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The Dangerous Summer - Coming Home (2022) Album • Page 17

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by TimeBandit99, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. Steeeve Perry


    "In the car ride, on the way home, you and I let it all go."
    Are we still doing this?

    Also, all the best sophos! You can do it.

    Also I have Takes:
    1. I love it when bands get on a creative roll and crank out songs and albums in rapid succession, like they are just bursting with melodies and lyrics and chord progressions. I think to the early Wonder Years trilogy, or the first few years of Gaslight/Horrible Crowes. TDS clearly feel like they are in that zone and I'm sure some gold will come from it but it seems clear they are going to be hit-or-miss until they start editing their demos more.
    2. Agree the EP and this new track really lack a bridge (or even a second verse in some cases). I think it worked on Come Down but I'm Alive really suffered for it, and this new track does too.
    3. The lyrics are not good on this one, but mainly because it's an interesting topic (wanting to do better for your partner) but AJ somehow makes it super awkward. It literally sounds like he cheats on her whilst on tour then comes home gets a BJ and thinks wow that was great I should stop cheating on her. The verses completely ruin the overarching sentiment.
    sonder, CoachBalke, cut!print and 3 others like this.
  2. Ryan Coffman


    Carrow, Steeeve Perry and Brent like this.
  3. TimeBandit99


    I went back to listen to the last EP, and it def is much better than I recalled. It's funny how Fuck them all became one of their most popular songs ever. It was at like 8 million plays last time I looked. I think AJ said they can't predict which one will catch on. They thought Come Down was to be the big single from this EP he said on a podcast. Also lie to me is definitely a stand out. I found it interesting that they found that piano piece royalty free online or something like that, and then built the song around that.

    Also the drums have a strange muted sound on that album outside of fuck them all. The production especially on L.A in a cop car really sounds pieced together in home studios to me but it was the depth of covid when this was created. That being said, I think it's worth a revisit
    sonder, Phantoms, hairtaylor and 3 others like this.
  4. Hello, my band from Australia (yes I regret naming my account this 6 years ago) released our new single featuring AJ today.
    TDS have been one of my favourite bands since RFTS so super stoked to get AJ on a song.
    Hope you like it :)

    Also on spotify, apple etc
    Steeeve Perry likes this.
  6. TimeBandit99


    19 days till the album :-)
  7. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    Kind of forgot this album existed. :teethsmile:
  8. TimeBandit99


    Yes for some reason the hype isn't here on the board this round for this one. Not fully sure why..Mother Nature people were buzzing more
  9. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    IMO, the singles for Mother Nature were way better than this batch, so that's probably why.
  10. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    I really dig All I Ever Wanted, but the other two singles haven't really been doing much for me. Someday especially kinda killed the hype I had for new TDS.
  11. Steeeve Perry


    Kinda bums me out how let down you seem by this album. I'll still check it out but my expectations have sunk. Would you mind elaborating on your thoughts about it?
  12. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    Song Coming Home is great. Other two singles I’m not so sure on. Who knows…gonna stream it go from there.
    Brent and TimeBandit99 like this.
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I’m just waiting for the album to listen to any of it at this point
    TimeBandit99 likes this.
  14. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    Yeah, I'm bummed about it too, and I should probably stop talking in this thread so that I don't put people off this record before they even hear it!

    There's nothing inherently "wrong" with the album, I just really haven't been grabbed by any of the songs. If you told me this was a TDS b-sides collection, I'd believe you. A lot of it feels really safe and like they're leaning on old tricks. There are good songs, but most of my favorites feel like lesser versions of things they've done in the past.

    I think, mostly, that Mother Nature really raised the bar for this band in my eyes. When I wrote about that album, I said that "It takes a band that previously felt like a faded version of its glory days and breathes immense new life into their sound. It makes you excited for this band again, and for what their path might look like going forward." I felt like they were taking chances and expanding their horizons, and that Sam Pura was really helping them use the studio to make the songs special and unique. I was hoping that energy would carry over to their future albums, but I don't feel any of it here.

    I hope it will grow on me. The EP definitely did. But I haven't felt a lot of pull to come back to it, which is wild considering this band has made three records that I'd consider my favorite album of their respective years.
    sonder, hairtaylor and Steeeve Perry like this.
  15. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    I will always check out what this band does but honestly for me, they will probably never touch what they did on their first two records. There’s just something about the way they sound and the songwriting that they never quite got back to in my mind. Even with Mother Nature, I kind of had to try to “make” myself like it as much as everyone else here seemed to and I never really did. I just didn’t really connect with it.
    .K. likes this.
  16. Ben Lee

    I drink coffee and dad my kids Supporter

    Obviously I took note of Craig’s opinion, but there were parts of GR and the self titled that I really liked. And of course, I loved Mother Nature, but “Someday” completed deflated my hype for this record.

    I’m sure I’ll end up liking a few songs and putting them on my TDS playlist but I doubt I revisit this as much as the rest of their catalog.
  17. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    Lots of bands go through growing pains at this stage of their career, I would never write them off unless there were multiple clunkers in a row (golden record and s/t while flawed are not even close to what I’d really classify as a clunker) so if this one doesn’t do it for me I’ll still love ‘em and pay attention. But who knows! Even if I don’t love this album like their others I could still like it fine enough and there’s a place for albums like that in my listening!
  18. Ben Lee

    I drink coffee and dad my kids Supporter

    Yeah I think they’ve got a lot left in the tank yet, even if this one is a bummer. I’m just not in love with mid-tempo TDS.

    Aj’s clearly still got it. That last Broken Glowsticks song was fucking awesome!
    Oviedotiger and TimeBandit99 like this.
  19. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    Feel the same way. There have been some good song since, but I find as complete records I go back to the first two and MN or any other record doesn’t compare for me. Still checking out the new one.
  20. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    To be clear, I'm definitely not writing them off or giving up on them. I'm sure they'll make music that resonates with me again. This is just the first album of theirs that hasn't really done anything for me.
  21. Steeeve Perry


    Thanks Craig, hoe you find more to like about it as time goes on. I got into this band thanks to you, and the song that reeled me in (and first song of theirs I ever heard) was Starting Over. So I completely agree that was an exciting direction for the band and I too find it a little disappointing they are playing it safe comparatively now.
    Since Mother Nature I've gone back through their catalogue and like all of it, although the debut kinda towers over everything else for me. Just one of the best albums to sing every word to that I've ever heard.
    I'm hoping for more greatness yet, even if this is a weak point in their recorded output.
    Craig Manning likes this.
  22. sammyboy516

    Trusted Prestigious

    Yeah they just had a specific sound on RFTS and WP that isn’t quite there on the other records. As others have said, Golden Record is a little messy but Sins and Catholic Girls in particular definitely have that “feel” I’m talking about. There have definitely been good/great songs since then but nothing that really has the feeling I’m trying to describe lol. I definitely don’t think it’s just nostalgia either, there’s something specific about the songwriting and the way the songs actually sound that felt different.

    That said, I’m glad the band is still at it, that they are making music they are proud of, and that they have a lot of fans who love it. I don’t dislike it, I just don’t gravitate to it like I do to those first two albums.
    .K. likes this.
  23. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I'll never get over AJ saying he wanted to sound like Laura Jane Grace on Golden Record and that's why he shouted and strained the whole record. The songs are totally there, his vocal performance ruins it for me.
  24. TimeBandit99 Aug 8, 2022
    (Last edited: Aug 8, 2022)


    The only thing bugging me a bit it how similar Coming Home and All I wanted are. The drum beat and tempo and overall vibe is just so alike in my mind. And "someday" I think I would have liked more if I never had seen the lyrics. Especially seeing them first. The "big green eyes" song I've heard and that's a super sincere one and one of the best I've heard from A.J so I think that's a good sign
    Oviedotiger likes this.
  25. Oviedotiger


    Maybe it's just me but between broken Glowsticks last song and the preview of The Ditches have my attention that the new album, but still excited to check it out.
    TimeBandit99 likes this.