far from the early punk roots, and if nothing else, this new site already seems to be more welcoming and education for broader tastes and spectrums of music. I look forward to learning more and expanding more, both with my musical taste and as a person, with this new platform.

    - ACA
  2. -ACA is essential
    Garrett L., phaynes1 and Jason Tate like this.
  3. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    We all should do a farewell Tinychat in AP's honor tonight.

    phaynes1 likes this.
  4. Oh man, now I want to.
    quietwords likes this.
  5. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

    Owlex likes this.
  6. Ben182TX


    @Jason Tate I am excited for this big change, and love how the new site/forum looks. I think all this change is going to grow the community and your "business" even more than ever before! RIP
    Jason Tate likes this.
  7. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    OMG Dennissux, that dude was the biggest All Time Low fanboy. Wonder what happened to him.
  8. It felt very appropriate to read most of this thread on the way home from a show, where I saw two bands whose music I discovered on AbsolutePunk. And I happened to run into a friend from another state who drove five hours to see those same bands and probably also discovered them on AP.

    I honestly don't remember how I found AbsolutePunk or exactly when I first visited, but I know it has been a constant part of my life since junior high. Tonight is bittersweet and exciting and I can't thank everyone here enough - even if we've never directly interacted - for making this community such a special place.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  9. Olyphantastic

    "See you in the car! Best wishes" -Milhouse Supporter

    This is very exciting! I was never more than a lurker on in terms of community stuff. I joined in 2006 and am still 14 posts shy of prestigious status (guess I'll never get that bigger avatar!), but would read articles every day and lurk the forums on-and-off for that time. A big part (probably the biggest part in recent years) of why I kept coming back to the site was specifically to get Jason's take on various things - it's also why I started reading the chorus blog and listening to the podcast. I'm not particularly loyal to publications, but when I find a critical voice (or just voice in general) that resonates, challenges, or interests me, I tend to stick with it. So I'm excited to follow along on this next phase of the journey. It's been fun so far.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  10. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    I find it incredible that the first time I ever got involved in the APnet community was when Jason Gleason had a huge falling out with FSF...then in the year that they begin their reunion everything comes to an end :(
  11. Thanks Ben. :fist:
  12. Gwen

    11:11 // Resident Queen Prestigious

  13. Craig Ismaili

    @tgscraig Prestigious

  14. Thank you for this. Hope you like what's to come as well! I appreciate you reading, listening, all of it ... more than I can say.
  15. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

  16. phaynes1


    Leaving y'all with this: a picture of my cat sleeping on dirty boxers. Sleep well my babes. image.jpeg
  17. I don't even know what my first post was on any version of the sites. I found some really, really old posts that were literally unreadable horrific "blogs" about like my personal life or stupid as shit "news" posts from the 90s. So maybe I'd rather pretend those were never a thing. Hah.
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  18. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    The last post of 30 some odd pages when I searched was dated in 2014...missing a few years haha
  19. Gwen

    11:11 // Resident Queen Prestigious

    Well I happened to remember my original account password and it only had 19 posts before I made the 11:11 account, so it wasn't hard to look back through lol. And I'm gonna miss it too :( I WAS UNIQUE.
  20. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    I'm starting to regret not just making my username my actual name like some fancy Mod.:-/
    Ben182TX likes this.
  21. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Check your quotes, they should go all the way back
  22. Fucking Dustin

    "Dustin’s correct" - Randall Supporter

    I really don't know what to say as a farewell at all, except thanks to everyone. I don't think anything I could say could back up how thankful I am for this community and for all the years spent there.
    Jason Tate, AelNire and Wharf Rat like this.
  23. Ben182TX


  24. Jusscali

    Synth-Bop Enthusiast Prestigious

    Perusing the thread there are a number of usernames that I will sincerely miss.