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The Creepy Experiences/Ghost Stories/Conspiracy Theories, etc Thread • Page 64

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Letterbomb31, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

  2. mattav152

    Release My Mind, My Garden Grows

    I've been wanting to go car camping up in the northern Maine woods, literal middle of nowhere, but shit like that really makes me second guess ever going alone.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  3. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I did a paranormal investigation last night with a few of my friends at museum that used to be a prison in the 1800s and 1900s. There were 9 executions that took place at the prison and there was as a warden who was murdered by one of the inmates.

    I've been to some cemeteries before to do some paranormal investigating but this was the "biggest" investigation I've done in terms of it being at a place with a big history and many documented paranormal experiences. The staff there had some really cool stories like the front door shutting and locking on its own many times, hearing keys jingling down the hall when no one is there, seeing full body apparitions, etc. There was even one area where the staff member said they never go because they don't feel comfortable there.

    As for our investigation, it was a very cool experience. We didn't get any groundbreaking clear cut evidence but we did have several unexplainable things happen. Biggest one being one of the friends I was with claims they saw a shadow figure down one of the halls. So we went over to where he said he saw it, I said if there was someone here then make a noise, and 5 seconds later we hear a loud clank down the hall. We didn't get the shadow figure on video, but the sound we heard is. We had some areas where we just felt uneasy, one of the cells I went into it felt like there was someone in there with me. In the room where the inmates were held before they were executed, I was using my spirit box and we weren't getting any clear voices through it but when I asked if anyone that was here wanted us to leave, we heard a "yes". We asked again as we thought we may have been hearing things, but we heard once again a voice say "yes", it was a deeper, darker sounding voice. Needless to say, we left that room.

    Still have a lot of audio and video to sift through but those were the biggest things we captured/experienced that I know of now.
  4. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    That reminds me of a creepy story from way back when (middle school).

    the house we lived in, my room was kind of diagonal to the breezeway, which had a window on one side and sliding glass doors on the other. This allowed me to “see” the motion sensor light that was on our garage facing the driveway.

    One summer night, with my window open and blinds up, with some friends sleeping over, the motion sensor light kept turning on. We noticed this around midnight or so. This wasn’t a super touchy one where a leaf or a car would turn it on, you had to be pretty close and a pretty solid “thing” to get it to activate (a basketball or something never turned it on).

    After awhile, we were getting a bit freaked because every time it turned off it would turn right back on. So we went to the kitchen and watched from that window. Light turns off and nothing. Stays off. 15 minutes pass, and never turns on after constantly turning back on for an hour or more. By the time we get back to my room (15 seconds?) it’s back on.

    Finally, I say out the window, “if someone is out there, leave the light off until I count to ten”. Light turns off, doesn’t turn back on. I wait a minute. Count to 10. Right at 10, light turns on.

    We freak out (4 of us) but kind of assume it was friends fucking with us. So after a few more minutes we quickly all bolt from the house - from the front door and from the breezeway and run every direction around the house in silence to catch wherever it was but no one was there. Unless they were on the fucking roof and dangling their arm/leg in front of the sensor we couldn’t figure out what it was that kept turning it on.
  5. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Shortly after my grandpa died my grandma told us a few crazy stories that happened within a few months following his death.

    The first was she had a touch light in her front room that could literally only turn on if someone physically touched it. There were several nights following his death where she’d wake up in the middle of the night and the light had been turned on.

    Secondly, and potentially related, her alarm clock would go off at odd hours of the middle of the night, despite her not setting the alarm.

    Lastly, she lost her wedding ring at some point following his death and she looked tirelessly for it all around the house. She ended up finding it a week or so later - it was placed around her lipstick. Lipstick that she had been wearing for days and it was not on there on the other days it was lost.
  6. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I did a very brief tour of the Shanghai tunnels in Portland yesterday. No ghosts seen by me. But there was so much dust swirling around when I took pics I could def see how people would find "orbs" and stuff in their images. I'm a boring skeptic but it was still fun to crawl under pipes and stuff lol
  7. For anyone interested, I've been binging old Ghost to Ghost (Coast to Coast) episodes on Spotify. Someone is uploading them under the name Art Bell Tape Vault. The Halloween "Ghost to Ghost" episodes are pretty much 3 hours of call-in ghost stories from listeners and they go all the way back to 1993.
  8. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Man, I loved reading through this and reading your guys stories. It's a blast from the past for me as I used to love exploring haunted/abandoned places, and had some really crazy, unsettling experiences. I don't think I could do it anymore as I'm too scared of getting arrested for breaking and entering, but when I was a stupid teenager who didn't care about that, man was it fun. @MysteryKnight I loved your latest story especially. If I may ask, was it an above board visit?

    The craziest was an old abandoned insane asylum in CT (not fairfield hills - a lesser known one). We found our way in through a basement window (so had to drop down), and it was absolutely terrifying once in. We found one room with patient files and notes still there, and read the story about someone who was so violent, they had to have their hands covered at all times (gloves taped on) as they were trying to bite their own fingers off. We didn't catch anything besides footsteps in the courtyard, and a general sense of unease, but I'll always remember how creepy and scary it was. And the fact that the only way out was to be boosted and pulled through the basement window, made it even more terrifying as we didn't have a quick escape route.

    I have no idea if the building is still there and after a few times inside, the last time I went (a decade + ago), every single possible window/door etc was so tightly sealed I don't think anyone is getting in anymore.

    Crazy to stumble across this thread. This will be good reading to entertain myself the next few doors and to stir up some of my favorite memories.
  9. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    i feel silly for asking like maybe I should know but what do you mean above board visit?
  10. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Was it somewhere you were allowed to be investigating or did you sneak in somewhere? It sounded like an open museum with just a dark history that welcomes people to check out its spooky side?
  11. MysteryKnight

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Oh gotcha. Yeah so it’s a museum open to the public during the day. But Saturday nights you can reserve the building for a private investigation. It was $350 for 4 hours.
  12. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I was watching Ryan and Shane's new ghost files show and Shane was wearing a Christian lee Hutson shirt and now my love is amplified
    elphshelf likes this.
  13. buttsfamtbh


    anyone else love the scary comp videos on youtube by bizarre bub? they usually have pretty good ghost stuff on that
  14. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    Post us a link or two!
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  15. buttsfamtbh


    he makes year end round-ups with the best clips he found, i'd start with this one for last year

    then kinda work your way up. some of it is goofy but you get the one or two that make your skin crawl and it's totally worth it
  16. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    Okay so I think I’m just gonna go for a car ride for…a while because earlier this morning my wife and I realized our son left his shoes outside in the rain. I work from home, alone, so I put them in the dryer a bit ago, and then had to go to the bathroom. When I came back out of the bathroom, the dryer was stopped. I walked over to it and not only was it stopped, but the door was open and the shoes were on the ground.

    So yeah, nope, I’ve seen this movie. I’m not peeking in the bedrooms. There’s probably some logical explanation like maybe the shoes hit something while tumbling around in there, causing the door to open and they fell out, but hahaha you know what? I need to go to the grocery store anyway and maybe hang out there for an extended period of time and then maybe not come back at all and just sell the house but the market’s so terrible…
  17. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    report back if alive
  18. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter

    So far so good! I’ve got a very fratty ghosty I guess.
    theagentcoma likes this.
  19. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Lol if it's any consolation this has happened to me many times when drying shoes. Not necessarily both shoes falling out, but the shoes knocking the door open and one falling out.
    Nyquist likes this.
  20. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    This will be hard to adequately describe but worth a shot:

    I was taking my parents dog for a walk and there’s a road we walk down with only a few houses at the end of a subdivision. I say this because the fact that there are only a few houses on this middle of nowhere street makes me curious why this would be a Halloween prop they put out when almost no one goes down this dead end unless you’re lost or live there.

    As we’re walking I see a house with some Halloween decorations outside. And only one of the decorations is moving. I assume it was supposed to be a ghost but kind of looked like a rabbit without ears.

    The weird / creepy part is the ghost/rabbit thing wasn’t moving like a “normal” Halloween decoration would. It was kind of like doing a squat and then shaking its hands like a wave at chest height and then it would turn / TAKE A FEW STEPS LIKE A PERSON, shuffle a bit and then do the squat and shaking hands thing.

    For some reason it just really creeped me out because it wasn’t consistent with its movements like an powered decoration would. Sometimes it just stood there not moving at all while seeming to stare right at me.

    Maybe it was a decoration (but again, why buy something that no one will see on a dead end road?) but the way it moved seemed too lifelike which then made me wonder why the hell someone would be dressed up and doing that in their yard at 6 at night.
    waking season and Aaron Mook like this.
  21. jpmalone4

    Stay Lucky Supporter

    incognitojones and Aaron Mook like this.
  22. Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

  23. justin.


    I was staying at a place called Uji Tea Inn in Uji, Kyoto.

    It’s an old Japanese house that was remodeled for accommodation. I went to Uji to buy some matcha and the “executive suite” looked cool so I booked it for 3 nights.

    FB7AB59C-4746-4918-86C3-4F0FBD8E2523.jpeg 7C059FFA-1476-46D7-9C43-11CBFE71E08D.jpeg

    Anyway, the middle of the room as separated by 4 sliding doors. I only used the middle two doors and they require some pushing, some muscle.

    I went to bed around 12:30 last night and woke up around 3 am sweating. I’m talking droplets dripping off of my arm sweating. I immediately got up to shower and that’s when I noticed that the left door was opened by about 2 feet - nearly fully open.

    My first thought was “is that door opened? Why?” But I dismissed it and took my shower. I closed the door and laid back on the floor and that’s when it started to process.

    Did I open it in my sleep?
    Did someone walk in from the other part of the house (other guests) and open it?

    I decided to just pack my suitcase and leave so now I’m at the station freezing. I’ve been here for about an hour. Next train doesn’t arrive for another 25 minutes.

    Also, when I left I noticed the main door that separates my suite from the rest of the house was still locked and it only locks on my side.

    Photo was taken after my shower and after I had closed the door.

  24. Someone banged on my door and bolted while I was reading that story and I jumped
    justin., Daniel and trevorshmevor like this.
  25. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    creepiness aside, that place looks awesome