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The Challenge (MTV Series, formerly Real World vs. Road Rules) TV Show • Page 64

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Trotsky, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Remember when she passed out and had a heat stroke or w/e earlier in the season?? Man this final is gonna be BRUTAL for some of these people hahaha.
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  2. TheJMan


    Poor Ashley is stuck with her “rival” Anessa.

    Also if I was doing that elimination challenge and had the snake swim by me I would have gladly let TJ give me a speech about being a quitter.

    It feels like the final is Jordan’s and Tori’s to lose with Bananas and Rachel being runner ups. I have no faith in Derek or Michele.
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  3. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    Not gunna lie, the House Of Villains S2 finale pissed me off. Ricahrd Hatch gave the most legit reason why the person should have won, but instead a good guy was named top villain. WTF
    Freud likes this.
  4. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Yeah I just watched.

    Do people not understand what a villain is?! Joel even told the jury "you're not voting for your best friend you're voting for who played the best game". The winner was just a background character the entire show, even Jessie was more of a presence than him. Such BS lol, like Kandy.......even tho you're mad, you got PLAYED and that's what villains do. Larsa, villains aren't about RESPECT.

    No more housewives please. Get actual villains, people know know and understand how competition shows work. People who understand like you said, Richard. Good god the entire premise of the show is non-existent with this outcome.
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  6. TheJMan


    This might be the most dominant final ever. Right now it’s a battle for 2nd place with the men and I’m thinking the Khama Vote is going to cost Bananas 2nd.

    The women are more interesting but unless Jenny shits the bed next week it’s hers to lose. I’m thinking the editing at the end of the episode is to give us some suspense to another dominant run.

    I feel bad for Kyland. Cara is probably happy for lost just before the final.
    NJPunkMusic and Freud like this.
  7. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Yeah Cara just HAS to be stoked she missed out, cuz she'd be right there with Kyland haha. It sucks though, I feel he's gonna do a Leroy and work on his swimming on the off-season for sure haha.

    I'm really not that much of a fan of the karma votes.....its way too "All Stars 4 STARS" factor that gave Laurel the unfair lead over Cara. Now if Jordan wins every checkpoint and his points keep him where he's at (the lead) and he doesn't drop, then he's deserving of it. But let's say Derek is quite obvious #2 or even #3 at every checkpoint and he gets enough points to beat Jordan......that's stupid. Or even with a Kyland at #4 to jump over everyone to become #1 with the points.....nah I'm not cool with that as the physical/mental part IS indicative of the final and if you win dominate the final in a way as Jordan is currently should be his.

    Agreed with what you said about Jenny, she's clearly something else. I'm glad to see it too haha cuz Tori is all like "where's THIS Jenny come from?!" and I'm've played with her before right? You should have KNOWN why she's a champ duh. It's just sad seeing Rachel not win any checkpoints yet, I hope she can pull one off. The karma system will be super interesting because I have no idea how most of the people voted for everyone and what that'll do to the placements.

    I really really hope this reminds everyone of who they need to be targeting at the beginning of every season of they show up. Stop referring Bananas because "he has the most wins". We know he's beatable. It's been done before. If Jordan makes a final he will absolutely destroy EVERYONE. Listening to the podcasts, everyone was talking about banding together at the party they had at the beginning, back when Jordan was arriving later than everyone due to having been in a race just prior.....they were saying how they all needed to get together and eliminate Jordan because he's the most deadly. Helloooooooo what happened to that great plan everyone?????
    TheJMan likes this.
  8. TheJMan


    I like Jordan and Bananas so I don’t want them out of the game haha but you’re right. We have seen Jordan in eliminations where he has little to no shot at winning due to his handicap, the pole wrestle with Fessy for example. Just keep throwing him in and hope he gets one of those elimination games.
    Freud likes this.
  9. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    I'm not as big of a fan of Jordan as I am Bananas haha. But like, he's undeniably a GOAT. Like Bananas said this episode....he is getting old and it's starting to show. Jordan ISN'T. One could say Jordan is still in his prime so I seriously wonder why people aren't willing to pull the trigger...everyone who got eliminated this season, watching at home better be taking notes lol.
  10. TheJMan


    Yeah Bananas is probably my age or a year older so I understand how he’s starting to slow down. He didn’t have a technical Bananas season, especially with puzzles, and he looks slow so far in the final (could be the editing).

    I think part of what helped Jordan was once it became an individual game the girls were the ones protecting him so the guys had no shot at putting him up for an elimination, plus he was protected by the best females on both sides.

    He absolutely should have been targeted more in the beginning and I did think Devin and Cory were going to try and get him out like Laurel did with Emily.
  11. Freud Jan 2, 2025
    (Last edited: Jan 2, 2025)

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Fuck I just looked it up, Bananas is 42 lol. He's got 3 years on me so yeah I totally understand. Jordan is only 34 so yeah he's good. I was listening to Cara on a podcast and she said her biggest regret is all the years she was gone as she felt that was HER prime and when SHE was dominant. Bananas bas looked slow a lot of the season but he can still pull it off. But when he's running against someone like Jordan or Derek, who run for fun......yeah lol. Speaking of puzzles...... god Rachel. Please borrow your kid's puzzle books hahahaha. She's soooo bad!

    Yeah I agree Jordan shielded himself from everyone with super strong women. Era 3 was dominant to begin with, then when it turned individual either he was winning everything or Tori was so he was essentially safe. Man it must feel good to have your ex fiance be your biggest ally and that said ex is equally dominant!
    TheJMan and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
  12. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    This season has started to decline for me personally. Have never missed an episode in 2 decades, but I found myself skipping last night's episode to watch a regular season NBA game instead. That's nuts for me, especially a final episode. Although I knew it was a 2 parter.
    Regardless I half watched today cause I wasn't too interested. It was fine, I agree with all the above posts. The karma votes need to stop after this season. I just hope Michele, Tori, Kyland, and Derick don't win.
    Freud and TheJMan like this.
  13. TheJMan


    Still hate the Khama vote but glad it screwed Michele and helped Rachel.

    Overall I think the final was lackluster mainly because of all the swimming, it didn’t make for good TV.

    Jordan might very well be the GOAT of the Challenge. He completely dominated.
    NJPunkMusic, Freud and joe.boy.fresh. like this.
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  15. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Agreed, the karma stuff.....I NEVER want to see it again. Ever. I fear it's gonna neuter future seasons as people will be on their best behavior, which in turn make for even more boring seasons.

    I'm super happy it bumped Rachel up to tie for first place! While she didn't show up and perform at the Rachel level we were expecting in the final, the karma worked out in her favor so I'm not complaining one bit. She deserved it and I think this lit a fire inside her to come back and complete again.

    With that said I do feel Michele got robbed. While I'm glad she proved herself to most of the haters and showed everyone she has what it takes. All her elimination wins, coming ahead of Tori in the final.....I'm happy for her. She also deserves it IMO. Reading social media and Reddit she seems to have gotten a LOT of new fans and gained so much respect for her performance. I'm shocked actually how bad Tori did haha.

    I don't know what else can be said about Jordan that hasn't been said. As he said in the episode, SEE HIM WIN CHALLENGE 50. The only real race was for second place and Derek was always favored unless Bananas dominated because Derek would always have more karma votes. Kyland: take swimming lessons from Leroy. This won't be his last final I can guarantee that.

    I'm hopeful for 41 and beyond. Well still have out MTV peoples, and I expect a healthy dose of CBD players to debut. Having seen the past few seasons of Big Brother and Survivor I know there's talent there in both physicality and the ability to make good TV. Tucker from BB will be just chaos, and Dee (Survivor 45 winner) recently posted IG stories of her and Josh training and both of these people have expressed much interest in the challenge already.

    Oh well, we should hear casting leaks soon as I heard 41 was looking to film next month. For now we have AS5 and the 40 finale.
  16. NJPunkMusic Jan 9, 2025
    (Last edited: Jan 9, 2025)

    Die rad.

    Didn't love the final set up or karma votes, but ecstatic that Michele didnt win. Lol she got 3rd and was being a baby and Tori gets 4th and is just like whatever, it is what it is. I'm still standing by the statement of Michele and Derek are STILL layups. Put them in a hall brawl or an actual physical elimination and they are dead. But that's not really how the challenge works anymore.
  17. TheJMan


    Wes had a good point a few weeks ago on Twitter. He said production should have two eliminations in mind depending on who’s up for elimination. If it’s Fessy and Theo for example do something physical but if it’s Fessy and Ryan do a puzzle/endurance type challenge to make it fair that way people wouldn’t be afraid to tough a big boy in an elimination.
  18. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    All this Michele hate!

  19. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    I never hated Michele. Might be due to watching Survivor 40 and then going back to watch her season.
    Freud likes this.
  20. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    She just reminds me of the girl someone would date who is needy and moody all the time.
    Freud likes this.
  21. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Yeah I guess you have to have seen her seasons on Survivor to get why she's MORE than just the ditsy drama filled Jersey girl. As with the BB players, she comes from a world that while it's still reality/competition based, it's rooted in jury management whereas the challenge is the complete opposite. She's still adjusting but I think we can all admit she's been underestimated the entire time she's been in the show (entirely her fault) but she proved she's not there ENTIRELY hopeless. She beat Tori!

    And you gotta admit, the whole needing Kyland to get up on the ledge, boat getting stuck, and then her oar floating away was a truly entertaining sequence hahaha.
  22. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Hahaha Wes is on a fucking roll. House of Villains, Worst Cooks in America and Traitors. Glad to see it!
    NJPunkMusic and stayillogical like this.
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  24. stayillogical

    Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo Prestigious

    Michele won a million dollars with Survivor, right? That's my only reasoning for not rooting for her. She's not an underdog as she presents herself on the Challenge. She won a lot of money on another show. So I was happy with Rachel and Jenny getting their well deserved cut.
    Freud likes this.
  25. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    I tried the cooking show premier episode, but it was badddd
    Freud likes this.
  26. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Yeah I think it was.....2016? I dunno if she's an underdog or just underrated or underestimated in the challenge because 1. She's CBS and/or 2. She's smaller than the other women but I'm glad she proved herself this season.

    It really was. Like REALLY. But I'll put it on as background noise for Wes and New York lol. Ik really glad he's getting to branch out beyond just MTV, he deserves the recognition. He knows how to put on for the camera too haha.
    NJPunkMusic likes this.
  27. Freud

    Immortals with no morals, and no hang ups Prestigious

    Oh no Michele saying CTa name hahahahaha. Of ALL the people she could've said.

    Pretty meh Part 1. Most of the stuff has been regurgitated on podcasts already but next week could have done funny moments it looks like.

    Put Amanda on House of Villains S3 like yesterday.
  28. NJPunkMusic

    Die rad.

    Need to watch reunion episode tonight, missed it last night.
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