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The Fantasy/Sci-Fi Books Thread Book • Page 87

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by The Lucky Moose, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I think about them, too, haha. I was midway through a major overhaul to turn it into a duology when I hit the wall. There’s a lingering idea that I needed to fix and it kept growing in scale and I didn’t want that.

    I’m glad that helped! I really like being a beta/content editor. These are hoping to be self-pubbed, right? Do you have any covers you’ve looked at yet?
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  2. GBlades


    I am going to try. I can't guarantee i'll do the full thing due to - life - but i've started and the process is heavy but i'm enjoying putting all these thoughts down.
    theagentcoma and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  3. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    I hear you. So much of creative writing is wrapped up in important emotions and internal balance and it can be really tricky to work on difficult parts and keep everything in check. It's a blast when it's good, and even mostly when it's hard, but it's complex too.

    Yeah, self-publishing for these. I've got other novels that I'm still querying traditionally, but the Garden Knight stuff I intend to be a first foray into self-publishing to see how it goes. For covers, there's a freelance artist that I've commissioned before and really liked his work, so I might opt to go that route if he's available, but otherwise haven't done much in that realm (if you've got suggestions, I'm all ears!). I figure I'll get 2.5 and 3 done sometime around January/February and then start the actual process of preparing to publish in earnest.
    theagentcoma and Garrett like this.
  4. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    That's awesome dude! I don't think I knew you write so that's super cool. What kind of story are you working on?
  5. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I didn’t realize how many works you’ve got done and finished. Where do you find the time?!
    theagentcoma and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  6. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Ha, I'll take that as a compliment. 7 novels and 16 short stories finished, but I've been writing for like 22 years, so it's not all that impressive averaged out. (Didn't actually finish a novel until 2015 though, so I guess that's actually not bad.) And, in fairness, only 2 of those novels are in polished final draft form, though I tend to be pretty pleased with my first drafts.

    I suppose the large library of unplayed videogames and unwatched movies contributes haha. In truth, I write at a pretty decent pace as long as I'm consistent, and I can usually clear out about an hour a day to write if I'm focused. I have a lot of other things going on in life, so I feel pretty lucky to be able to do that.

    I also have notes and outlines for upwards of 50 other novels I plan to write before I die, so a looming, gnawing sense of existential dread also motivates me.
    theagentcoma, a_cuppa_joe and Garrett like this.
  7. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Okay, Sanderson 2.0. This is awesome!
    theagentcoma and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  8. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Lol. Thanks dude, I do appreciate it. Remains to be seen if the books are any good, but I'm pleased with how much work I put into them.
  9. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    damn no idea you were so into writing! I'm super interested in all this since I'm trying to self-publish as well. Hope to gain some insights from you as you go through the process
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  10. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    haha yeah writing is like my main thing. (It's also my actual day job, but that's far less exciting.)

    And absolutely dude, we'll have to coordinate and swap tips and stuff. It's an exciting idea to work on putting something out there
    theagentcoma likes this.
  11. GBlades


    It'll be the first real thing I've ever sat down and planned out but I want to really focus on it. I'm starting with a novella to test myself and see where I go from there, if anything.

    It's an epic fantasy (obviously) based in two parts, potentially eons from each other. I've described it to myself as a shattered world, torn asunder by a ruthless angel who, bound by his ego and insecurities and consumed by his own desires, dismantles the harmony of a once-united realm.

    For generations, darkness grips a plunging world and whilst hope becomes a distant memory from the shadows, a hero awaits. Destined to restore balance.

    I'm focussing on a single POV per part but it's a journey that will take them through forests and peaks and battling formidable foes. I'm trying to focus on the journey to the end aspect more than anything else because I love the feeling of going on a quest and seeing the scenery and the "small-town" aspects of things.

    I'm not good at "selling" anything but that's what I'm going for.
  12. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Dude this sounds great. I'm sold. Super fun idea. I especially love the journey emphasis; that's one of my favorite parts about fantasy stories.

    Keep me posted how it goes for sure! If you're tracking on the official NaNo site or anywhere else, let me know your username too.
    theagentcoma and GBlades like this.
  13. GBlades


    I've been reading The Seams of Eternity by Rocco Levitas, an indie fantasy novel, and the prologue is very Dragonmount-esque (though not as epic, i'll admit). I'm enjoying it so far. I'm not usually a fan of fantasy book meets fantasy book blurbs. This is Eye of the World meets The Way of Kings with Tolkien influence which feels like a lot of buzz words but i'm willing to let that pass if the story is good. Which is seems to be so far.

    Goodreads is here; The Seam of Eternity: An Epic Fantasy Book for anyone interested in checking it out.
  14. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    1. Anyone read The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon? A friend who absolutely does not read fantasy said it was the only series she ever read which makes me curious.
    2. I see @Garrett finished Malazan, this a momentous day.
    GBlades likes this.
  15. Garrett Nov 7, 2023
    (Last edited: Nov 7, 2023)

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I've got eight more books in the "this is the proper reading order" to go:

    1. Ian C. Esslemont - Blood and Bone
    2. Ian C. Esslemont - Assail
    3. Ian C. Esslemont - Dancer’s Lament
    4. Ian C. Esslemont - Deadhouse Landing
    5. Ian C. Esslemont - Kellanved’s Reach
    6. Steven Erikson - Forge of Darkness
    7. Steven Erikson - Fall of Light
    8. Steven Erikson - The God Is Not Willing
    (had to go track down the list, haha)
    theagentcoma likes this.
  16. GBlades


    The last thing i saw from @Garrett was the brutal (i assume, ive not read it) 1 star rating and now I want to hear full-series thoughts.
  17. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I'm at a complete loss for words, tbh, and not in the "in awe" sort of way. At this point, I'm finishing what I own already because it's outside my Audible return window and I'm so baffled at the praise I keep reading more trying to understand it.

    But at the same time, I know quite a few guys in here call it their favorite series ever, so I'm not really out to bash it, either. If anything, I just wish the world building and story telling had been done by someone more... because the world and story have the potential to be incredible. Deadhouse Gates, Midnight Tides, and Crippled God were all extremely great at times.

    ICE is a much better author than SE for me, so I'm pretty interested to see how his next few novels go since they're the next five up on the list. I definitely have mostly enjoyed his books way more.
    GBlades likes this.
  18. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    I'm thinking about starting my Malazan journey next year when Broken Binding does their editions. I'm curious to see if I bounce off of it or not. I have friends who love the series as a whole, and others who regret reading as much of the series as they did. Then I know people who are obsessed and use the "this series ruined other fantasy for me" line, which is a bit of a turn off for me.
    theagentcoma likes this.
  19. noxee

    Regular Prestigious

    I enjoyed the Malazan series as a whole but I also felt like I got bogged down in some of the branching nature of the stories, and all the different point of view characters. There are some good stories in there but I always felt quite overwhelmed trying to keep track of everything, and understanding the context of certain plot points. I'd definitely give it a shot.
    theagentcoma likes this.
  20. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    I've read a lot of Peter F. Hamilton, so I think I've grown accustomed to large casts, numerous plot points, and large scope stories. We'll see if that translates.
  21. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    tbf I tried to read Rothfuss right after Malazan and it just felt like YA tripe. That's really the only post-Malazan book I struggled with. I even asked the Malazan Facebook group for lighter reading suggestions, that's how I was turned onto Patricia McKillip and Roger Zelazny
  22. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    That's fair for sure. I've honestly seen it more with people who were brand new to reading SFF and just jumped into the deep end with Malazan as their first epic fantasy series. I trust I'll be able to go into it much more objective.
    theagentcoma likes this.
  23. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    Finished book 4 of Runelords, which more or less finishes a complete story. A perfect conclusion to a perfect journey. Have no idea what the next 4 books have in store for me, but they have a lot to live up to.
    theagentcoma and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  24. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    That’s as far as I’ve read, and I agree! Perfectly wraps up the arcs and threads. I’ve heard the next books expand and twist in interesting ways - some people seem to like the new stuff, others not as much, but I’m betting it’s a wild (and thoughtful) ride either way.
    Vivatoto likes this.
  25. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    I'm going to finish two series this/next month and then I've a huge decision to make as to what to start next. I've accumulated the first books of a ton of different series so obviously I'll need to put it to a thread wide vote
    Garrett and OwainGlyndwr like this.