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The Car Thread • Page 15

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by jorbjorb, Apr 5, 2016.

  1. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    thinking i'll get my motorcycle license this summer and buy a bike next summer once all my debt is paid off.

    however, i've already fallen in love with the Honda Monkey and i want it NOW.

    worst part is, i could very easily go to the bank and get approved for a loan (it's like 5K after all taxes and "fees") tomorrow and be happy as can be, but i don't want 5 more grand on my name.

    Ken, jorbjorb and Dog with a Blog like this.
  2. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    sending my old ass CR-V to the trade in lot
    Ken, Brent, jorbjorb and 1 other person like this.
  3. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious


    Did a thing today
  4. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    jorbjorb and GrantCloud like this.
  5. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Nope, an outlander sport! It’s weird having a new vehicle. I’ve had my old one for twelve years
    Ken likes this.
  6. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    Congratulations! Mitsubishis are nice!
    jorbjorb and GrantCloud like this.
  7. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    jorbjorb, Ken and GrantCloud like this.
  8. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Well my starter went out in my old car when I tried to go to work this morning, and a new starter/labor was gonna be 300 or so. I just kinda said fuck it (I keep putting money into this car every few months) and called my buddy who is a salesman asking him about some newer used cars they have on his lot. He told me about the Mitsubishi and I actually had rented one to drive to Wisconsin last month and loved how it drove. So I went in, test drove and started doing paperwork. So all in all, I only car shopped 12 hours today, haha.

    I am leasing over 5 years, but I’m gonna try and have it paid off in 4. But it has all new brakes, new tires, alignment. So I should be set for the foreseeable future.
    jorbjorb, marsupial jones and Ken like this.
  9. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    what a wild turn of events for one day lol.

    i'd much rather spend $250-$300 or so a month on a lease of a new(er) car then $250-$300 a month on an older car just to keep it up and running. (obviously not spending any money on a car would be best, but hey that's not realistic).

    enjoy! lucky it only took 12 hours to get it all set up and done.
    jorbjorb, Ken and GrantCloud like this.
  10. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yeah it was pretty stressful debating if I wanted to finance through my bank or dealership but I went with the dealership, they gave me a decent monthly payment and I figured to jump on it quickly
    jorbjorb and Ken like this.
  11. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    not sure how knowledgeable anyone in here is on insurance but i'm trying to figure out if my parents are full of shit and setting me up for fraud or not :crylaugh:

    • a car backed into my car, no noticeable damage but 1K in repairs needed if i want it fix
    • person who did it admitted fault and the insurance company approved the cost of repairs
    • they're sending me a check for the cost of the estimate to get my car "repaired"

    my parents are saying i can do whatever i want with this money because my car is 100% mine (it's all paid off, not a lease and nothing left on the loan) and that i don't need to use this money on the repair. i could go spend it at Six Flags or whatever the fuck.

    is that true? that sounds like fraud to me lol
    GrantCloud likes this.
  12. bobby_runs

    where would i be if i was my brain Prestigious

    I wouldn’t fuck with bumper hits. Just because there’s no noticeable damage doesn’t mean the car itself didn’t sustain it.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  13. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    I just got my front tires replaced like 3 months ago and one of them has a giant nail stuck in it, very cool
    Ken likes this.
  14. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    that's not fraud. what your parents are telling you is accurate. That damage might cost you when you go to sell/trade-in your vehicle though.
    marsupial jones likes this.
  15. tyramail

    Trusted Supporter

    Yes that’s true. I got a check for damage done to my car but it was purely cosmetic so I didn’t fix my car. I’d maybe just suggest having someone make sure yours is only cosmetic, unless you’re not worried about paying out of pocket later if something internally was wrong.
    marsupial jones likes this.
  16. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious


    i'd certainly like to use the money for other things (who wouldn't) but i feel like if i don't spend it to get the car "repaired" then karma is gonna come back and bite me in the ass :crylaugh: i'm planning on keeping this car for another 15 years or so, so as far as selling value i'm not concerned with that since i'm keeping this until 250,000 or until it just makes sense to get something new (currently 7 years old and 73k miles)

    (i did have my brother in law who knows cars better than anything else in his life look at it and he agreed it was just the front bumper - the car that hit my car was maybe going 5 mph)
    jorbjorb and Ken like this.
  17. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Got the tire with a screw replaced and the leak in the back one fixed all for $0, thanks Les Schwab
    jorbjorb, GrantCloud and Ken like this.
  18. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    A couple weeks into driving my new car, and goddamn I wish I upgraded sooner.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  19. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

  20. GrantCloud

    Prestigious Prestigious

    jorbjorb likes this.
  21. jorbjorb

    7 rings Prestigious

    GrantCloud likes this.
  22. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    so i spent the majority of that insurance check on things not related to getting my car fixed and sure enough, as i worried, karma seems to have entered my life.

    the speakers in my car (or something with all speaker functionality) went out today randomly while driving. the car is barely 7 years old and there was a loud buzz and a pop and then nothing. volume is ever even that loud so it's not like i destroyed them myself. stopped at a few different stores (so the car was off) and each time i started it up, still nothing.

    and my refrigerator seems to have broken in some capacity in my apartment as it leaks water everywhere. but at least i rent so that will be replaced free of charge.

    Fridge went yesterday, car stereo today and i spent most of the money yesterday. hmm. and not even on fun things! i put them toward bills!

    this is my life.
    Ken likes this.
  23. marsupial jones

    make a bagel without the hole Prestigious

    I just chipped a tooth this morning.

    Like, severely chipped a tooth to the point that I’ll need to go to the dentist to get it glued(?) together or whatever the hell they do there. And like a normal person, I hate the dentist.

    A great few days lol

    (Putting this here to avoid confusing people in other threads)
  24. midnightxtaylor


    Well, I knew my car wasn't going to last much longer (1995 with 247k miles and I had to check/refill fluids at least once a month), but I officially killed it in an accident on Monday :verysad:. I was ready to move on from that car, but I wanted to look for a new one on my terms, not in a hurry and while broke. Oh and recently my brother tried to get me to buy his old car for cheap, but I didn't like it and said no, so he sold it. Would have been nice right about now, sigh.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  25. midnightxtaylor


    Venting/actually looking for a little advice... so I've been without a car about a month and a half now and car shopping online daily to get an idea of what cars are going for and what I should be considering. I'm about 95% set on the XV Crosstrek (Mazda CX-3 is out of my price range) and I felt right in the two Crosstreks I test drove a few weeks ago.

    Found out I couldn't buy the first one because my loan works only up to 100k miles, so I tried to buy the second one for two hours at the dealership. The sales manger was the fucking worst stereotypical, scummy, misogynistic used car salesman I could imagine and would not budge on the price of $14,350 (well, he tried to lower it and then sneak random fees in to bring it back up). The Crosstrek has a small dent in the fender and a rock chip in the windshield, which he wouldn't fix either. I test drove it before it had been detailed, and it was clearly owned by someone who drove on a gravel road often and didn't clean the car much. The tires and brakes are also down to about 30%. So, not the most pristine car ever, but I didn't see anything major wrong. I left though, because I couldn't work with that guy.

    Last week, I noticed it's still for sale, only it's listed as $12,994! After we argued over a few hundred dollars for two hours. Still didn't go buy it. Today it's listed for $12,000. WTF. There are no other Crosstrek's listed that low with a clean title.

    Should I reconsider going to buy it? Or is this sales manager even shadier than I think and there's something really wrong here (he was insistent that the car was valued at $16k... I call bs)?

    Listing for reference