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The Creepy Experiences/Ghost Stories/Conspiracy Theories, etc Thread • Page 61

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Letterbomb31, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    The Ghost of Water Conservation strikes again
  2. An environmentally conscious spookiboi

    I just hope it’s as much of an advocate for me staying alive
  3. Nyquist

    I must now go to the source Supporter


    *floats over to spigot*

    “You’re using too much waterrrrrrrr”

    turns spigot off and floats back to the afterlife spookily*

  4. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    sleep well, everyone:

  5. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    I need this to happen to me.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  6. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Not nearly as creepy, because for my mom’s story it’s simply her forgetting to turn off the hose which happens to millions each year I’m sure but she’s been freaking out that the hose has been left on 4-5 times the last two weeks. “I swear I turned it off! It bothered me so much last time that it was still on that I made sure of it this time and yet it was on again already when I went out there!”

    had your event happened to her idk what she would have done. She would have lost her mind and never stopped talking about lol
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  7. angrycandy

    I’m drama in these khaki towns Supporter

    trevorshmevor likes this.
  8. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Anyone have some good local haunts or places you used to explore as kids? I feel like every place not in a major city had an "abandoned insane asylum", gravity hill, and/or a hitchhiker ghost intersection.

    I grew up in a small desert town outside of LA with nothing to do so we were always checking out abandoned places. We never saw anything creepy, but the scariest place was a short drive into the hills, on the back side of Elizabeth Lake, there was an old abandoned camp ground. Obviously that's super creepy at night and impossible not to think about Friday the 13th. If you continued down a path that lead outside the camp and knew where to turn left directly up a hill with no markings there was a small graveyard in the middle of the hill. It had like 8 or so Graves from late 1800s to early 1900s with some young children. Pretty crazy to find in the middle of Southern California.
    Indigo and Aaron Mook like this.
  9. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This is the local delaware lore claim to fame (even though it's technically across the border in PA)

    The Haunted Legend of "The DuPonts, Devil's Road, and the Cult House"
    Weird Pennsylvania
    Driving Down This Haunted Pennsylvania Road Will Give You Nightmares

    Driving Cult House Road at night is like a right of passage around here. Except it's private property and a lot of people have been chased off of it by SUVs lol. It also has some vague influence of The Villiage, and that movie was filmed in the general area.
  10. My small hometown (Waterford) has a covered bridge we used to walk to as kids, generally creepy and the legend was you could hear the ghost of a donkey that went over the edge at night. My brother lived in a house down the road from there and it was absolutely haunted, probably more so than any place I've ever been myself. Heard people having full-on conversations, opening doors, and walking up the stairs/in the attic all the time.

    Erie has the Vampire Crypt and Axe Hollow.

    From the GoErie vault: Erie Cemetery's 'Vampire Crypt'
    Tales of Axe Murder Hollow continue to haunt Erie region
    Indigo, David87, Daniel and 1 other person like this.
  11. Taketimeandfind


    Here we have ghost tracks, donkey lady bridge, devils bridge and an insane asylum and that’s all just within 5 minutes of me
    David87 and Daniel like this.
  12. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    I grew up in Chino, California. Theres three different prisons in the area and some time in the 80s a man named Kevin Cooper escaped from one of the prisons and then two days later allegedly murdered a family of four. So that house became "The Cooper House" and eventually they demolished it but it still became an urban legend and in high school we would drive around the neighborhood looking for it and just chill outside waiting to see some ghosts. Kim Kardashian was actually advocating for his release a few years ago because apparently the evidence in the case was questionable.

    Theres also a former weapons storage facility for the air force up in the hills that is apparently leaking chemicals into the nearby ground water. Its completely fenced off and theres an armed guard on the only road leading up to it. There was always rumors of like mutated farmers or whatever living up there because of the chemicals. I always wanted to check it out because it sounds like a cool abandoned location but I dont feel like going to federal prison.
    Indigo and Daniel like this.
  13. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    Entire planet’s haunted. Would advise to keep out.
    angrycandy likes this.
  14. Daniel Aug 30, 2021
    (Last edited: Aug 30, 2021)

    Party Mom Supporter

    Just remembered another dumb story.

    A couple friends and I had just gotten out of the movie White Noise and went over to visit one of their girlfriend's working at the local radio station. It was night, probably around 9 and she was there alone. She was telling us how the radio station was haunted and all the weird things that would happen. I mostly just remember her saying the ghost would only mess with women, moving their hair, tapping them on the shoulder and such. Anyway, we were already creeped out from the movie and all of her stories when my cellphone rang and and the caller ID showed 'Unknown". I picked up and all that was on the other end was white noise. We all freaked the fuck out and left. I'm sure it was just some interference from the radio station, but still too creepy of a coincidence.
  15. Steve_JustAGuy


    Essentially, my backyard growing up was a cemetery, but nothing really spooky happened.
  16. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    We have a local arts center here that used to be a hospital that has haunted rumors, espesh the basement but Ive never noticed anything weird when I've been there. There's a weird pink stage in the park that used to be a cemetery where some gravestones are still at and as a kid my friend told me the ghost of Selena Quintanilla was down there lmao and I believed it but yeah no dice.

    We do have a red light district that is basically an abandoned underground city. I think it's where the Chinese hid out because racism and there were like opium dens and jail and gambling and stuff as well as sex work. I think that's rumored to be haunted as well though I've only been down there like once or twice
    Indigo likes this.
  17. Matt

    Living with the land Supporter

    in new england, everything is allegedly haunted

    In high school when we were bored at night, we would go as a group on the hiking trail through the woods. People would claim that it was haunted, that you could see a girl in white walking around that hear the sounds of slamming doors. We'd turn off our flashlights and see how far we could go in the dark before someone wanted to turn around. Nothing paranormal ever happened but it was fun and we would freak each other out. Also luckily no one ever got attacked by a bear.

    One time we were about 20 minutes deep into the woods when we got to a big clearing. We turned on our flashlights and saw what looked like glowing eyes on two big black shapes at the other end. I remember someone just started sprinting back down the path because they freaked out lol. Me and a friend returned the next morning to see what it was and I think it was just a trashcan or something stupid.
    trevorshmevor, Indigo and Daniel like this.
  18. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    Long story sorry.

    There’s a village about 35 minutes away from my hometown called Saint Nazianz. Rumor in high school was it was founded by escaping nazis, hence the name, but everything I’ve ever found about it says that’s not the case.

    either way, there is/was a supremely large multi-building boarding school / church in the village that we became fascinated with in high school. Like, for a village of 800 it made no sense to have a campus this big. Rumor had it that nuns beat kids in the basement and a bunch died and there is a cemetery right behind the main building for the nuns and priests who died there. And legend had it that they had a haunted house one year there and a girl went missing from her friends and was found a week later hung the same way a kid in the early 1900’s was. All of this is believed pretty solidly to be untrue, but high school kids don’t want no facts! We want scares!

    BUT we would go to this place damn near every day for weeks. And the drive there (once off the highway) always took forever, but when leaving we would be back to the highway in minutes. We would bring people who knew nothing about the place and say nothing of the drive and they would all comment and say something like, “what the fuck we’re back to the highway already?” so that was weird.

    And when we went (2004) we had those big ass video cameras with fucking tapes lmao and we would record what we could from the road and there were a few times faces in windows were present going one way, but the way back they were gone.

    we broke in a few times and looked around and walked around the property. The second scariest time was when I honest to god what looked like a nun walking on the roof of one of the buildings and when I said something to everyone else, a light from a field immediately turned on. And it was one of those where you could tell it was pointed at you, not just on like a sensor light. But how did it turn on? None of us moved from where we were, aside from my hand pointing at the nun? So we run to the car, and everyone else leaves. I’m pissed because we’ve been here during the day and there is no light in the field between buildings so I leave my headlights off and go left while everyone else went right. I get passed a building and see the light is still on and facing where we ran from. I beep the horn and turn on my lights and the light TURNS to where we are. The next day we went back and there’s a million extension cords connected to an industrial light laying in the field. Which means someone was on a ladder or some shit (light was about 10-12 feet high looking down on us) in the middle of the night waiting for people to come. But why wait until I said something about the person on the roof? We had been there for 15 minutes already. Freaky!

    Another story we had heard was that it was heavily monitored by cops but that they would not chase you in to the buildings but would let in canine units. And you know what? That is correct!

    The night we got busted I pulled a super unusual move of separating myself from the rest of the group to pee (insert dumb horror movie cliche here) and as I unzipped myself pants I heard someone say, “don’t make me come over there” and it came from my right. At first I thought it was a friend trying to spook me but they were all on my left. As I stood there wondering if I heard anything at all I heard it again but closer. I immediately pictured the family from Wrong Turn and bolted back to my friends and whisper / yelled “someone’s here we gotta go!” And proceeded to run. images and sounds forever burned in my memory are looking back and seeing flashlights of friends waving in the dark as they ran to catch up and hearing fucking screaming as light by light went out as people went DOWN. Fearing a Texas Chainsaw Massacre end to my life I hit behind the water tower across the street and heard footsteps fast approach. I was debating between attacking or hoping they’d pass and not notice me when I realized it was an exhausted friend. We hustle to the car. A few more friends make it there. We wait, fearing our lives when suddenly there are FOUR Sheriff’s SUV’s around us, two of which with canine units, blocking us in.

    long story short they thanked us for not running into the buildings and when a friend asked why he got screamed at for two straight minutes about how dumb we are and how we’ll believe anything, but they (the cops) certainly wanted no part of the buildings. Ended up with a trespassing fine of $181.50 and two friends ended up walking the 35 miles back to town but they got tickets too because the cops wouldn’t let us go without their info (they had been following us and knew how many of us there were) and a buddy folded right away lol. “Fuck those assholes I wanna go home and sleep” lmao.

    I wish we still had the tapes from that night. We watched those faces in the window; literally looked like masks, appear as we walked left, and then they’re gone as we pass by walking right but we didn’t notice until we watched later. And we briefly have the clip of the nun (or someone in all black with like a cape on) on the roof before the light turned on and scared us all away.

    inside most of the buildings were supremely damaged and no weirdness inside. One of the coolest 2 month spans in high school as we became obsessed with the place. And of course we got busted the night we brought EIGHT new people there for the first time and gave them the kiss of death of “don’t worry, we do this all the time and never get caught” lmao

    ahhh memories.
  19. Indigo

    Trusted Supporter

    "two friends ended up walking the 35 miles back to town" that's insane to me haha
    Daniel and Aaron Mook like this.
  20. Daniel

    Party Mom Supporter

    Re-reading this thread from the beginning and just got to the 2016 clown sightings. Haha that shit was wild.
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  21. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    I was recently watching some spooky paranormal videos and found a couple videos that are genuinely creepy.

  22. Nice, I was just going to say reading this thread has got me in the mood for some spooky videos haha
    marsupial jones likes this.
  23. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    We all crashed at my house when we got back to town (around 4 am) and I woke up around 11 to find them standing in the basement shaking and freezing (I forgot to add that this was the first week of November that we got busted. So November in Wisconsin at 1-7 am is not ideal time to walk 35 miles in jeans, a t-shirt and maybe a hoodie for one of them). They acted so cool because they thought they escaped getting a ticket and when my buddy had to tell them that they definitely did AND walked 35 miles home AND that we stopped and yelled their names because we thought we saw them dive into the woods off the side of the road and it was in fact them but they thought we were cops trying to trick them, they were not pleased lmao
    Indigo likes this.
  24. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Sometimes my work building has noises and it's weird when I'm on call or working late by myself. Sometimes I'll come in on the weekend on call and I swear someone else is there and I can hear them typing and there's nobody. We also have a visitation monitoring room sandwiched between two visit rooms on either side. Both visit rooms have the one way mirror things where I can see in the visit rooms but they can't see me and there is a speaker hooked up so I can hear everything in the monitor room. Sometimes it'll sound like there's a visitation going on or like someone walked in the visit room and I look in the window just expecting to see someone since it sounds so clearly like that is, and there's nobody there. I'm guessing it's maybe just feedback on poor quality speakers or maybe the air conditioner kicking in, but sounds distorted through the speakers? Idk but it's always weird and jarring
  25. Victor Eremita Aug 31, 2021
    (Last edited: Aug 31, 2021)
    Victor Eremita

    Not here. Isn't happening. Supporter

    We used to go to Centralia, PA which is supposedly what inspired Silent Hill. It is a legit ghost town with fire burning underneath: Centralia PA is Silent Hill PA

    very locally where I went to high school in even more middle of nowhere PA there was an old cemetery deep in the woods with mostly children who died of smallpox around the same time and they were buried too quickly and shallow so now there’s lumps where the coffins are rising out of the ground. That place always creeped me out the most.