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The Devil Wears Prada - Color Decay (September 16, 2022) Album • Page 3

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. HeckYeahMatt

    Not Big Chungus

    Twenty-Five is like Chicago pt 2
  2. estebanwaseaten


    Twenty-Five is great (probably my favorite song so far) and sounds like it would make a great closer but I will withhold until I finish the rest of this thing
  3. himynameisdakota


    It’s truly incredible what they’ve accomplished since 8:18
    Crisp X and mattylikesfilms like this.
  4. goosetoph

    u wut m8?

    I love the variety on the album. Aside from the singles (which are all really great) Noise, Trapped, Twenty-five, and Hallucinate are my favorites.
  5. mattylikesfilms


    I won’t lie, I was definitely starting to lowering my expectations after Time and Broken we’re released, but even now I love those tracks. This is wild.

    The only single track I feel truly meh on is Fire but even that track has its moments towards the end.
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  6. mattylikesfilms



    Attached Files:

  7. Chcurry182

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, this rips
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  8. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    Need more time to see how this compares to The Act (which I love) but this is a solid follow up. Some really nice production on this thing as well.
  9. onionbubs


    damn i really didnt like this. one of the worst prada lps for me unfortunately : (
  10. michael_gatto


    Wow, this is the first Prada record I've listened to since With Roots and I'm kind of blown away. Am I missing anything great in between Roots and this one?
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  11. Chcurry182

    Trusted Supporter

    Dead Throne is still my personal favorite
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  12. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    The Act!
    WanderingSquall likes this.
  13. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    Glad to see a lot of people enjoying this but I thought it was just ok after my first listen. On par with The Act imo. I really enjoyed a lot of the heavy moments throughout but thats really it for me. Honestly haven't loved a record from them since Dead Throne which is where they peaked for me.
  14. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

    Man this is great. It's been a bit since a Prada album has grabbed my attention.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  15. mattylikesfilms


    I would say Dead Throne, Space EP, and both Zombie EPs. The Act is solid too.
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  16. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Yeah count me in the boat of people reeled back in by this one. Keeps my attention the whole time, which I don't think I've ever been able to say, even though I really liked With Roots and Dead Throne back in the day.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  17. mattylikesfilms


    “Trapped” is a straight up suckerpunch right in the feels goddamn
  18. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    "I can't sleep 'cause the sky is falling
    Rest in peace, the noise is calling"

    Those screams sounding straight black metal at times, so cool. Mike is a great vocalist, love how often he switches up his delivery.
  19. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Really solid album.
  20. underoath

    She broke your throne and she cut your hair...

    I love Underoath (obviously) but this, this shit right here.... is how you evolve in sound and fucking slay. OUTSTANDING work TDWP. I actually preordered 3 variants of this album (Broken, Watchtower, Exhibition) and so damn glad I did.
    mattylikesfilms and AgonizingFir like this.
  21. michael_gatto


    Looks like based on the replies I should just do a deep dive on everything from Dead Throne on.
  22. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    I think every album they’ve released since Dead Throne have at least a few highs even if they aren’t consistent.
  23. mattylikesfilms


    I preordered the Exhibition variant for this record as well as the grey variant from Rock Sound months back. Can’t wait til they arrive next week!

    People have posted the vinyl layout in their Discord channel and it looks SUPER clean. Love it.
  24. mattylikesfilms


    AgonizingFir likes this.
  25. mattylikesfilms Sep 16, 2022
    (Last edited: Sep 16, 2022)


    I would argue that this is easily their most consistent record, if anything.
    AgonizingFir likes this.