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The Dangerous Summer – “This is Life” Video

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    Wonder if those guys drink at all.
    Jonathan, SamLevi11, Arry and 5 others like this.
  3. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    I was thinking the same thing.
  4. artbynickferran

    drink until we die
    Brent likes this.
  5. RileyWitiw

    more like Supporter

    I love this song. The bridge that ends the song is awesome.
  6. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    Is anyone else worried about AJ??? I feel like the dude is always drinking and looking for drugs, just looks bad...
    Brent likes this.
  7. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Thoughts have crossed my mind. Also seems he is no longer married. I could be wrong. That’s just a vibe a get from following him. Hope he’s good though.
  8. Frank Lapidus

    Regular Supporter

    I saw them last May and was pretty disappointed. They sounded good - but their stage banter and overall demeanor was pretty lame. All they talked about was getting 'fucked up' after the show and drinking and partying so much. I get it - they seem super stoked to be back playing, but it had a vibe of the 30+ year old trying to hang with 21 year olds. Awkward.
    honkytonk and Brent like this.
  9. Matt504

    Trusted Prestigious

    They put on a good show when I saw them, but the drinking and drugs are getting out of hand. I wonder if Ace from The Early November says anything, they just started touring together and he is not one to take that stuff lightly...
  10. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Yup pretty much this. I’m all for partying, but when it’s you’re lifeblood it’s pretty sad.
  11. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    If i remember, neither does Jono Diener who is playing drums for TEN and who has played with TDS in the past with his old band The Swellers. I can’t remeber, but it was either Jono or his Brother that mentioned some not so nice things about TDS. Then again, Cody was still in the band lol.
  12. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    I think you’re right. His wife’s Instagram no longer has Perdomo as her last name.
    Brent likes this.
  13. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Saw them when they were in the UK and filmed this. They definitely really like to party is all I will say haha.

    They were very nice though and the song is fantastic.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  14. Frank Lapidus

    Regular Supporter

    Yeah - they all were very nice and seemed very thankful that people showed up on this second life of the band. However, the overall partying aspect seemed almost forced? Plus the overall age of the crowd skewed older and there were more than a handful of people who seemed to be turned off by the vibes.

    New record is solid and still love their music - just wish their demeanor would reflect their age just a tad more?
  15. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Still really into this album.
  16. DandonTRJ

    ~~~ヾ(^∇^ Supporter

    Basically agree with everything in this thread. Again, all nice dudes, but I worry AJ isn't taking care of himself, on top of it just being awkward on stage. The "luv 2 get fucked up" attitude/demeanor doesn't gel with the earnestness of the music.
    Frank Lapidus likes this.
  17. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    My girlfriend used to live in the same apartment complex as AJ in LA before he moved. Wife and Luna have gone back to South Africa.
  18. RileyWitiw

    more like Supporter

    I mean... I've noticed the dude isn't the most eloquent speaker in general which may be adding to people's concern. Which is sort of odd because his lyrics can be quite profound.
    Brent likes this.
  19. chilllll


    dope song! leave the odd personal concerns for his fam and doctor.
    Brent likes this.
  20. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    It’s not that odd to have a concern over another human being and their health when they’ve shown signs that can be concerning.
    Matt504 and Brent like this.
  21. say_hello_to_good_times


    Saw these guys in Worcester a few months back and there were probably 35-40 people I was kind of fucked up and AJ came down and we sang "Infinite" together. It was fun, but, yeah, I get it, and I understand where people in this thread are coming from.
    Matt504 and Brent like this.
  22. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah I think the concerns are valid but people are a little OTT about them. He's not exactly old, and he's a musician who tours the world, I'd say partying is relatively normal.

    I wonder how often he sees Luna, must suck to be so far away from your daughter.
    tyramail likes this.
  23. chilllll


    the video shows dudes having a good time on tour. id be doin the same shit. dont see the problem.