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The Chorus Music Club Society • Page 164

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by The Black Parade, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I have Guitar Hero: Metallica and the re-mastered versions of Death Magnetic rip pretty hard.
    Davjs likes this.
  2. Davjs


    I love all Metallica and esp Death Magnetic! I just threw out the one album most people don't like.
  3. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I agree with you and just took it as an opportunity to discuss Metallica haha.
    Davjs likes this.
  4. BTDandFeelingThis Feb 15, 2018
    (Last edited: Feb 15, 2018)

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Alright, its time for the first few of my reviews from this week. Up tonight is the Sheevs himself, Mr. @Sheaver10

    Pianos Become The Teeth-Keep You ( Deluxe Edition)
    This album is fucking delicious. That is all I am going to start this review off with as its the only proper term I can come up with. I have never stopped to listen to PBTT before, but I have been told numerous times prior to this that I would absolutely love this album. They have a new album coming out (As of tomorrow actually), and I have been hearing great things so my interest was piqued. This 13 song, 57 minute long album is a post rock dream. The moment I started this album I knew I was in for a good time.

    This album feels massive. Each of these songs have this big sound to them, and none of them blend together at all. From the moment you hear the opening track of 'Ripple Water Shine', you know you are in for a rather unique experience of an album, and not a track on this album lets up that momento. With beautiful guitars, drumming, pianos (Go figure!), and incredibly powerful vocals and lyrics with a vocal tone that soon becomes infectious to sing along with, this group did well on everything from sequencing to production to writing on this album. I instantly fell in love with this album. Even more laid back tracks like 'The Queen' seem big in their scope with the different sounds making up a beautiful musical piece and rather good lyrics. The track I found myself coming back to the most was 'Enamor Me', this song is absolutely powerful in both music and lyrics. You can tell its a personal song, and that the roots of this song were genuine when they were crafting this song. Each of these songs really. There are layers to these songs, that's evident in songs like 'April' and 'Dancing'. For a band that went from screamo to a melodic emo/post rock sound, they sure do know what they're doing. I have to also say that a huge highlight of the album for me was the closing track 'Arizona', more so the soft and dreading intro sung like the singer is full of sadness and regret. Its just plain beautiful.

    I have since bought this album, and I will be checking out the new album ASAP. This band is talented, creative, and I dig this sound they have going on. I have heard their earlier albums are way outside of my wheelhouse, and that's fine. This album and the newest one coming out are a great direction for this band; they pull off this type of sound phenomenally.
    Stand out tracks: Ripple Water Shine, April, Enamor Me, The Queen, Dancing, Arizona.

    Tigers Jaw- Spin
    This album made me think for a bit. There were moments here where I thought I was listening to Straylight Run or Andrew McMahon being covered; because these guys obviously share some influences with those aforementioned acts. Tigers Jaw is a indie/emo pop punk act that has released several albums over the year and The songs are smooth, and feature intertwining vocals of two singers; Ben and Brianna. I am always a sucker for a dual male/female vocalist act. So I was excited to read that was what I was in for.

    This album poses an enigma to me. You have on one hand, some great musicianship. Songs like 'Guardian' and 'Escape Plan/ are great, they have these catchy and upbeat guitars and the vocals on these songs are great with these nice and well crafted lyrics and a softly sung vocals where they either sing in unison or alternate (I preferred Brianna's lyrics to Ben's, except perhaps on Guardian.) One thing I had gripe with during listening to this piano/guitar rock music is that the vocals often sound like Ben and Brianna are half asleep in at least part of the album. There are moments when their method of singing works tremendously, such as songs like Guardian as I mentioned before, or Brianna's beautiful vocals on 'Brass Ring'. Especially Brass Ring, which those two songs ended up being my favorites on the album. These moments should have been more frequent in the album, because when Tiger Jaw shines, they really shine. 'Bullets' is another example of them doing it right, and the song plays Ben's voice well to the emotional mood of the lyrics he is singing and the guitar in the background.

    Sadly this album wasn't for me. The stand out tracks for me were: Guardian, Brass Ring, Bullets, and Escape Plan. It had these beautiful moments to it, and I can see the appeal; but when the album was done I didn't have much desire to listen again except for a handful of tracks. Sorry Sheevs :(

    Next up was recommendations from my buddy @Larry David , who said he was trying to recommend me 'essential Kevo music'. Lets see how he faired.

    So They Say-Antidote For Irony
    Yesssssss. So They Say is an alternative pop rock/pop punk band, and this album comes straight from the year 2006 (Which many people on Chorus say is my hey day that I am stuck in.) So somehow, this album and band flew under my radar and I have no idea how. As soon as I heard the opening track of 'In Loving Memory Of...', with its Cartel like lyrics and style, I knew I was going to be thanking Larry later on for recommending this album. The guitars, the vocals, literally everything about this band on this song showered me in the sounds I like from my music.

    This continued and was cemented when the title track came on next. 'Antidote for Irony' is a damn fun jam. Its fast paced, the lyrics are infectious and catchy; 'Put down, put down the loaded gun, Pointed straight between my eyes, 'Cause you can't fight fair tonight, With words that cut like knives.' is the chorus, and I found myself wanting to sing along and fist pump like I was at a concert from the moment I caught on to the lyrics. This song is a definite stand out for this album and if you want to know what this band sounds like check out this song. Its an instant favorite to me, and the ending vocals are so dang good in the latter half of the song. 'In Essence We Are Falling' is another one I wanted to point out. It starts off slow with this soft, mystic sounding sound and then the guitars EXPLODE into these cool riffs, before heading in to some of the best vocal performances on this album. It sounds like a mixture of Cartel/Boys Like Girls/Hidden In Plain View and I could not get enough of this track.

    If there is one song on the album though that beats it as the best vocal performance; its the next track, 'You Asked "Where Are we Now?"' which is by far and large my favorite on the album. With lyrics like "I'm struggling to bury deep inside secrets of my life in choices I've been left with today I'm making up for lost times. You asked where are we are we now, we are exactly nowhere, and it's not about denial. Sharpening my words to make an impact." this is a passionate song; and it shows in everything to the lyrics to the ripping, incredible guitar work on this song. A+ song. 'Over Exposed Photo', the next track, keeps up this pace and energy and makes a great 1-2-3 punch for this album and makes a home stretch of the album that stays strong until the banging closer 'A Beautiful Plan'.

    If you like pop punk and pop rock and you are like me and haven't heard this album; do it. You will not be disappointed. This album was damn good, and its a total banger. Stand out tracks are: Antidote For Irony, In Essence We Are Falling, You Asked "Where Are We Now"?, Act Like You're Listening Until Its Your Turn To Talk, A Beautiful Plan

    Posture & The Grizzly-I Am Satan
    Between the name of this album and the album cover, I had no idea what to expect and was a little worried. You can imagine my surprise then when I hit play and heard the high pitched vocals of this band come through during the opening track; now this is not to say this is a bad thing. Quite the contrary, much like vocals in bands like Coheed and Cambria or Hawthorne Heights where the vocals are really high, this band makes it work on this album. Honestly, this band right off the bat king of reminded me of 'Tiny Moving Parts' but with a lot more guitars in the mix of the sound; something I was all for.

    After a very strong opening, we are treated to the breakneck speed track 'Elliot', which is a song to be reckoned with on this album. Its energetic, it never stops. The lyrics are completely relatable, being about a man whose girlfriend has left him for another man and he is stuck with the knowledge of that and the misery it entails. Drums are a noticeable part of this song, sometimes overtaking the guitars, and that is something I can respect and am glad to see happen a lot on this album. The bridge to this song especially has this 'thump thump thump' drumming to it that is mixed in with this shredding yet simple guitar riff. Musically, this song is fantastic. 'Mandy' continues this lyrical tone and musically as well, creating a nice Segway into the shredding, amazing intro of my favorite song on this album; 'Raspberry Heart'. This song is just plain FUN. Its fast, its got these nice guitars in them that flow through the whole song along with thunderous drums and these parts where the vocalist just lets loose and screams. The lyrics also seem to bring the last two songs of love and loss to a head, which lyrics that are bitter and sarcastic instead of regretful and miserable.

    I have to say Larry did quite pick some good recs for me this week. While I cannot say I liked this one as much as I did the other, I will say I downloaded both and this one has much potential to grow. It has these bitter lyrical themes of relationships that I tend to gravitate to, and the vocals are unique and different enough to not feel mundane but not so far out there to be offputting. Stand Out Tracks are: Elliot, Raspberry Heart, Shooting Sparks, Acid Bomb, Delete Me, I Am A Real Doctor.
  5. Davjs


    Hopefully you've heard and enjoyed Hardwired. It was such a surprise and a few tracks hold up among their best.
  6. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, I think it is overlong, but there are some damn good songs. Moth Into Flame is super good.
    skurt, Davjs and JediMasterKevo182 like this.
  7. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I’m hoping you two get partnered next week lol
    skurt, JRGComedy, Davjs and 1 other person like this.
  8. Davjs


    That, the title track and Spit Out the Bone are standouts for me. I agree some songs can drag a lil bit but still no complaints really.
    JRGComedy and JediMasterKevo182 like this.
  9. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    Oh, I forgot about Spit Out the Bone. That is a damn good track.
    Davjs and theagentcoma like this.
  10. BTDandFeelingThis Feb 15, 2018
    (Last edited: Feb 15, 2018)

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  11. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    @theagentcoma ill be posting your reviews tomorrow night! :)
    theagentcoma and skurt like this.
  12. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    Wait For Love sounds even bigger!
  13. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    How dare u forget me I am not only shocked but also appalled.
  14. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I am so sorry! I’ll take you on as my partner lol
    skurt likes this.
  15. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    damn what a monumental task this must have been. glad you got to experience Keep You, just in time for the new album!
    skurt and JediMasterKevo182 like this.
  16. Micool1

    Trusted Prestigious

    I've listened to the So They Say album after reading your review, and damn this album is good!
  17. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  18. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    I’m glad my review inspired you to check it out! It really is a damn good album
    skurt and Micool1 like this.
  19. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    A PITY PARTNER FOR BEING FORGOTTEN I SEE. I am nobody's leftovers!!!!

  20. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    skurt likes this.
  21. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    @Kiana and I have agreed on next sessions trades, and we are going Pop about it!(or as pop as I go anyway)

    She gave me:
    Demi Lovato - Here We Go Again
    One Direction - FOUR

    I gave her:
    Story Of The Year- Wolves
    Linkin Park- One More Light
  22. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    Plot twist: I resented being forgotten and recommended the worst albums I have ever heard in my life. Have fun!!!!!
  23. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    :-| I hope that’s a joke or I might not make it to writing the reviews lol
    skurt likes this.
  24. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    Kevo told me he has always wanted to listen to that 1D album.
  25. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    If that were the case I would have recommended Christina Aguilera's Lotus and JC Chasez's solo album tbhhhhh