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The Dangerous Summer - Gravity (June 21, 2024) • Page 8

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by TimeBandit99, Mar 28, 2024.

  1. TophTheOriginal


    Least favorite of the three, but still pretty good. I really love the tones and drums on on everything so far.
    NiklePikle likes this.
  2. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    As someone who has p much despised everything they’ve done since Mother Nature I am so back
  3. Donnie Ruth

    Trusted Supporter

    Definitely like these 3 songs and the hopeful potential of the album next month much more compared to everything that came after Mother Nature.

    Which is great because I felt pretty much out on this band only a few months ago
  4. Elder Lightning

    A lightning bolt without a cloud in the sky Supporter

    Yeah, this is very blink-182 and I love it.
  5. Atticus5143


    Do youuuu rememberrrr meee like I rememberrrr youuuuu. This just came on shuffle and man what a high point in their discography.
  6. thehumgoesonforever


    Self-titled is so underrated.
  7. Atticus5143


    seimagery likes this.
  8. TimeBandit99


    It was really beloved in here but then everyone seemed to turn on it a bit. Not sure why. Fire. Ghosts and specifically Infinite are top Tier TDS
  9. manoverboard365


    i got the This Is Life lyrics from AJ's song shop and had it framed. Love that song/album.
    NiklePikle and TimeBandit99 like this.
  10. journeyproud May 22, 2024
    (Last edited: May 22, 2024)

    Newbie Supporter

    I agree, and personally like it more overall than Mother Nature. There’s just a few songs on it that I usually skip but Color, This Is Life, Fire, Ghosts, Infinite… they’re absolute bangers
  11. Smee22


    it really is nice to hear actual drum tones that sound like drum tones in this day and age. So much modern drum recording is either muffled, compressed to death or inauthentic triggers.
    TimeBandit99 likes this.
  12. tonyt3524


    Same here
  13. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Yep yep
  14. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Pacific Ocean sounds like it could fit right in on Mother Nature imo
    Ellite25 likes this.
  15. journeyproud

    Newbie Supporter

    Matt and Josh absolutely nailed the guitars on the album. I’ll always miss Bryan but they have done something special here.
    Sherlock Mahomes likes this.
  16. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    is material Matt worked on going to be on the album?
  17. Ellite25


    I’m still trying to understand how so many people on this site were out on this band when they were one album out from MN. Some of people here make it sound like they released multiple dud albums since MN. AJ even seemed to allude to this in the recent interview when he said, “People act like we left. They act like we’re back.”

    I also feel like I’m the only one that liked Coming Home lol. Album has some great songs on it.
  18. Ellite25


    I’m going to guess yes because in a recent interview AJ said he wanted to release the album last year and Rude wanted them to wait.
    sophos34 likes this.
  19. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    I mean it’s real hard to argue they didn’t fall off when you look at the size of the venues they played on the coming home tour
    youll be fine likes this.
  20. Ellite25


    Did they ever play big places? They’ve played a smaller venue in Southern California (chain reaction) for years.

    Also, I’m speaking more in terms of the music they put out as opposed to venue sizes.
    TophTheOriginal likes this.
  21. journeyproud

    Newbie Supporter

    Considering they wrote the entire album before the incident, I don’t see how it wouldn’t be. In the lyrics on Apple Music the songs have his name at the bottom still.
  22. journeyproud

    Newbie Supporter

    They did take a hiatus, hard to come back from that, all the drama, and rotating lineup.

    Maybe perhaps the common denominator is you since most seem to be enjoying their music in here.
    NiklePikle likes this.
  23. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    They never played massive venues but they used to open for much bigger bands. Anyway I think coming home is 5/10 at best and the EP before it is a 6/10 so yeah obviously I was down on the band for a while

    and to whoever said it’s a “you” problem I’m not the only one lol. many of us have said we love the new songs and are excited despite being down on them after Mother Nature. you should be happy people are coming back around instead of whatever this weird passive aggressiveness is toward people who like the same band as you
  24. Badtasteinmusic


    Is elite25 aj?
  25. youll be fine

    Trusted Supporter

    Coming Home is that bad, they don’t play any bigger tours at all. When is the last time they opened for a bigger band? A lot of my friends are into this “scene” and they hardly know TDS is even still active, anecdotal sure, but the point stands.

    and AJs online presence can be very grating.

    I’m very much back in with these songs.