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The Batman (Matt Reeves, March 4, 2022) Movie • Page 15

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by airik625, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I haven't rewatched it but I loved TDKR when it came out and there's still few superhero movies I'd put on the same level as any of the Nolan trilogy. I feel like he did enough with Batman though and I'm happy he"s doing other things. Excited to finally see Dunkirk tomorrow.
    LightWithoutHeat and Ken like this.
  2. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I'm with Jason on this one. The only movie you listed that's even close to TDKR is Logan for me.
    LightWithoutHeat likes this.
  3. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Man, I'll believe The Batman is a thing when it is in theaters and someone confirms its existence.
    Davjs and Ken like this.
  4. quietwords

    RIP EmoPunkKid28: 2002-2016 Prestigious

    The Batman: Science Fiction (Matt Reeves, 20??)
  5. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    I would trade all future Batman movies for a good successor to The Animated Series.
    Ken likes this.
  6. Davjs


    Enjoy Dunkirk! I thought it was really good. I wasn't a fan of TDKR or Interstellar but I feel he is back with this one.

    Logan is clearly at the top of the game as far as super hero movies. I know I'm alone on this site with loving Man of Steel too.

    Days of Future Past I would argue is up there without a doubt. Re watch it all the time and the comedy, dramatic moments and action still hit every time. A story that complex with that many characters could have gone so wrong, but it never feels too much and is paced perfectly. Hard to believe that beautiful direction is the same guy who gave us Apocalypse lol.
    Ken likes this.
  7. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I occasionally watch the old ones on DVD. They're still fantastic.
    electro haikus likes this.
  8. Davjs


    Most of the Batman animated movies are great, then you have Beware the Batman, Young Justice and the new Justice League action which are all great too. JLA has just to feature an ep without Batman being the main point I don't think....
    electro haikus likes this.
  9. ^I love Man of Steel too ha. Pretty sure I still really love TDKR, but it's been a couple years since I've seen it.
    Davjs likes this.
  10. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    Yeah I'm very caught up on the animated flicks. I just want a continuous canon again.

    They really are. Also, for convenience's sake, they're on Prime Video. I picked up the Mask of the Phantasm blu ray today too
    Ken likes this.
  11. Davjs


    I don't think I have ever been so disappointed leaving the theater than I was with TDKR. After BB, TDK and Inception I had no doubt Nolan would do anything more than great and from the trailers my hype meter was through the roof.
  12. Shrek

    can't be made fun of Prestigious

    TDKR would jump at least a full point in my book if it weren't for the awful, awful bomb subplot. Great time otherwise.
    Ken likes this.
  13. Davjs


    That was very nice, esp since the canon ran through Superman, Beyond and then JL. I would be ok with that coming back too :-)
    electro haikus likes this.
  14. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    Bane is such a great villain. My biggest problem with the TDKR was the timing of the ending. Just too unrealistic.

    Oh fuck! They are?! Yes! Thank you! I'm watching tonight without a doubt.
    electro haikus likes this.
  15. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    TDKR is worlds better than most people give it credit for. Bane was great, probably Anne Hathaway's best performance, JGL. The only thing that bothers me in that movie is how they switched from Chicago to NYC and how noticable it is.
    Jason Tate and Ken like this.
  16. Ken

    entrusted Prestigious

    I think you mean Pittsburgh. Wasn't it Pittsburgh?
  17. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    The football scene was.
    Ken likes this.
  18. Davjs Aug 24, 2017
    (Last edited: Aug 24, 2017)


    JGL is a great actor. I felt like he was wasted in it. He really didn't have any effect on the story or had much to do though.

    Remember when JGL figured out Bruce was batman because 15 years ago he got the secret orphan wink that let him know?

    Gah, I can't go into this rabbit hole of pointing out how almost every single scene has something dumb in it. This movie gets all the credit it got because Nolan's name was attached and it is in the same canon as TDK.
  19. LightWithoutHeat

    You're not a teammate on my team

    A lot of the movie was filmed in Pittsburg.
    Ken likes this.
  20. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    There are flaws no doubt, but I still think it's a stronger film than most of the Marvel films.
    Jason Tate, Davjs and Ken like this.
  21. Davjs


    I dunno, I can literally find over ridiculous stuff in almost every scene of TDKR. Marvel films all feel the same to me, but at least they are all solid films.

    as a life long DC fan boy this kills me inside
  22. [removed]

    Trusted Prestigious

    Haha yeah I prefer DC too. It's weird, I feel like DC somewhere since Nolan started thinking serious and dark meant the same thing.
    Davjs likes this.
  23. Davjs


    Dark and Gritty is what every movie is described as during the pitch I feel like since TDK films lol.
  24. On one page praising Croc in Suicide Squad ... on the next ... being mad about a smart orphan.

    Sounds about right.
  25. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    TDKR is still pretty good. The weakest of the trilogy, but there are some really great pay offs from the first two movies. It truly closes that story in a great way. Always absolutely loved JGL rising on the platform and cutting to "The Dark Knight Rises". Simple, but effective.
    Ken, LightWithoutHeat and Jason Tate like this.