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The Chorus Music Club Society • Page 120

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by The Black Parade, Nov 20, 2017.

  1. Wall Of Arms


    And to match @skogsraet, here's my belated review for Milo - Who Told You To Think??!!?!?!?!


    I've been excited to delve into Milo for some time, so sitting down and being met with otherwordly synths, a James Baldwin sample and then a fittingly laidback vocal delivery style was music to my ears. Other than seeing his name, I really had little context for what to expect going into this record and what I ended up with, was a near trance-enducing display of glistening production and intricate wordplay that demanded attention.

    From the moment "Poet (Black Bean)" ended and "Landscape" kicked in, I knew I was gonna adore this. Milo is so relentless and wordy with no filler that it was immediately refreshing to hear his turn of phrase and the sentiments behind nearly every individual line. "Why's your favourite rapper always bragging about her business acumen? Like we asked 'em? Like we asked 'em? Why's your favourite rapper always babblin' 'bout his brand again? Like we asked him? Like we asked him? This is the last call for those real emcees, your voice is needed."

    I was often reminded of The Low End Theory as I listened, not necessarily because of it being a similar record on the surface, but in the way that A Tribe Called Quest created, crafted, manipulated and owned a whole production sound with such a jazz backbone to it all and it became astounding in its creativity, layering and delivery. Who Told You To Think??!!?!?!?! boasts the same personality and it's a huge accomplishment. The beauty lies in the fact that he's so unphased by any current trends or modern hip-hop tropes and he's crafting something so blissfully unique that he ends up with a body of work that sounds timeless, something I think is one of the highest achievements in art. Not only that but Milo's delivery is diverse - lackadaisical one moment and rapid vigorous venom the next, commentary-like for a moment to melodic another and it's the constant shifting and landscaping (no pun intended) that produces one of the most interesting and brilliant hip-hop records I've heard in some time. One that I'll not only return to but keep at the top of my pile for recommending forward and exploring in depth much further.

    Recommended Tracks: "Landscaping", "Call + Form (Picture)", "Yet Another"
    skogsraet, Kennedy, Mary V and 4 others like this.
  2. nickyeatworld


    Hello everyone! Last few weeks were really busy but I'm finally back on chorus. I will post my reviews of records recommended by @AlwaysEvolving21 @BTDandFeelingThis and @skurt today and tomorrow. Hope you guys are not offended I'm so late
  3. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  4. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    Better late than never my friend. It will be extra exciting when the review comes out, don't even remember what I rec'd you.
  5. nickyeatworld


    You recommended Keep You by Pianos Become The Teeth
  6. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    oh my fucking god you are the luckiest guy in the world
    Fucking Dustin, js977, skurt and 3 others like this.
  7. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

  8. HelloThisIsDog


    I just want to say that it's very nice, and I am very grateful, that this group does not give out demerits if you go past the deadline.
    skurt and BTDandFeelingThis like this.
  9. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    uh actually I do come by your house IRL and stab you
    SaveTheEarth and skurt like this.
  10. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Well you get benched if you’re more than two behind. But besides tht
    mescalineeyes and skurt like this.
  11. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    Just once though, non lethally.
  12. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    and the knife I use to do it is very, very dull.
    BTDandFeelingThis and skurt like this.
  13. HelloThisIsDog


    Stab with love???
  14. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

  15. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    What's that lyric that would go good after this?
  16. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    mescalineeyes likes this.
  17. HelloThisIsDog


    Ughh... guess it's back to Craigslist...
    mescalineeyes and skurt like this.
  18. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    Pink wig, thick ass, give 'em whiplash I think big, get cash, make 'em blink fast
    skurt likes this.
  19. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    mescalineeyes likes this.
  20. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    I was thinking of that FK lyric thats slippin my mind
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  21. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

  22. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    you've been slipping since 2009.

    I know
    skurt likes this.
  23. skurt

    Sleekest of beaks. So Good.

    No it had the word knife in it.
    mescalineeyes likes this.
  24. nickyeatworld


    At first I thought I'm lucky I'm overseas but then I saw you're from Austria and I'm not that far away and now I'm scared
  25. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    to be fair I'm very lazy.
    nickyeatworld and skurt like this.