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The Chorus Music Club Society • Page 175

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by The Black Parade, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Lol i would've been more surprised if you were planning on listening to them again!! But i wanted to make u squirm lol :-)
  2. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Your attempt to cause me anguish went as planned lol :-p
  3. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Got mine from @JediMasterKevo182 too

    Linkin Park - One More Light

    I had heard their singles back in the day but I never delved any deeper cause I guess I just never cared to. Too busy listening to Oops I Did it Again and No Strings Attached I guess. I'd also heard some mixed things about this album and knew it would be a departure but didn't hear any singles or know anything about the sound. I found it okay, kinda boring tbh but not bad. Cool vocals. I guess I'm indifferent. Wouldn't care if someone played it in the car but wouldn't choose it myself. Title track prob stood out the most cause the rest kinda blended together and sounded the same to me. I think it's cool they experimented with a different sound.

    Prognosis: ok. This band has touched a lot of lives and is an iconic milestone for so many people which is amazing! I respect the legacy and them as musicians and their influence but have kinda always been indifferent myself and I was also indifferent to this album but I think it's cool they tried something different.

    Story of the Year - Wolves

    I knew of this band in 2003 when they had their popular singles Anthem of our Dying Day and Until the Day I Die (never realized they both involved dying lol), which I enjoyed. I never delved more into the band than that tho. I honestly didnt even know they were still an active band until this thread. My first impression is that I probably would've enjoyed this more when I was 12. Not in like a rude or pretentious way, it just aligns up more with what I loved at that age vs what I tend to seek out now. I do think it's cool the band is still going on. I'd say this is a good progression for them from those early singles I heard. It still maintained their core sound (what I know of it) while evolving to where the genre has gone now and being modern. The lyrics were anthemic and I can totally see why ppl would latch on and what the appeal is even if they didn't resonate with me. I enjoyed the poppier songs like Give Up My Heart and Can Anybody Hear Me and My Home, and I think if they released an album with more songs like that (or maybe they have released an album like that idk) I'd be into it. Idk pretty much anytime they screamed I cringed. I don't hate screaming or yelling but I guess I just preferred the regular vocals cause I'm a boring person so when those would go away for a bit I'd lose some interest.

    Prognosis: it wasn't an unenjoyable listen and it was neat seeing what the band is doing now and hearing the album that has been so endlessly hyped in this thread lol. I probably won't listen in full again but I'd go to a show if someone asked me to accompany them.
  4. Kiana Feb 22, 2018
    (Last edited: Feb 22, 2018)

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Well then I'll be memorable now when u create the pairings!!
    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.
  5. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    And now one final, bonus review. @Nate_Johnson and I made a trade because when he found out I was going to the Taking Back Sunday/ Coheed And Cambria concert with The Story So Far opening and I had never listened to TSSF he was flabbergasted and traded me one of their albums.

    The Story So Far- The Story So Far
    I have heard of these guys before, and I am also aware there is some negative stigmatism with the front man in recent years with him allegedly drop kicking a woman off the stage mid song; however I decided to give this album and band an honest go in spirit of the concert I will be seeing them at. I will say that I had a great time with this album. When I told Nate I had not listened to them before his reaction was "How have you not?!" and I can see why. This is classic pop punk sound, fast and fun and exactly what I listen to every day. It makes no sense that I had not checked them out.

    Clocking in at 30 minutes and only 10 songs long, this song is a fast experience and was a quick grabber. The guitars are ripping and catchy, and the vocals of lead singer Parker are anthemic and manage to switch between softer moments and raging yelling on the drop of a hat, and rolling drums tying it all together. Each song kicks off quickly and leaves nothing to chance or to be desired. Lyrically, these songs encompass the emotions of a man who has experienced hurt in his life and is letting all of his aggression, fury, and remorse explode in his words and they paint a powerful picture. These are songs that anyone who has been through a messy breakup, loss of a friend over an argument, or something of that type of situation can easily relate to and connect with. This goes for every song on the album; and then you get to the opposite side of the coin. While most of these songs are aggressive, hook filled 'jump up and down in the pit' songs you then have 'Phantom', this soft crooning song that starts off slowly with these plucking guitars of a ballad with lyrics of reminiscent of a lost person in your life. Its actually a beautiful and sad song. This was one of the highlights of the album, and I will be happy if they play this song at the show. There are some major diamond songs in this album; and while Phantom is the biggest stand out musically; you have rip roaring songs like 'Nerve' 'How You Are' and 'Heavy Gloom' to make you jam out. I Love the opening bass line of Heavy Gloom, by the way. Its a noticeably awesome intro to a lyrically great song.

    This album is aggressive, and its a very good introduction to this band. I will be spending more time with this album, and I will be delving more into their music. Not just because they are playing at a show with two bands I love, but because I did genuinely like this album a lot more than I expected to going in. It can get a bit blended sometimes until a few listens in and you start differentiating the sounds; and I wish there had been more somber moments like Phantom on here but overall; this was a good listen. Stand out tracks: Heavy Gloom, Solo, How Are You, Nerve, Phantom, Scowl.
    bachna84 and Nate_Johnson like this.
  6. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I’m glad you were able to at least find some good on those albums. I used to be indifferent to OML as well until after Chester passed away, his death made me appreciate the lyrical themes of the album more.

    The funny thing is about wolves that the songs you listed are ones I had in mind when I recommended it to you and figured you’d like. Glad there was some good takeaway for you!
    Kiana likes this.
  7. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    They were easy to find the good in! I am basically amazed that anyone can even create something out of nothing and then collaborate with other people who create something out of nothing and make it into something people wanna listen to, so finding the good is always possible!

    *this is not an open invitation for anyone to recommend me the worst album they can think of, so don't even trrrrry me!
    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.
  8. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Agreed. I always say music is so personal to the musicians and the listeners you can find something nice to say about anything and shouldn’t just crap on a song/band/album

    (Side note, the title track of One More Light gives me fucking goosebumps since his suicide and it’s sad to listen to)
    Kiana likes this.
  9. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Yeah it was def a chilling listen having heard it after the fact, and like knowing how polarizing it was received.
  10. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    Nice review. Was that score intentional or by coincidence?! Lol
    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.
  11. Micool1

    Trusted Prestigious

    A lot of their tracks give me goosebumps since his suicide. That piano version of Crawling on the Live album...
    JediMasterKevo182 likes this.
  12. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Coincidence honestly lol

    Same. It’s still hard to revisit sometimes for that reason.
    Nate_Johnson likes this.
  13. Nate_Johnson Feb 22, 2018
    (Last edited: Feb 22, 2018)

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    @JRGComedy and I traded and they gave me:

    Rae Morris: Someone Out There (2018) Atlantic Records

    Rae Morris is a British singer/songwriter and this is her second full length. Unlike the more stripped down side of her first record, this one goes in a more electronic bubble gum pop direction that reminds me a lot of Ellie Goulding. Her vocals at times even remind me of Bjork.

    This album took me quite a few listens to latch onto but once I did, I was instantly hooked and kept hitting the repeat button to experience it all over again. With that being said, there is not much variety to this record. It makes sense since it is pop and it is enjoyable for what it is worth. The admirable thing about Rae is the level of restraint she has to not go full out Cascada and create these all out techno remix dance numbers. She lets her true talent, her voice, shine through. The best way to describe it is like a glass of water that is about to tip over and keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering if it will.

    My other complaint about the record is the opening song, Push Me to My Limit. It is a good song and a ballad but is a horrible opening song and totally made me not even want to continue upon my first listen. I am glad I pushed through it though. I will definitely listen to this again.

    Favorite Songs:
    Lower the Tone
    Dip My Toe

    RIYL: Ellie Goulding, pop, electronic

  14. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I'm confused I thought you gave me Rae and I gave you Superchunk haha
  15. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    My bad! I looked afterwards and realized I recommended it to you.
  16. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  17. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    So you recommended an album you hadn’t heard?
  18. Nate_Johnson

    CCRN, MSN Prestigious

    No, I just put the wrong person. I liked it so much I wanted to recommend it but hadn't written my review yet.
    bachna84 and JediMasterKevo182 like this.
  19. bachna84

    we are nothing more than mannequins Prestigious

    the plot thickens
    littlejohn likes this.
  20. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    This thread makes me want a club sandwich.
  21. theagentcoma Prestigious

  22. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    @Nate_Johnson gave me this album:
    Waterparks' Entertainment is extremely juvenile. But it is catchy as hell, I will give it that. It was produced by Benji Madden of Good Charlotte fame, which makes sense, because Waterparks is a lot of that nostalgic pop-punk sound updated for 2018.
    The band is at their best when they are crafting straight pop songs, however. When they add aggression, it fails and the lyrics also take a tumble. Tantrum is an example of misguided angst. This album isn't entering my normal rotation, but it was a pleasant enough listen and I could definitely see these boys making an even bigger splash in the scene with their next album!

    @JediMasterKevo182 gave me two albums. Here's the first:
    Starset has a massive sound. They interweave many instruments and textures into their songs and achieve a pretty epic amalgam. They kinda sound like radio rock, but for people who hate the radio. I didn't love this album, but I respect what the musicians went for (a full hour of music!). It's an ambitious project that no doubt left their fans happy. The back half of the album actually hides some of the best songs. Monster is catchy and huge as fuck and the cinematic outro that ends the album is pretty damn cool. Again, this one won't be entering my rotation, but that's okay, because I literally haven't stopped listening to his second rec.

    The first time I hit play on this album I instantly thought, "Wow, this IS as good as everyone has been saying for almost 15 years now. Why didn't I listen to this sooner?" From the opening notes of Holiday From Real, I was teleported back to 2005 Southern California. This album kinda hit me at the perfect time because I moved to Southern California last fall and I've just become comfortable enough to know a lot of the landmarks he sings about in the songs. Venice, Santa Monica (Burbank on The Glass Passenger), etc.

    I mean, fuck. This album is just redonkulous. There isn't a wasted note or empty melody. Every single song is perfectly crafted to deliver a deeper-than-appears sugarbuzz straight into the veins. Again, I can't believe how late I am to this album, despite owning and liking both In The Wilderness albums AND seeing Andrew play a set last year (where he played Dark Blue).

    My favorite tracks are Bruised and Dark Blue, but again, they're all so good it doesn't really matter. I've already picked up The Glass Passenger and have been listening to that in between sessions with this album. This is one that is going to stay with me for a long time and I hope I can be a good example of how it's never too late to discover a classic.

    The end. XOXO.
  23. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Woah nice. Glad to hear these went over for you so well (especially JM). ETIT is a classic and an all time favorite so this makes me happy
    JRGComedy and Nate_Johnson like this.
  24. Wall Of Arms Feb 23, 2018
    (Last edited: Feb 23, 2018)
    Wall Of Arms


    @ugman_2000 gave me:

    The Replacements - Don't Tell A Soul


    My relationship with The Replacements has always been one similar to being intimidated by the cool kids across the lunchroom at school, yearning to be "in" with them but not really knowing how to approach them. I’ve always been aware of them and their iconic imagery from the Let It Be record artwork, so I dipped my toe in their waters with that album to try and claim I was as cool as their fans, I loved it, but they always seemed to be exclusively for the diehards and I had a nonsensical notion of feeling like I’d missed the boat to become a true fan, I was “too old” now. I was faking cool a little by not going full “Replacement”. Their aesthetic reminds me of one of my favourite bands currently on the scene, The Cribs. There’s bratty snottyness, an aloof attitude, loose and raw sounds all the while being effortlessly cool and influential. So it was a pleasure to finally be given a pass into what I’d built up to be the “cool kids club” this week.

    From the opening, sedentary “Talent Show” that stumbles and stutters purposefully to pick itself back up again into hypnotic guitar pop, I was immediately hooked. “Back To Back” felt a little more like The Replacements I knew, like if Tim Armstrong fronted The Cure. There’s a beautiful juxtaposition of raw, scratchy approach with an 80s glisten dripping over the top and it’s the exact sound you’d associate with any John Hughes or Cameron Crowe movie of the same era. It hits the spot perfectly. This continues into the anthem “We’ll Inherit The Earth” - a song that if handled by U2 would be a stadium-soaring song but in The Replacements hands, it’s a beautifully subdued version of that, teasing and hinting that they’d be at home on that stage, but their hearts are in the basement with the whites of people’s eyes.

    The record as a whole leans on a more direct approach than I was familiar with, “They’re Blind” sounds like a radio hit inspired by the music of the 50s with its patient tempo and dream-like intro. It’s a welcome calm that is soon eradicated by the screeching intro of chugging “Anywhere’s Better Than Here” which flips the coin once again into an all out rock anthem, and whilst it’s great, it definitely felt like a black sheep on first listens when considering the soundscapes that preceded it. That being said, the highlights on this album come from exactly those moments, when the band ventures into techniques and sounds that don’t necessarily follow a template. The funk groove of “Asking Me Lies” is so playfully late-80s without sounding like it’s faceless or blending into a plethora of other songs of the time, it maintains an identity. Meanwhile, “I Won’t” is all out blues with harmonica, stunted piano and 12-bar style riff accompanied by ramshackle and spit-filled vocals. These moments, that appear to stick out like a sore thumb stylistically at first, are where the band really shines and injects something unexpectedly invigorating into a record that was convincing me it was something at else at first, even though I already loved what it was appearing to be too.

    Don’t Tell A Soul
    has become one of my favourite things I’ve listened to this year and it’s something I’ve spent a lot of time with over the past week. My first listen, almost 30 years after its release and it’s looking like an album that will be an all-time favourite in years to come.

    Recommended Tracks: "Back To Back", "We'll Inherit The Earth", "They're Blind", "Asking Me Lies", "I Won't"
  25. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    theagentcoma and Nate_Johnson like this.