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The Challenge (MTV Series, formerly Real World vs. Road Rules) TV Show • Page 65

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Trotsky, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    It's so good seeing Frank and Shane and Ashley back on my screen!!! Still no idea why Ashley and Aneesa are rivals. This really could be either Nany or Leroy's first ever win, they've both got great and capable partners. All these new people like Melissa, Big T and Corey are so out of place.

    People I feel bad for are Jonna, Katie, Ashley and Frank. Their partners (Beth, Veronica, Aneesa and Sam) are just gonna be dead weight.

    Episode went by way too fast! I wonder if that TJ tease in the season preview about "unfinished business" is we're getting a new team. People have speculated Cara/Amanda because when the AS6 previews initially dropped she was on her Live saying Amanda this, Amanda that, it's so good seeing Amanda again and fans were like ....uhhhhhhhhh but Amanda isn't on this season?!
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  2. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    Enjoyed the episode and it did feel quick, but it was refreshing after the last few Challenge seasons being 1.5 hours long. I've found myself not as invested and time dragging with the extra half hour. Sam looks absolutely terrible, why even bother coming on? Makes Anessa look fit lol, although I know Anessa has recently gotten into better shape. About time. Feel bad for Frank already this season.
    Freud likes this.
  3. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    See for a "first" episode introducing the cast and remembering the viewers of each rivals histories I think should get an hour and a half episode or like they've done before and Episode 0 with no challenge or anything, just the case mingling and we the viewers get caught up and remember WHY these individuals are paired. Sure we got some little bits but not for everyone and they could've gone into a lotttt more detail.

    Yeah .....Sam. I'm at a loss for words. Haha, like why production WHY. You can see Frank trying to keep his cool the entire time, but God I feel bad for him. I just wonder how long it's gonna last because if that first challenge was any indication .......go off Frank, GO OFF. He'd kill in a singles competition so AS 7 is always a thing?

    Shit as much as production hates Zach and will probably never cast him again I would have laughed if they oair r him with Sam. He already said on his podcast that he took it personal as his entire team from BoS (Frank, Sam, Ashley K) are there without him.
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  4. TheJMan


    I’m cool with any team winning except Fessy.
    Freud likes this.
  5. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    I love this.

    Hahahahaha oh Turbo. Oh Frank.
    TheJMan and NJPunkMusic like this.
  6. withchappedlips


    i have gone back and forth on the 1 hr vs 1.5 hr timeslots. i feel like the challenge USA series suffered from the 1hr timeslots- i was able to predict who went in to elimination within like 5-10 minutes on so many of those episodes because the editing highlighted what they were “fighting for” and focused specifically on them the most out of nowhere, and it really hurt my interest in those episodes. my biggest issue with the 1hr episodes is it feels almost like they aren’t fleshed out enough sometimes. there was so much drama on All Stars 4 that was left out of the actual episodes and that wouldn’t have realistically happened with 1.5 hour episodes.

    on the flipside- the flagship show has dragged out sooo badly with the 1.5 hour episodes. i feel like the shift in focus from drama to gameplay has fueled a lot of that, though. the formats of the seasons have hurt it a lot - S40, the format and the cast really didn’t do a crazy amount of politics and most of the drama was manufactured. they eliminated a lot of the pot stirrers early, and the final third of the season just felt like it took forever. to the point where there was an entire episode revolving around Bananas’ feet? cmon.

    i prefer the 1.5 hour format, but i’m at a point where i don’t really trust casting to put together a good enough cast to make it worth doing. i do think this Rivals season has a lot of potential- but i’m starting to lose sight of the differences between the main show and all stars. they really should consider bringing in some young adults for the flagship- the current group is so old and stale now.
    NJPunkMusic and Freud like this.
  7. Freud Feb 2, 2025
    (Last edited: Feb 2, 2025)

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Ugh don't remind me of those horrible USA edits that literally spelled it out for us in the first 10 minutes who was going home. Horrible horrible just flat out horrible editing all around.

    Yeah I'm finding myself between the two minds of "S40 definitely didn't need 1.5 hour episodes" and "I wish AS5 was longer".

    Sometimes I really wish we could do a real legit Fresh Meat season. Complete randos, don't cast clout chasers who only want to be on the show for social media follows.....have a combine like we did before. Have it be that a vet gets to pick a newbie and that's how it's played in teams.
    withchappedlips and TheJMan like this.
  8. stayillogical

    Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo Prestigious

    I missed the premiere of All Stars. I thought my DVR would record it but it didn't since it's only set to the original show.
  9. TellYourFriends

    Lexington, KY Prestigious's airing before Wednesday's episode FYI.
  10. MGAdams


    I'm in the same boat. Going to watch both back to back Wednesday night - happy it's only 60 minutes for this iteration of the show.
  11. withchappedlips


    I would love a Fresh Meat 3 situation. i think that’s what they tried with War of the Worlds, but obviously not in the way you were hoping for. the casting team for the show really messed up with the way they handled casting in the second half of the 30s. Double Agents and Spies, Lies, and Allies had way too many cast members who haven’t been heard from again, and the formats were so mediocre for like 4 entire seasons, aside from the last few episodes of S39 where they were running triple eliminations or whatever.

    the problem about clout chasing is that basically anyone who tries to get on a reality tv show at all nowadays turns into an influencer. i think it’s inevitable whether you pull your cast from BB or just from random submissions. would you rather cast the clout chaser you know and have seen perform on a different show, or would you rather the one you have never seen footage of? i don’t know what the answer is- but i’d love them to sway younger and spend the 41-50 era working on developing new stars that come back regularly because the average age on S40 was something like 38??? and that’s ridiculous.
  12. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Finally getting around to catching this week's episode. Meh, that challenge was such a letdown with most people quitting. Listening to people on podcasts though, what they said makes sense. When they saw Fessy and Amber do so well they knew they they wouldn't be able to do it as fast as that pair. Especially with them being as nervous as some of them were.

    Oh and lolbeth. What a waste of a spot that they could have given to anyone.
    Groogz likes this.
  13. Groogz

    Tranquilo Prestigious

    I think that also shows off how bad the format is with the daily challenges this season. No punishment for getting last or not even competing. On the earlier All Stars seasons didn't they make the bottom few teams eligible to be voted in to elimination? That's better than this. The only stakes of the daily challenge is that the winner is safe and picks one of the teams to go into elimination. No difference between second place and last place, so why compete?
    Freud likes this.
  14. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Yeah I was so confused the first episode too when they did the challenge and gave away the stars......and rher was it lol. No elimination. Wait for the exr challenge!I rather they rerun to last seasons format of the top 3/4 are safe, and the middle group votes people from the pool of bottom pool.
    Groogz likes this.
  15. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Best thing about this season is Frank. Dunno how long he'll be able to keep them out of danger tho, they aren't winning shit ever.

    S41 cast and theme is starting to come together if you're into that sort of thing.

    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  16. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    If youtube TV really is getting rid of MTV after today, im screwed and need to find a new provider. Havent missed an episode of the challenge in 2 decades
    stayillogical likes this.
  17. TellYourFriends

    Lexington, KY Prestigious

    They sent an email about an $8 credit which you could put towards a Paramount subscription...but it is annoying after YouTube's price just went up.
  18. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    but paramount plus doesnt live stream anything and you have to wait months before new seasons hit the platform
  19. TellYourFriends

    Lexington, KY Prestigious

    This isn't going straight to Paramount after it airs? That's just silly!
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  20. TheJMan


    Maybe it’s just me but I’m just not feeling this season. Hopefully it picks up. The highlight has been Frank for sure.
    NJPunkMusic and Freud like this.
  21. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    I'd agree, i havent been too interested. Happy they are only an hour long.
    TheJMan and Freud like this.
  22. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Yeah the whole YouTube TV maybe losing mtv sucks. Hopefully it doesn't happen, the only reason I pay is for MTV and live sports. If I don't happen to catch it live I have...........sites that I download from later, the episode is usually online a couple hours after it airs. If anyone needs a way of catching episodes if this happens just let me know! I've already shared with other people so it's all legit :]

    Yeahhhh with them seemingly using the same locations and props for challenges/elims its like S40.5 and the cast isn't standing out. Yet. Although I AM here for Ashley's sass and Frank being Frank. I was watching Frank and Kelly Anne going at each other last night after the episode on IG since Kelly Anne felt betrayed and stuff and Frank trying to explain it's just a game.
    TheJMan and NJPunkMusic like this.
  23. RJ Knorr

    Trusted Supporter

    If you would help me with the sites, I would greatly appreciate it
    Freud likes this.
  24. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Pm sent!
    RJ Knorr likes this.
  25. TheJMan


    Oh man I love Ashley, she’s perfect for the Challenge. Wish she would be brought back for 41. Ditto for Frank.
    Freud likes this.