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The Creepy Experiences/Ghost Stories/Conspiracy Theories, etc Thread • Page 67

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Letterbomb31, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm staying overnight on the property of The Conjuring House this weekend (they call it ghamping, ghosts + camping lol). Should be an interesting experience.
  2. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Share pics!
  3. MysteryKnight Aug 21, 2023
    (Last edited: Aug 21, 2023)

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The Conjuring House was a very cool experience! Got a tour of the house inside earlier in the day which was really interesting.

    I investigated the grounds from about 9pm-3am before getting some sleep in the tent and woke up at 7am and went out around the property for another hour. My group didn’t experience much paranormal activity (still have to review all the videos and audio though so there could be more we captured) but even so, this was still a really cool thing to get to do just to be able to be on the property of such a historic place where many spirits are said to reside and people have experienced many different things. There were only two other groups camping on the property this night so at times it really felt like we were there by ourselves which was great. One person in the other group said early in the night she saw a woman in the woods whose description would match Abigail.

    One of the caretakers had told us people have experienced possible Native American spirits on the property back in the woods near where our tent was set up and have even heard drumming like the native Americans would use. Our group believes we heard this drumming at one point in the night - that was the best paranormal activity we experienced here. I would definitely be interested in going back sometime in the future to do an investigation inside the house.

    I am going to be starting a YouTube channel/podcast for all the investigations we do at some point. This was our 3rd investigation and we have another one coming up in a few weeks.

    A few pics:

    IMG_4225.jpeg IMG_4283.jpeg IMG_4248.jpeg IMG_4231.jpeg
    trevorshmevor, Joe, Indigo and 7 others like this.
  4. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    You are a braver person than I
  5. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Hell yeah, very cool.
  6. Taketimeandfind


    Could you imagine if he just never decided to post again and we were just all left wondering?
  7. justin.


    I have two doors to my apartment. One metal door and a regular door. I left for work one day realizing the metal door was unlocked so I’ve made it a habit to be sure I lock it.

    3 times since I started I’ve found it unlocked the next morning. Someone in my apartment building is unlocking my first door but can never get pass the second door. I’m not sure who is doing it.
  8. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Don’t like that
  9. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

  10. justin.


    I asked for any footage of the hallway but was told it will take a week to get it. Not sure why
  11. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    We’ve found the culprit
    marsupial jones likes this.
  12. justin.


    I’m moving out this week anyway. Whoever takes my suite can deal with it
  13. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    Duxbury woman Lindsay Clancy indicted in deaths of her three kids

    Very tragic and senseless murders but I find the psychosis part really creepy. The reason I post it here is the mother’s account of hearing a “man’s voice” telling her to kill the children and herself. I have never experienced psychosis but we all have a voice in our heads to some degree. I just can’t imagine how scary it would be to hear a distinct voice that’s not your own and to be compelled to follow it when it’s telling you to do the worst thing you can imagine.
    jkauf likes this.
  14. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Postpartum psychosis is terrifying. People really need to take women and their mental health seriously. Obv at all times, but especially after giving birth. Talking to my friends who've had kids and had "just" Postpartum without psychosis it sounds so isolating and sad. Like they don't even recognize their own bodies and lose their identities and many of their friends, and sometimes their husbands sound so callous about it. I wish we had more of a positive support network for new moms that isn't toxic
    jkauf, jpmalone4, Nyquist and 2 others like this.
  15. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh being a mod Supporter

    Yeah my friend’s wife had really bad postpartum but luckily he’s a good guy, they had a rough couple months after having their first kid.
  16. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    This is gonna sound like a bad stand up comedian joke/but but I’m honestly curious and have had this thought since like middle school - why do mental disorders always result in the person suffering from it do bad things? (And why is it always suffering that is the result!)

    Whether it’s psychosis, personality disorders, hearing voices, seeing things, etc. they all end up with people murdering each other, destroying things, screaming/panicking or other acts of violence. Why does no one hear a voice or see a vision or thing and do something good - go pick up trash, clean the house, do something nice for a friend or stranger, start exercising, do volunteer work, etc. it’s always something bad.
  17. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Not gonna think about this too much because otherwise it will really creep me out lol

    Was watching a video on YouTube on my phone a little bit ago and suddenly it started pausing, skipping then jumping back a few minutes here and there. Figured it was just the video itself or my internet connection but when I finally actually looked at my phone it had like, the menu screens up as if someone was touching the screen and scrolling back in the video or hitting the rewind/fast forward buttons, but it wasn’t me hitting the buttons! I literally sat there and watched as the video jumped forward and then back and then restarted all while seeing the commands on the screen as if IT or someone had hacked into my phone and was fucking around. Not gonna lie, was pretty creepy and like I said, not gonna dwell on this too much, I need to be able to sleep tonight :crylaugh:
  18. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    It was nice knowing you
  19. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    So…here’s one.

    We have an attic above our garage. The only way to access it is by getting a ladder (or I guess walking on top of the car) and pushing up a square, wooden door a few inches and then moving the door open.

    I have literally never gone up there. Neither has my wife or kids. Personally, attics creep me the fuck out. Well, my wife noticed today that the door was like, 80 percent open. Meaning, someone (or something) would have had to get a ladder, or climb on top of one our cars, to push the door up and then over. I would find this next to impossible, as our garage door is almost always shut.

    I did notice last night my wife left the garage door open from like 5-6:15 pm but we are also experiencing a pretty bad weather and wind storm this weekend and it was dark and nothing went off on our Ring camera.

    We are experiencing super high winds so the only thing I can think of is somehow the door got sucked up a little bit and moved, which also seems unlikely.

    I did grab a ladder this morning and a flashlight and popped my head up in there (which is a petrifying experience) and did not see anything out of the ordinary - however I didn’t go all the way up there so I couldn’t see everything.

    Regardless, this is probably going to bother me forever.
  20. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    Close the door and seal it shut somehow. Just block it temporarily if needed. If you hear panicked banging from a trapped person, you got a dude up there. If not, you’re good?
    Fletchaaa likes this.
  21. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    My thought was even if someone did get up there, how dumb would they have to be to leave the door open as if nobody wouldn’t notice an attic door open?
    incognitojones likes this.
  22. Fletchaaa

    Trusted Supporter

    How else will they get their victims to come up
    David87, Shakriel and Victor Eremita like this.
  23. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    damn RIP dude
  24. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I have a similar attic door but it’s in my son’s closet. It did look dirty recently like someone attempted to open it. Even also looked slightly ajar. I also thought I heard scuttling one night too. Well it’s been 2 months now and we’re all still alive.
  25. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Trying to think of somewhat rational but would need like the perfect circumstances to have it happen and without actually witnessing, it would be hard for me to believe myself:

    - wind
    - wind and animal(s)
    - is there any other way into the attic? Window, hole in roof, hole in the wall? That an animal could get in

    Hard to believe it would be a person unless a lot of garages around you are set up that same way. Like, if it was someone trying to get out of the cold I wouldn’t think to go in a garage and climb into an attic space - although maybe someone was in the garage (whether for shady reasons or to get out of the cold), looked up, saw the door and thought either that would be a better place to go or thinking there were valuables up there lol

    any footprints or markings on the roof of the car?