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The Cure - Songs of a Lost World (November 1, 2024) Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by OhTheWater, Sep 26, 2024.

  1. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I saw

    and nothing is forever
    A fragile thing
    I can never say goodbye

    and it’s not clear if these will be on the album but also these two

    It can never be the same
    Step into the light
    Rowan5215 and bradpetrik like this.
  2. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    I think It Can Never Be the Same and Step into the Light are songs from the proposed 4.26 Scream double album that never got released. so the likelihood of them being on this album is small but maybe one day if Robert does a deluxe 4.13 Dream we'll finally hear all that stuff lol
  3. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    New song is amazing. November 1st can’t come any sooner!!!
  4. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Really amazing that they're still going for this sound and nailing it
  5. cherrywaves


    He still sounds incredible, that’s so crazy
    Argus likes this.
  6. JM95


    SpyKi and SuddenUrgeJoey like this.
  7. Thankfully the record’s only 3 weeks away, it’ll be pretty easy to skip the singles on this one
    duffe likes this.
  8. Barresi

    Spooky Space Kook

    Tracklist is out there.
  9. Jim

    Trusted Supporter

    This is good
  10. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    alright yeah those top 5 are all on it and the bottom 2 aren’t
  11. Blainer93

    Prestigious Supporter








    Rowan5215 and Contender like this.
  12. somethingwitty


    So a fragile thing is super good.
    mellohart, Blainer93, Barresi and 2 others like this.
  13. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    looks like they swapped out Another Happy Birthday for another one that hasn't been debuted live, interesting. that was probably the weakest of the ones I've heard live so might be a good thing

    apparently Fragile Thing is getting a physical single so fingers crossed we hear a few b-sides on that thing. It Can Never Be the Same is my white whale for this band
    Barresi and Blainer93 like this.
  14. mellohart

    Regular Prestigious

    A Fragile Thing is great, album's stacking up really nicely atm for me.
  15. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  16. Azz


  17. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    apparently he sounded pretty confident that there's gonna be another new album and Happy Birthday/Never Be the Same will be on it. I'm still jaded from the 4.14 Scream cancellation though lol
    Phantoms likes this.
  18. amorningofsleep

    Dear Ambellina...

    How in the hell does he still sound so good?
  19. JM95


    Usually when people say a vocalist in their 60s sounds ‘as good as ever’ they're making generous allowances for the aging vocal cords of a voice they once loved and now, due to the wear-and-tear of time, touring, and possibly substance abuse, sounds relatively decent.

    Robert literally sounds as good as ever.
  20. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    yeah it's nuts but his voice has not changed at all, I mean he's probably not doing New Day type acrobatics anymore but his normal range is as good as ever. dude really played the long game writing all those songs that were half instrumental intro lol
  21. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    His voiced has aged phenomenally. When I saw The Cure live last year, he sounded like he did on record
  22. JM95


    I struggle to think of a time I've been so blown away by how good a vocalist sounded live as when I saw The Cure a couple of years ago. I just did not expect him to sound that clean and powerful.
  23. mattfreaksmeout

    Trusted Supporter

    Agreed, when I finally saw them last year I literally couldn't believe these sounds were coming out of his mouth. Really awesome to see a band like this and not feel like I'm missing out by seeing them now instead of back in the day.
    Phantoms and onionbubs like this.
  24. JM95


    Album launch show tickets sold out in 10 seconds and I'm fucking gutted.
  25. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter